Imágenes de páginas

The difcourfes on discontent, on the crime and punishment of the Jewish nation, on friendship, and on parental duty, are particularly valuable. From each of the two latter, we shall felect a fpecimen.

Speaking of a fretful, peevish, temper as inimical to friendfhip, Mr. W. obferves,

It is not easy to fay, how a temper fo abhorrent to all the fociability and friendlinefs of man can infinuate itself into the heart of man; but life is pregnant with examples of it, and examples, which ardently defire to be beloved, and bitterly complain of difappointed hopes and wishes in the objects of their love and friendlinefs. Perhaps, where it does not proceed from a fullen felfishness, from an unfympathifing fpirit; it may generally owe its birth and growth to an excess of care and anxiety; in fome inftances, to too delicate and faftidious feelings; and, what may feem ftrange, in a few, to even an excefs of tenderness and love. An undue attachment to any one object fo weds the heart to this fingle object, fo magnifies the importance of it, fo inflames, and gives fuch a corroding anxiety to our hopes, that we live for no other object; we lofe the relifh for the thousand pleafantries of life; we fear an enemy in every thing around us, in the ordinary occurrences of life; the chearful tone of the mind is gone; and, with all the defire of joy and happiness, joy and happiness hide themselves from us, as if they fled, from our prefence. An over-anxious attachment to children has robbed many a parent of all the affections of their children; and many a one has driven away a friend by an over-nice delicacy and jealous attention to the punctilios of friend fhip. All the benevolent charities of life love to breathe a free, unrestrained, and pleasant air; their natural food is good-humour and chearfulnefs, which the peevish, the fretful, and difcontented man has not to give.

As the difeafe arifes from fuffering the affections to be narrowed and contracted to one or a few objects, fo there is no cure to be expected but from the enlargement of the foul; we must fet limits to the attachment which has monopolifed us, by counteracting its influence, by throwing open the heart anew to the ten thousand agreeable objects with which God has been pleafed to enrich his world. We muft lay ourselves out to find the agreeable and the good in many ways, as well as one; and by indulging to the diverfified charities, bring back good temper and chearfulness to the mind. This cure is hard in truth to be effected, fuch is the fullen obftinacy of the difeafe; but it is poffible to him who will attempt it; while the reprefentation of the ill is at least of ufe to thofe, whom it has not invaded. It fhews the neceffity of not fuffering our hearts to be stolen away by one ufurping object from all the other allowable good and comfort which the Creator has been pleased to fpread before man. He, who gives way to this unhappy fpirit, will foon lofe every friend whom he has acquired in his better days, and never know the happiness of gaining a new one.'

On the general subject of education, he discourses thus:

• Many

Many have only narrow and contracted views of the importance of the parental character; they contemplate it only in the interested relation which attaches them to their offspring, and fubferving the defigns of Providence in obeying the inflinct which it has given them--they view not the wide range of public good to which Providence defigns the individual acting of every parent to minister. In a wife education, whether we have it in view or not, we are dóing the best service to our country and to human kind. For the ultimate end of all our attention to our children is to fit them for acting their part on the great theatre of the world with credit to themselves, and fatisfaction to their fellows; to answer to the demands of every relation in which they may ftand; to do the duties of a virtuous citizen, to fuftain the honour of human nature.— Without fome pains to cultivate the minds of the young, to feafon them with the principles, and practise them in the habits of wisdom and found morality, what is to be expected from them but ignorance and profligacy? which, though it may not immediately appear in the form of an unpolished barbarifm, yet is capable of greater enormities, of a more unprincipled conduct; and, by diffolving all the bonds by which a well-civilized community is held together, ends at length in the very rudeness and barbarifm of our favage ancestors, from which we think ourselves to be the beft fecured. The selfish diffipation which diffufes itfelf through a luxurious community, appears as its laft character, in the horrid form of indifference to children; and thus every fucceeding generation becomes worfe than the preceding, till ignorance, as well as vice predominates; and then all traces of the manly and Chriftian character are done away; the love of country, with all its generous train of virtues, appears no more on the active ftage; and all the fountains of human happiness, and all the fublimer ends of human life are annihilated.'

