Juft precepts thus from great examples giv❜n, She drew from them what they deriv'd from Heav'n. The gen'rous Critic fann'd the Poet's fire, 100 And taught the world with reason to admire. 110 Some VER. 98. Just precepts] Nec enim artibus editis factum eft ut argumenta inveniremus, fed dicta funt omnia antequam præciperentur; mox ea fcriptores obfervata et colleta ediderunt. Quintil. P. VER. 112. Some on the leaves-Some drily plain. ] The firft, the Apes of those Italian Critics, who at the restoration of letters having found the claffic writers miferably mangled by the hands of monkish Librarians, very commendably employed their pains and talents in restoring them to their native purity. The fecond, the plagiaries from the French, who had made fome admirable Commentaries on the ancient critics. But that acumen and tafe, which feparately conftitute the diftinct value "of thofe two fpecies of foreign Criticifm, make no part of the character of these paltry mimics at home, defcribed by our Poet in the following lines, Thefe leave the fenfe, their learning to display, Which fpecies is the leaft hurtful, the Poet has enabled us Some drily plain, without invention's aid, 115 You then whofe judgment the right course would fteer, 120 Know well each ANCIENT's proper character; bring, And trace the Mufes upward to their spring. 125 Still us to determine in the lines with which he opens his poem, But of the two lefs dang'rous is th' offence To tire our patience than mislead our sense. From whence we conclude, that the reverend Mr. Upton was much more innocently employed when he quibbled upon Epictetus, than when he commented upon Shakefpear. VARIATIONS. VER. 123. Cavil you may, but never criticize.] The author after this verse originally inferted the following, which he has however omitted in all the editions: Zoilus, had these been known, without a name Had dy'd, and Perault ne'er been damn'd to fame; P. 131 Still with itself compar'd, his text perufe ; Some beauties yet no Precepts can declare, } 140 Are nameless graces which no methods teach, If, VER. 130. When firft young Maro, etc.] Virg. Eclog. vi. Cum canerem reges et prælia, Cynthius aurem Vellit. It is a tradition preferved by Servius, that Virgil began with writing a poem of the Alban and Roman affairs; which he found above his years, and defcended first to imitate Theocritus on rural fubjects, and afterwards to copy Homer in Heroic poetry. P. VER. 130. VARIATIONS. When firft young Maro fung of Kings and Wars, If, where the rules not far enough extend, (Since rules were made but to promote their end) Some lucky Licence anfwer to the full ; 97 150 155 } Th' intent propos'd, that Licence is a rule. Thus Pegasus, a nearer way to take, May boldly deviate from the common track ; From vulgar bounds with brave diforder part, And fnatch a grace beyond the reach of art, Which without paffing thro' the judgment, gains The heart, and all its end at once attains. In profpects thus, fome objects please our eyes, Which out of nature's common order rise, The shapeless rock, or hanging precipice. Great Wits fometimes may gloriously offend, And rife to faults true Critics dare not mend. But tho' the Ancients thus their rules invade, (As Kings dispense with laws themselves have made) Moderns, beware! or if you must offend Against the precept, ne'er tranfgrefs its End; Let it be feldom, and compell'd by need; And have, at least, their precedent to plead. The Critic elfe proceeds without remorse, Seizes your fame, and puts his laws in force. 160 165 I know there are, to whofe prefumptuous thoughts Those freer beauties, ev'n in them, feem faults. 170 Some VER. 146. If, where the rules, etc.] Neque enim rogationibus plebifve fcitis fancta funt ifta Præcepta, fed hoc, quicquid eft, Utilitas excogitavit. Non negabo autem fic utile effe plerumque; verum fi eadem illa nobis aliud fuadebit Utilitas, hanc, relictis magiftrorum autoritatibus, fequemur. Quintil. lib. ii. cap. 13. P. Some figures monftrous and mis-shap'd appear, 175 Which, but proportion'd to their light, or place, 180 See, from each clime the learn'd their incense bring! Hear, in all tongues confenting Pæans ring! 185 In praise so just let ev'ry voice be join'd, And fill the gen'ral chorus of mankind. Hail, VER. 175. A prudent chief, etc.] Olov Ti woan of φρόνιμοι τρατηλάτα κατὰ τὰς τάξεις τῶν τρατευμάτων — Dion. Hal. De ftruct. orat. VER. 180. Nor is it Homer nods, but we that dream.] Modefte, et circumfpecto judicio de tantis viris pronunciandum eft, ne (quod plerifque accidit) damnent quod non intelligunt. Ac fi neceffe eft in alteram errare partem, omnia eorum legentibus placere, quam multa difplicere maluerim. Quint. P. VER. 183. Secure from flames, from envy's fiercer rage, Deftructive war, and all-involving age.] The Poet here alludes to the four great caufes of the ravage amongst ancient writings: The deftruction of the Alexandrine and Palatine libraries by fire; the fiercer rage of Zoilus and Mavius and their followers against Wit; the irruption of the Barbarians into the empire; and the long reign of Ignorance and Superftition in the cloisters. |