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BY MARY DWINELL CHELLIS. "Marry that old man! Never! I'll starve first. He may foreclose the mortgage and turn us out doors as soon as he pleases to, but I will never be his wife, never!"

"Heavens and airth, child, who you talking about? You don't say Peter Greenleaf wants you for a wife, do you?"

"I don't say any thing about it, Aunt Jane. Where in the world did you come from? I am glad to see you, but I didn't know there was any body to hear me. Don't tell, Aunt Jane."

"I won't" replied the unexpected visitor.

"Don't you be afraid. I've kept a good many secrets in my day, and I'll keep yours. I come over this morning a purpose to talk with you and see if I couldn't help you. If I only had the money, I'd pay up that mortgage and done with it. Then, the old man might whistle. 'Spose your grandma'am could not help doin as she did, but 'twas a master pity."

"She would have paid part of it before now, if Regis hadn't been sick and the cow died. She talked about it only a few days before she died, and told me if she left us suddenly, I must do the best I could. She said there was a letter in the little bureau that would explain all about the mortgage, but I haven't wanted to read it yet. I can pay part of the interest by winter, but Mr. Greenleaf says he must have the whole, and I can't pay the whole."


"Well, child, don't give up. It's been awful discouragin' weather, dark days and heavy fogs, and every thing all damped through; but 'taint always goin to be so. We've got to have Indian Summer, yit. Your grandma'am was curous manager; else she'd never made so much out of five acres of pasture land and an old sheep barn. That was all there was here when she bought it, and now, there ain't no land in town that gives better crops; and there ain't no

house that's more comfortable. I've
wished a good many times, I had her
faculty; but I hain't, though I'm reck-
oned tolable for plannin'. "Where's

"At work for Mr. Beman."
"He's a smart boy."

"Yes, he is, and a good boy, too. If he was older we could do better."

"Yes, but he'll grow old fast enough. He's twelve and you're eighteen, and you two are left without a blood relation in the world nigher than a second cousin. That's what your grandma'am} told me the last time I see her 'fore she died so sudden. I can't make the way clear, all through, but don't you marry a man you don't want to. That's the worst thing a woman can do, and there's always a curse follows it. I married a poor man, and I ain't goin' to say he wa'nt shifless, for he was, and everybody knew it; but I loved him and he loved me, and so I could put up with his ways, though they wan't just what they ought to be. When John and I was together, we never felt as though we wished somebody else was in either of our places. I wouldn't advise you nor anybody else to marry a shifless man; but I did, and I never was sorry. Peter Greenleaf's wife didn't have a poor man nor a shifless man, but she had a harder time than I did; and I hope if he marries again, he'll get somebody that'll stand up for her rights. There he is, sure's you're alive, comin' over the hill.

Want me to git out of

"Perhaps it would be best, but please

don't leave the house."

"I won't, and don't you be afraid. Manage to make him say if the interest's paid, he'll wait for the rest. He thinks you'd make a purty piece of household furnitur, and some way he got a grudge against your gran'ma'am. I misdoubted how t'would turn out, when I knew she got the money of him; but the Lord reigns, and there can't nobody hinder his plans."

am not sure I understand fully about the mortgage. Please tell me the exact amount of your claim upon my estate, and the terms by which I can retain it.”

People wondered why Mrs. Bradshaw she had received from Aunt Jane. "I mortgaged her place, while she alone knew that to save her grand-children from their father she had sent him a stipulated sum of money, which might have purchased but temporary safety had not death claimed him and so relieved her of further anxiety.

In her thankfulness for this mercy she thought comparatively little of the obligation she had incurred, although her family arrangements were made with reference to the liquidation of the debt. She lived even more frugally than before; but sickness and other untoward events had made it impossible for her to do this. For three years not even the interest had been paid, and now the amount saved for this purpose was hardly sufficient to pay the funeral expenses. Elsie Dunlap found herself sole heir of an encumbered estate which, if sold under the hammer, would leave her penniless. She was energetic and capable. She possessed a strong will and much force of character; but, for the time she was nearly paralyzed by the sudden blow which had fallen upon her. Now, Aunt Jane's presence and homely counsel had done so much to reassure her, that she met Mr. Greenleaf with becoming dignity.

