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" His back against a rock he bore, And firmly placed his foot before : — "Come one, come all ! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I. "
Lady of the Lake - Página 109
por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginas
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volumen16

1810 - 538 páginas
.... - t The life-blood thrilled with sudden start, He mann'd himself with dauntless air, Returned die Chief his haughty stare, His back against a rock he...foot before : — " Come one, come all ! this rock (.hall fly From its firm base as soon as I. " — Sir Roderick marked — and in his eyes Respect was...
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The Lady of the Lake: A Poem

Walter Scott - 1810 - 456 páginas
...Though to his heart The life-blood thrilled with sudden start, He mann'd himself with dauntless air, Returned the Chief his haughty stare, His back against...this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I." — Sir Roderick marked — and in his eyes Respect was mingled with surprise, And the stern joy which...
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The Eclectic review. vol. 1-New [8th], Volumen6,Parte2

1810 - 590 páginas
...though to his heart The life blood thrilled with sudden start, He manned himself with dauntless air. Returned the- chief his haughty stare, His back against...: " Come one, come all ! this rock shall fly From itt firm base as soon as I." Sir Roderick ii charmed with the bravery of his fee, and repeating his...
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The British Critic, and Quarterly Theological Review, Volumen36

1811 - 708 páginas
...ftaçt, He mann'd himfelf with daimtlefs air, Returned the Chief his haughty {Цге, His back ag.-iinll a rock he bore, And firmly placed his foot before : • Come one, come all ! this rork ¡hall fly From its firm bafe as foon as I.' Sir Roderick marked — .tnd in his eyes, Refpeft...
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The British Critic: A New Review, Volumen36

1811 - 710 páginas
...ftart, He mann'd himfelf with dauntlefs air, Returned the Chief his haughty ftarc, His back againft a rock he bore, And firmly placed his foot before : ' Come one, come all ! this rork (hall fly From its firm bafe as foon as I.' Sir Roderick marked — and in his eyes, , • ._...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volumen99

1866 - 830 páginas
...justified. She could now set her back against her rock, and face her assailants, as Fitz-James did. " Come one, come all, this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I," might have been her utterance ; but she was not in a defiant mood. She kissed all her counsellors that...
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The poetical works of Walter Scott, Volumen6

sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1820 - 284 páginas
...his heart The life-blood thrill'd with sudden start, He mann'd himself with dauntless air, Return'd the Chief his haughty stare, His back against a rock...bore* And firmly placed his foot before :— " Come one,*come all! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I."— Sir Roderick mark'd—and in...
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The London Magazine, Volumen9

1824 - 706 páginas
...though to his heart The life-blood thrilled with sudden start, He manned himself with dauntless air, Returned the chief his haughty stare, His back against a rock he bore, And firmly placed his tout before, &c. C. 6. Quel Paladin, di che ti vai yantando Son io! ............ Ferran non perde per...
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Historical and Literary Tour of a Foreigner in England and Scotland, Volumen2

Amédée Pichot - 1825 - 510 páginas
...his heart The life-blood thrill'd with sudden start, He mann'd himself with dauntless air, Return'd the Chief his haughty stare, His back against a rock...come all ! this rock shall fly From its firm base as toon as I.' — Sir Roderick mark'd — and in his eyes Respect was mingled with surprise, And the...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: Complete in One Volume

Walter Scott - 1827 - 678 páginas
...air, Hcturn d the chief his haughty stare, His back againsl a rock lie bore. And firmly placed bis foot before: — « Come one, come all! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I.» Sir Roderick inark'rl— and in his eyes Respecl was mingled with surprise, And llic stern joy which...
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