Capacity both for knowledge, virtue and happiness is the gift of God; Education, Habit, Excrcife bring forth this capacity; and conftitute all the difference that is found between man and man. However rich the foil, without culture, it is luxuriant only in weeds. The inequality which appears fo ftriking in the characters of men, is more owing to education than to any natural difference; at leaft with refpect to moral character, which is the great object that I have in view. I never yet beheld that mind, as it comes from the band of its Creator, which the management of the parent might not train to virtue, and to usefulness; and even in the view of mere knowledge and wildom, the difference which education produces is vaft and astonishing. It is this which opens and illumines the haman mind, which enlarges and ftrengthens all its natural powers; which, fetting it as it were on a rifing ground, gives it the moft extenfive and commanding view of the world of God, of human life, and of human nature. This unlocks all its fecret treasures; brings into exercife all its native force and dormant virtue; and, compared with the untutored and uncivilifed mind, exhibits it like a God. In fine, it is education that works fo many wonders in man; that polifhes our manners, ftamps a worth and dignity on our views, forms to wife and good conduct, leads to happiness, and conftitutes


the grand difference in the human fpecies. The wild Indian, the rude Tartar, and the grofs African have the fame erect gait, the fame commodious form, the fame fenfes, and most probably the fame capacities of mind with the exalted European; but how low in the fcale of humanity has the want of instruction and inftitution placed them? In every thing which is the true glory of man, in the ufeful and elegant arts of life, in the protecting forms of civil polity, in the intercourfes of focial life, in the higher walks of virtue and religion, they appear not as creatures of the fame fpecies; we hardly own them as fellows. If then you wish your children to come forward into life in the higher ftyle of human nature; to be, in all grace and dignity and ufefulness of character, the European, the Briton, the Chriftian; to pafs from a life of honour here to a life of exalted reward hereafter; be all the parent to them, in inftruction, difcipline, example; and as you have not betrayed the moft glorious truft which the Creator can confide into your hands, you may go into the prefence of your Lord, and wait his audit, with the virtuous hope of his approbation.-Well done! good and faithful fervant; thou haft been faithful over the charge which I committed to thy care, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.'

Mr. W. has fome claim, in thefe heretical days, to the honour of orthodoxy: for he is an advocate for the doctrines of immediate divine influence, and of the pre-existence of Chrift.



For NOVEMBER, 1790.


Art. 18. Free Thoughts on Liberty, and the Revolution in France. By the Author of a Letter to Earl Stanhope, on the Teft. 8vo. Is. pp. 55. Rivingtons. 1790.

THE author of the Free Thoughts' is not a very free thinker.

He is an inveterate enemy to the French revolution, though he earneftly profeffes to be a fincere friend to free and equitable government, fuch as we Britons, at this time, happily enjoy. Some of his readers, however, may poffibly imagine, that he would willingly indulge no other people in fo great a blefling. Our neighbours, the French, it should feem, he would deem to eternal slavery, for no other reason, that we can conceive, but because they have been already fo long enflaved. To that delightful state he wishes them to return as fpeedily as poffible. Hatten,' (he exhorts them,) to reflore and furrender yourfelves to the conftitution you have destroyed. Harafs yourfelves no more with dreams of liberty; for liberty, were you to be put in poffeffion of it, you would not know what to do with.' Never fear-they will learn.

Though the well-wishers to the arduous attempt of the French to emancipate themselves from the horrors of defpotifm, will, pro


bably, confider this writer merely as a flaming English Tory, whofe zeal for the "right divine of kings to govern wrong," has carried him to extravagant lengths in maintaining the notions which he has imbibed, yet we must observe, in juftice to his abilities as a writer, that we think him an able advocate, in a cause which, after all, we are forry to fee an Englishman [if fuch he be] engaged to defend. Eftablishments, of whatever kind, feem, with him, to be facred and unalterable things: but, furely, the fooner a wicked establishment is reformed, the better!-and fo thought our brave and worthy forefathers. - Had they not fo deemed, it is more than probable that we should not, at this day, have enjoyed, as we happily do, the inestimable benefits of thofe great and providential NATIONAL DELIVERANCES, the REFORMATION, and the REVOLUTION!-for which, however, it must be confeffed, too many among us, at this day, do not appear to be fufficiently grateful.


Art. 19. An Elucidation of the Articles of Impeachment preferred by the laft Parliament against Warren Haftings, Efq. late Governor General of Bengal. By Ralph Broome, Efq. Captain in the Service of the East India Company on the Bengal Establishment, and Perfian Tranflator to the Army on the Frontier Station, during Part of the late War in India. 8vo. pp. 255. 5s. Boards. Stockdale. 1790.