"My dear Elsie, how charmingly you are looking," he said blandly, "I could not deny myself the pleasure of coming early. I am to be out of town for a few days, and I thought it would be pleasant for us both to have everything definitely arranged between us. You will have no further trouble about the mortgage, and I-I shall have a fair and happy bride." "What do you mean," now asked the young girl, recovering from her surprise at his audacity.

"You know what I mean, my dear," he replied with a smirk, which was intended to be a smile. “I did not expect you to accept my proposal at once. Perhaps I should have thought you wanting in maidenly modesty, if you had; but now you have had time for consideration, and I am impatient for your final answer."

"I am too young to marry," she said hesitatingly, remembering the charge

"It is a waste of words, my dear, but I wish to please you;" and he proceeded to give her the desired information, even yielding to her request to make the statement in writing.

She read it, thanked him, and placed the paper in her pocket, saying: "I think I can pay the interest before the first of December; and if I do, I can still remain here."

In order to seall annoyance, see I have re

"If the taxes are paid. cure myself and save you I have paid them. You gard for your interests. You will give me the promise I desire, Elsie?" and he rose from the chair in which he was sitting, as though he would go nearer to her.

"What promise?" she asked, springing to her feet.

"The promise that you will be my wife. You shall have everything that heart can wish. I will surround you

with luxury and make your life a long holiday. As my wife, you will not need to work, or calculate how money is to be


"But your wife did work," responded Elsie with provoking coolness. "I have always heard that she worked hard and never had a cent of money to spend without being called to account for it. I am too independent for that."

What Peter Greenleaf thought my readers may imagine. What he said


"When my wife was living, I was a poorer man than I am now. She was a worthy woman, but we were not altogether congenial. In a second marriage I should hope to realize what was denied me in the first."

There was an expression of scorn upon the rosy lips of Elsie Dunlap, and a flashing of the dark eyes which boded ill to her suitor.

"Have a care, my dear," he said in well modulated tones. "You have other debts and other debtors. I must be your husband or your enemy. You can choose

which it shall be, but I shall not take your answer now. I never yield when I have reached a decision. Think of Regis. Can you bear to be separated from him?" He was gone, but before she had time to think of Regis, Aunt Jane appeared, and watching him as he rode away, expressed her satisfaction with what had transpired.

"You done well," she said heartily. "He didn't know you had a witness hid away, but when he began to talk, I give the bed room door a hitch, so I could see him, and hear all he said, too. I've faith the interest'll be paid somehow, and he's promised to wait for the rest. But about them taxes and debts. I'll find out. He'd scare some girls into marryin' him. He's got most everybody in town under his thumb, except Aunt Jane and the minister and Cam Bassett. He come pretty near getting a hitch on my house, but he just missed it. I'll see, I'll see. Don't give up. He won't be back to-day nor to-morrer."

"I hope not. Jane."

"Now, if you'll pray for light, and ways and means, 'twill be your share, and I'll see what I can do. If you had money, I know you'd give it, but there ain't nothing required of folks more'n they've got. Pray hard, for it's a rough place to pull over when Peter Greenleaf's hitched on his oxen to pull tother way." "Stay to dinner and perhaps some light will shine upon the darkness," said the minister, pleasantly, as his companion turned to leave him.

"No, thank you, that an't the way light's comin', and I've got my dinner waitin' to home."

That day Elsie Dunlap read the letter of which her grandmother had told her, and from it learned much she had not before known; much, too, which grieved and saddened her.

"If I leave you with the mortgage unpaid you must do the best you can. I can not advise you, only don't trust Mr. Greenleaf, and don't let Regis go away from you. If the worst comes, perhaps Don't go now, Aunt Aunt Jane will take you in, and you can manage to feed and clothe yourselves. But don't trust Peter Greenleaf. obliged to go to him for money, but you will be under no such necessity."

"I must, child. I've got a message for the minister, though I must look round 'fore I see him. Good bye."

