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Friends, except when they were influenced by the Arts of the Jesuits; Tho' at the fame time one cannot but admire the Zeal, Courage and Refolution of these Jefuits, that would adventure to live among Indians at War with their Nation; and the better to carry their Purposes, to comply with all the Humors and Manners of fuch a Wild People, fo as not to be distinguished by ftrangers from meer Indians.Oneof them, nam'dMilet, remain'd with the Oneydoes till after the year 1694. he was advanced to the degree of a Sachem, and had fo great an Influence over them, that the other Nations could not prevail with them to part with him. While he remain'd with them, the Oneydoes were frequently turn'd against the Southern Indians (Friends of the English Southern Colonies) and were always wavering in their Resolutions against Canada."

We shall now Return to see what effect the French Policy had, who purfued very different Measures from the English.



Mr. De la Barre's Expedition, and some Remarkable Tranfactions in 1684.


He French in the Time they were at Peace with the Five Nations, built their Fort at Teiodondoraghi or Miffilimakinak, and made a Settlement there. They carried their Commerce among the Numerous Nations that live on the Banks of the great Lakes, and the Banks of the Mififfipi. They not only profecuted their Trade among thefe Nations, but did all they could to fecure their Obedience, and to make them abfolutely fubject to the Crown of France, by building Forts at the confiderable Paffes, and placing fmall Garrisons in them. They took all the Precautions in their Power, not only to reftrain the Indians by Force, but likewife to gain their Affections, by fending Miffionaries among them. only Obstruction they met with, was from the Five Nations, who introduced the English of New-York into the Lakes, to Trade with the Indians that liv'd round them. This gave the French much uneafinefs, because they fore-faw, that the English would not only prove dangerous Rivals, but that the Advantages


which they enjoy'd in Trade, beyond what it was poffible for the Inhabitants of Canada to have, would enable the People of New-York fo far to under-fell them, that, their Trade would foon be Ruin'd, and all the Interest loft which they had gain'd with fo much Labour and Expence. The Five Nations likewife continued in War with many of the Nations, the Chictaghiks particularly, who yielded the most Profitable Trade to the French; and as often as they discover'd any of the French carrying Ammunition towards these Nations, they fell upon them, and took all their Powder, Lead and Arms from them. This made the French Traders afraid of traveling, and prevented their Indians from hunting, and leffen'd the Opinion they had of the French Power, when they found that the French were not able to protect them against the Infults of the Five Nations.


The Sennekas lie next to the Lakes, and nearest to the Nations with whom the French Traded, and were fo averfe to the French Nation, that they never would receive any Prieft among them, and of confequence were most firmly attached to the English Interest, who supplyed them with Arms and Powder, (the means to be Revenged of their Enemies.) For these reasons Mr. De la Barre (the Governor of Canada) fent a Meffenger to Coll. Dongan


Dongan, to complain of the Injuries the Sennekas had done to the French, and to show the neceffity he was under to bring the Five Nations to Reafon by Force of Arms; which Meffenger" happening to arrive at the time the Indians met my Lord Howard at Albany, Coll. Dongan told the Sennekas of the Complaints that the French Governor made of them. They gave him the following Anfwer, in Prefence of Mr. De la Barre's Meffenger, on the 5th of August, 1684.

"WE were fent for, and are come, and "have heard what you have faid to us, That "Corlaer hath great Complaints of us, both "from Virginia and Canada. What they com'plain of from Canada, may poffibly be true, "that our Young People have taken fome of "their Goods; but Yonnondio is the cause of "it. He not only permits his People to

carry Ammunition, Guns, Powder, Lead & "Axes to the Tuihtuibronoon (x) our Enemys, "but fends them thither on purpose. These "Guns which he fends knock our Bever"hunters on the head, and our Enemies carry "the

(x) Ronoon fignifies Nation or People, in the Language of the Five Nations, they fay Twibtwib-ronoon, Chittagbik-ronoon, Dedonondadik-ronoon, &c.

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"the Bevers to Canada, that we would have brought to our Brethren. Our Bever"hunters are Soldiers, and could bear this no longer. They met with fome French in "their way to our enemies, and very near them, carrying Ammunition, which our "Men took from them. This is agreeable "to our Customs of War, and we may there"fore openly own it; tho' we know not "whether it be practifed by the Chriftians in "fuch like cafes.

"When the Governor of Canada speaks to us of the Chain, he calls us Children, and "faith, I am your Father, you must hold fast "the Chain, and I will do the fame. I will "Protect you as a Father doth his Children. Is "this Protection, to speak thus with his "Lips, and at the fame time to knock us on "the head, by affifting our Enemies with "Ammunition?

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"He always fays, I am your Father, and 'you are my Children, and yet he is angry "with his Children for taking these goods. But, O Corlaer! O Affarigoa! We must complain to you. You, Corlaer, are a Lord, "and Governs this Country; Is it just that

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our Father is going to to fight with us for "these things, or is it well done? We rejoyced "when La Sal was fent over the great Water, "and when Perot was removed, because they

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