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Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley Papers. Edited by W. H. HUDSON. Cloth
232 pages. Nine full-page illustrations and two maps. 35 cents.
Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America. Edited by A. J. GEORGE,
Master in the Newton (Mass.) High School. Cloth. 119 pages.
Carlyle's Essay on Burns. Edited, with introduction and notes, by ANDREW J.

GEORGE. Cloth. 159 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.

20 cents.

Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Edited by ANDREW J. GEORGE.

Cloth. 96 pages. Illustrated.

20 cents.

Cooper's Last of the Mohicans. Edited by J. G. WIGHT, Principal Girls' High
School, New York City. Cloth. Illustrated. 659 pages. 50 cents.

De Quincey's Flight of a Tartar Tribe. Edited by G. A. WAUCHOPE, Pro-
fessor in the University of South Carolina. Cloth. 112 pages. 25 cents.

Dryden's Palamon and Arcite.
in Colgate University. Cloth.
George Eliot's Silas Marner.
University of South Carolina.

Edited by WILLIAM H. Crawshaw, Professor
158 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.
Edited by G. A. WAUCHOPE, Professor in the
Cloth. 288 pages. Illustrated. 35 cents.

Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. With introduction and notes by W. H. HUD-
SON. Cloth. 300 pages. Seventeen illustrations by C. E. Brock. 50 cents.
Irving's Life of Goldsmith. Edited by H. E. COBLENTZ, South Division High
School, Milwaukee. Cloth. 328 pages. Maps and illustrations. 35 cents.
Macaulay's Essay on Milton. Edited by ALBERT PERRY WALKER, Master in
the English High School, Boston. Cloth. 146 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.
Macaulay's Essay on Addison. Edited by ALBERT PERRY WALKER. Cloth.
192 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.

Macaulay's Life of Johnson. Edited by ALBERT PERRY WALKER. Cloth. 122
pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.

Milton's Paradise Lost. Books i and ii. Edited by ALBERT PERRY WALKER.
Cloth. 188 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.

Milton's Minor Poems. Edited by ALBERT PERRY WALKER. Cloth. 190
pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.

Pope's Translation of the Iliad. Books i, vi, xxii, and xxiv. Edited by PAUL
SHOREY, Professor in the Univ. of Chicago. Cloth. 174 pages. Illus. 25 cents.
Scott's Ivanhoe. Edited by PORTER LANDER MACCLINTOCK. Cloth. 556 pages.
Seventeen full-page illustrations by C. E. Brock. 50 cents.

Scott's Lady of the Lake. Edited by L. DUPONT SYLE, Professor in the Uni-
versity of California. Cloth. 216 pages. Illus. and map. 35 cents.

Shakespeare. See the Arden Shakespeare. Per vol., 25 cents.
Tennyson's Enoch Arden, and the two Locksley Halls. Edited by CALVIN S.
BROWN, University of Colorado. Cloth. 168 pages. 25 cents.
Tennyson's Idylls of the King. Four idylls, edited by ARTHUR BEATTY, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin. Cloth. 190 pages. Illus. and map. 25 cents.
Tennyson's The Princess. With introduction and notes by ANDREW J. GEORGE.
Cloth. 148 pages. Illustrated. 25 cents.

Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration. With introduction and notes by ANDREW
J. GEORGE. Cloth. 55 pages. 20 cents.

D. C. HEATH & CO., Boston, New York, Chicago



Books I and II, with Selections from III, IV, VI, VII and X. The editor has discarded notes on individual words or expressions, and embodied the information needed in an Introduction treating the popular, scientific, religious, and mythological conceptions of the seventeenth century as they appear in Milton's poems. In interpreting different passages, the pupil is always referred to that part of the Introduction which will disclose to him the meaning of the text.

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Contains the full text and all the critical matter of the above

volume which pertains to Books I and II.

Cloth. 198 pages. Illustrated. Price, 25 cents.


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D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers





Edited with introduction, notes, biographical outline, and bibliography by ANDREW J. GEORGE, A. M., editor of “Select Poems of Wordsworth," "Select Poems of Burns," etc.

The Princess marks the beginning of a new period of Tennyson's work; the period which produced also In Memoriam, Maud, and the Idyls. It lacks nothing of the lyric and picturesque qualities of the earlier poems, and, in addition, contains the germ of that political and ethical philosophy which is the distinctive note of Tennyson in the life of the century.

This edition is an interpretative study of the thought and the literary merits of the poem, and contains the complete text. The notes are excellent and will draw the student into broader fields of study.

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THE PRINCESS. Briefer Edition

The matter included in this volume is identical in the introduction and text with Mr. George's larger book described above. The notes, however, are condensed and abridged.

Cloth. 144 pages. Illustrated. Price, 25 cents.


Edited by CALVIN S. BROWN, A. M.

Has the latest text with an introduction, a chapter on prototypes of Enoch Arden, and notes. This volume also contains the text of Locksley Hall and Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, with analyses and notes.

In preparing these notes, Tennyson has been made his own interpreter wherever possible. Brief critical extracts are given, and there is a bibliography and biographical outline of Tennyson.

Cloth. 152 pages. Illustrated. Price, 25 cents.



The author's aim has been to bring out clearly the soul problem which forms its unity, and the noble solution offered by the poet. The work is done in the belief that In Memoriam is not only the greatest English poem of the century, but one of the great world poems.

The index of the poem adds to the resources for comparative study.
Cloth. 185 pages. Price, 50 cents.

D. C. HEATH & CO., Publishers




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