Then was Elsie's hour of weakness, and she wept despairingly. She seemed hedged in on every side. She was in the power of a merciless man, and yet he professed to love her; promised to provide for her brother and relieve her of all care. Others had sacrificed themselves and still lived on. Driven from their home, where could they go? She could earn a little by knitting and sewing; Regis could earn a little more; but there was the mortgage.

I was

These were the closing paragraphs of a letter which had for her the authority of a voice from the dead, and she repeated the declaration made in the opening of my story. Early in the evening, Regis came, tired, but so glad to be at home that he soon forgot his fatigue.

"How much money have we got?" he asked looking up into his sister's face." "Not a dollar," she replied.

"I shall have a dollar to-morrow night, so there'll be one in the house, and we must keep it till we get a mate to it. We've got lots of potatoes and corn, and hay enough to keep the cow, so we shan't starve if we don't buy any thing

"What's goin' to be done for them Dunlap children?" asked Aunt Jane abruptly, when she found the minister standing by the parsonage gate. "I heard they were provided for by at the store; and you can mend up my Mr. Greenleaf."

"There ain't no truth in that, Mr. Eldridge. I know all about it, and I'll tell you. I had it first hand, too, so there won't be no mistake."

The minister listened patiently, uttering now and then an ejaculation of surprise or indignation.

clothes so they'll last. Then we can sell the pig and some chickens, and a tub of butter, and that'll bring some money. We must pay up the mortgage. Mrs. Beman says Mr. Greenleaf wants you to marry him,and I told her you just wouldn't do it, will you?"

"No, I will not."

"There, I knew you wouldn't, for all she said there wan't many poor girls that had such a chance. We don't care if we are poor, do we?"

"We will try not to care. Now tell me what you have been doing to-day, and what company you have had."

"I didn't have anybody but Cam Bassett to work with me, and he didn't talk much, though he worked like a house-afire. He's growing handsome and I like him. He said grandmother was his best friend. I didn't know that before, did you?"

"No, indeed, but she was a friend to every one. I am glad he remembers her kindly." "So am I. After dinner, he asked me if I thought you'd ever marry Mr. Greenleaf,and I told him I knew you wouldn't, any sooner than you'd marry him, and I guessed not half so soon."

"Why, Regis ;" and a blush suffused the sister's cheek, which he did not see. Mr. Eldridge had fulfilled his promise to pray for his young parishioners, and waited for some token that his prayers had been heard, when Cameron Bassett was shown into his study.

"I don't see you very often," he said, in a tone which expressed the surprise he felt at receiving so unexpected a visit."

"No, sir, but I thought 'twas right for me to come, because I could trust you not to tell."

"Not to tell what, my young friend?" After looking a moment into the clergyman's face, as if to assure himself that his confidence was not misplaced, the visitor proceeded to make known his business with a straight-forward earnestnestness one could hardly have believed possible to him.

Five years before he had drifted into the quiet country town, a poor, ignorant boy. Since then, he had done the hardest, coarsest work uncomplainingly, yet always stipulating for wages which were so faithfully earned, that they could not be refused. He was kind and obliging, but few thought of him except when present, and then only as of a servant.

"I don't know why I came here, only I happened to," he said in reply to a

question asked by Mr. Eldridge. "I followed the river, and when I got opposite Mrs. Bradshaw's, I was so hungry, I went up to the house and asked her to give me something to eat and let me work and pay for it. She did, and talked to me besides, and the talk was better than the bread and milk. She told me what I could do if I tried, and I've tried ever since. I couldn't go to school and meeting like other boys, but I've done the best I knew how. I've saved some money, and I want you to take it and pay Mr. Greenleaf on that mortgage as far as 'twill go, until I can earn some more to finish up. Will you do it, sir?"

"I am not sure that I ought to. You need this money for yourself. You saved it for a special purpose."

"Yes, sir, I saved it to buy a piece of land, but I can wait for that, I ain't too old to start again."

