The commercial hand-book of chemical analysis; or, Practical instructions for the determination of the intrinsic or commercial value of substances used in manufactures, in trades, and in the artsLockwood & Company, 1875 - 528 páginas |
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Términos y frases comunes
acetic acid added adulterated alcohol alkaline alloy ammonia ammonium amount antimony arsenic arsenious acid ascertained barium beer blue boiling butter calcium carbonate of calcium carbonate of sodium carbonic acid caustic cent charcoal chloric acid chloride chloride of barium chromate cobalt colour contains copper crucible crystals cupel detected dilute dissolved distilled water dried drops employed ether excess filter filtrate flask flour fluid fused gallons glass grains grammes heat hydrochloric acid ignited impurities insoluble iron lime liquid liquor manganese mass matter mercury metal milk mixed mixture nickel nitrate of silver nitric acid obtained odour oxalate oxide peroxide platinum portion potash potassium poured powder present produced proportion protoxide pure residue residuum sal ammoniac sample small quantity soda soluble solution specific gravity spirit starch substances sugar sulphate sulphate of barium sulphate of lead sulphide sulphuretted hydrogen sulphuric acid temperature tube washed weighed whilst whole wine yellow zinc
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