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have made England what she is, the mistress of the seas and the possessor of the most widely extended colonial empire the world has known. It is our duty to keep alive the honourable traditions of the British Navy, in which the country takes a special pride, as the model and standard of those of other countries, and that one of our public institutions which the jealous foreigner, even the German, that Sir Oracle' of the Continent, cannot teach us how to better. We should not place too much confidence in that 'silver streak' of sea which divides us from nations who have in array millions of armed men, but, as Cymbeline's queen says, trust rather to the natural bravery of our isle' than to the accident of its standing

'As Neptune's park, ribb'd and paled in

With rocks unscalable and roaring water;

With sands that will not bear our enemies' boats
But suck them up to the topmast.'


April, 1881.

C. R. LOW.

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