"But Elsie might object to your doing


"I'm afraid she would, but you see, she ain't to know it. That's why I come to you, because I thought you wouldn't tell. They've all done me more than that worth good. I don't think I'd ever had the money but for what Mrs. Bradshaw said to me; so in a way, it belongs to her, and that mortgage must be paid. It must, Mr. Eldridge."

"It shall be paid, every dollar of it. I will try to raise what is lacking of the full amount and consider you my debtor for the balance."

"Yes, sir, do, and I will bring you the money as fast as I earn it. You can trust me. I always do as I say."

"I believe you, and shall be glad to see you, even if you have no money to bring."

"Thank you," and as the young man thus acknowledged the courtesy of his host, his eyes wandered to a plain book case filled to overflowing.

"Do you care for books?" was asked. "Yes,sir, more than I care for anything else. When I came here, I only knew the letters, but I've learned since."

"What have you learned?"

"All I could. I bought an old arithmetic and I've been through it. It was hard work; but I kept at it, till I fin

ished up every sum. I bought a grammar, too, and a geography."

"Have you studied alone?"

"Yes. sir, there wan't any other way for me."

"Do you read books ?"

“Yes, sir, all I can get; and Cameron Bassett forgot his usual reserve, as he was led to speak of the hopes and desires which had made him what he was. "You see, sir, I had it all to do myself, except what Mrs. Bradshaw helped me. She didn't know how much I owed her. I never told her. I meant to, but I didn't. When she died I was sorry I hadn't. wish she knew."


"Perhaps she does know. God knows, Do

and he is the one most interested. you read the Bible?"

"Yes, sir, the first book I ever read was a Testament Mrs. Bradshaw gave me. She said 'twas best of all."

"But you have never come to hear the preaching and praying and singing Sundays."

"No, sir, perhaps I don't rightly understand about it. Sunday was my resting and studying day, and there didn't anybody ask me to go to meeting."

"May God forgive us," ejaculated the clergyman fervently. "Let me help you now. You are welcome to the use of any of my books, and I shall be glad to give you any assistance in my power. What books have you read?"

"I've read about Hugh Miller, and I thought I had as good a chance for learning as he had."

You have, and I hope you will be as grand and famous as he was."

"I don't expect that. He had more that belonged to him;" and the young man tapped his forehead with his finger. "But I'll do what I can. If you'll allow me to take a book, I will, sir."

counted also the cost at which he could supply the amount required to balance the mortgage. He must wear a threadbare coat still longer, and deny himself the purchase of some much coveted books; yet he did not regret his decision. The next day Aunt Jane appeared bringing her small hoard which, however, was not needed.

"Then I'll lend it to Elsie to pay up on the taxes, and she can make out the money to pay me back fore winter's through," ," said the good woman, joyously. "It's all come round just right. But you hain't told me how you got the money to pay up the mortgage, nor how you calkerlate it's goin' to be paid back."

"I have made no calculations in regard to that, and you must excuse me if I decline telling you anything further about it."

"I will; and on [the whole I don't want you to. I'll just think the Lord done it, and thank him for my ignorance. There's good things happenin' all round. I'm goin' to have somebody to be in the house with me nights this winter, so 'twill seem more like livin', and then there'll be somebody to do for. I guess my neighbors'll come in for a share of help. There's helpful and on-helpful times, Mr. Eldridge, and it's likely to me we've had on-helpful ones long enough for just now. Peter Greenleaf's gone, so you'll have to wait for him to come back; but there won't be no harm done while he's gone. He's missed his calculations once."

Possibly he feared this; for he remained away but two days, and on his return went directly to the cottage of Elsie Dunlap, fully resolved not to leave it until he had obtained her promise to marry him the following week. He was not to be thwarted by a young girl's caprice, and, moreover, he fancied that he really loved his fair debtor. He carried with him a gift, which it is but justice to say would have propitiated many disposed to be unrelenting; yet he experienced some embarrassment when he found himself in

A book was selected, a few parting words exchanged; and Mr. Eldridge sat down to reflect upon the strange occurrences of the day. He was both depressed and encouraged; while he felt condemned for his neglect of one whom another had remembered. He counted again the money left in his keeping; her presence.


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