If a traveller happens to be misled and benighted in a forest, he will, with great pleasure, accept any offers of affiftance to conduct him into the right and plain road. Thus, when the laboured and declamatory charges involved in a late fingular impeachment, have confounded and benighted our conceptions, we are happy to meet with a guide well informed in Oriental laws, Mohammedan manners, and British tranfactions in Hindoftan; who, by carefully fifting and winnowing the accufations, can reduce the contents of folios into one reasonable octavo volume. This very reduction is alone a strong recommendation of the prefent work; because, whether we fubfcribe to the conclufions offered to us, or not, the subject is, at leaft, fimplified, and brought within comprehenfion. We have read it with great fatisfaction, and think Capt. Broome the most clear and acute writer that has addreffed the public on this artfully embarraffed profecution: in this light, we fcruple not to recommend thefe ELUCIDATIONS to all who wish to have their bewilder◄ ed ideas affifted, in coming to fome fatisfactory iffae, with refpect to tranfactions the most extraordinary in their nature, and of the utmost importance to the public.

** It is to the pen of this ingenioas writer, that the world stands indebted for the celebrated Letters of Simkin, to his dear Brother in Wales," See Review, vol. lxxxi. p. 219, 340.

Although we have been charged with having enlifted in the Bengal Squad," (fee our CORRESPONDENCE, in the last page of

* That fuch things have been, to say nothing of what are, all Hiftory cries aloud, through all her pages.


our Review for O&tober, 1790,) such abfurd and groundless accufations fhall never deter us from freely delivering our real opinion on the merits of every publication, on either fide, in whatever controverfy that fhall, at any time, claim the attention of our readers.


Art. 20. The Trial at large of George Barrington, at the Seffionshouse in the Old Bailey, for robbing Henry Townsend, Efq; at Enfield Races. By E. Hodgfon, Short-hand Writer to the Old Bailey. 8vo, 1s. Symonds. 1790.

This celebrated and very ingenious thief was, on the above-mentioned occafion, convicted; but unfortunately, perhaps, for the public, the indictment did not reach his life. His fentence, we underftand, but it is not here recorded, was tranfportation for seven years. So gentlemen, at the expiration of that term, remember to take care of your pockets !—A print of Barrington is here prefixed. Art. 21. Reports of Cafes argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, in Michaelmas Term, 1789, and Hilary Term, 1790. By Henry Blackstone, Efq; of the Middle Temple. Part IV. Fol. 5s. fewed. Whieldon.

Art. zz. The foregoing Work, Part V. including Eafter and Trinity Terms, 1790. Fol. 7s. 6d. fewed. Whieldon.

Having briefly announced Mr. Blackstone's plan, in p. 360 of our 80th volume, and there expreffed our good opinion of his abilities for the undertaking, nothing farther is neceffary, on the prefent occafion, than merely to inform our readers, that the work proceeds with due encouragement; as appears from the publication of the two Numbers above mentioned.


Art. 23. Elays on fashionable Difeafes; the dangerous Effects of hot and crowded Rooms; the Cloathing of Invalids; Lady and Gentlemen Doctors; and on Quacks and Quackery: with the genuine Patent Prefcriptions of Dr. James's Fever Powder, Tickell's Etherial Spirit, and Godbold's Balfam, taken from the Rolls in Chancery, and under the Seal of the proper Officers; and alfo the Ingredients and Compofition of many of the most celebrated Quack Noftrums, as analyfed by feveral of the best Chemifts in Europe. By James M. Adair, formerly M. D. Member of the Royal Medical Society, Fellow of the Royal College of Phyficians of Edinburgh; Phyfician to the Commander in Chief of the Leeward Islands, and to the Colonial Troops, and one of the Judges of the Courts of King's-bench and Common-Pleas in the Iland of Antigua. With a Dedication to Philip Thickneffe, Cenfor General of Great Britain, Profeffor of Empiricifm, &c. By Benjamin Goofequill and Peter Paragraph, 8vo. pp. 260. 3s. 64. Boards. Bateman.

To this long and defultory title we have nothing to add, excepting our opinion, that the good things, which are contained in the book, are more than counterbalanced by the quantity of useless and extraneous matter.


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