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The wily Mohammedans took care to keep the producer and confumer asunder; no Chriftian was allowed to pass through their countries to trade direct with the Indies; (by the general term Indies, will be understood all the islands and countries eaft of the Perfian Gulf).

Tartar incurfions.

Marco Paulo's travels. He returned, A. D.

By-and-by came the dreadful incurfions of the Tartars, under "Jenghis Khan," who broke up the power of the Mohammedans. Through the thus fcattered tribes an adventurous brave Venetian, Marco Paulo by name, in the thirteenth century reached Bengal, Guzerat, China and Pekin; vifited Java, Ceylon, 1291, imand Malabar; to all of which he gave the names they now bear; he mentions also, though he did not vifit it, the Ifle of Zipangri, most probably a part of Japan.

The discovery of these immenfe regions, hitherto unvifited, of mythical extent, the fabulous accounts of their wealth, furnished room for fpeculation and stimulated adventure.

The trade steadily increased for two centuries. Then came the irruption of the Saracens, and, finally, their capture of Conftantinople in 1453 A.D., which at once threw the

menfely rich. See Ifaacfon's "Saturni Ephemerides," A. D. 1633.

Saracens take Conftantinople.


Genoa crippled, A. D. 1453.

Life of Sebaftian Cabot.

whole trade into the hands of the Venetians, through the forefight with which they had fecured a road by a treaty with Egypt in 1425, A.D.

Their great rivals, the Genoefe, had cultivated the trade with Greece and Conftantinople, getting their fupplies thence, and having large establishments there; but they were now driven from these poffeffions by the Turks, and fo thoroughly humbled that they could no longer contend with the Queen of the Adriatic.

[graphic][merged small]

Venetian policy; growth in riches; caufes of her decay. Reputed difcovery of Brazil in A. D. 1460, by a citizen of Nuremberg. Columbus. John Cabot's advent in England; fettlement at Bristol; probable fite of his home; poffibility of his having been an Englishman ; acquires bis citizenship in Venice in A.D. 1476; Sebaftian born in Bristol about 1472, A. D. Henry VII's firft Charter to the family.


HE crafty Venetians did not, like
their predeceffors, drain Europe policy.
of its gold and filver to pay for

the commodities they bought, but,

purchafing of the merchants in Egypt and Syria, they paid them by barter; taking to them the produce of Europe in exchange, and thus making a profit both ways.

Venice now became the emporium for Indian goods, and attained fuch power and splendour as never before, or feldom fince,

Splendour of

belonged to any European ftate; their magnificent houses, rich furniture, profufion of plate, and elegance of living, furpaffed concep


Nor was this mere oftentatious display, but the natural result of fuccessful industry, which, having with ease acquired wealth, chose to enjoy it in fplendour.

To carry on the trade the nobles and rich merchants lent their moneys, at a good rate of interest, in the eleventh century getting 20 per cent., and even down to the fifteenth they made regularly their 12 per cent. on such tranfactions.

In addition to the commerce thus opened up, and now monopolized by Venice, she, all but fingle-handed, withstood on the feaboard the advance of the encroaching, invading Saracens or Turks, not only repaying her expenses, but enriching herself with the spoils of the cities fhe captured.

Tapestries which Grecian dames, like Penelope, had woven, were ruthlessly torn from the walls; Damascene blades, richly inlaid yataghans, paintings, and fculpture, found

their way to Venice, and the city laboured under a plethora of wealth.

At laft, about A. D. 1470, the tide of victory feemed to turn; the Turks entered and overran Dalmatia and Auftria, carrying away 5000 captives; laid wafte Bosnia, Styria, Carinthia, took Capha, Taurica, Cherfomrefus, doing very great damage to the Venetian territories, fo that in 1478 the Republic was glad to make peace.

Two years after this Venice joined the Florentines in a war against the Pope, in which, in two years, fhe fpent 600,000


Wars and rumours of war in quick fucceffion follow, until we are not surprised to find the Turk again overrunning her territories, and taking 4000 of her people captive on one occafion.

Lepanto, Medona, Crotone, Pilas and Ciffeum fuccumbed before the invader; the Saracen found firm footing in Italy, and Venice was again glad to make peace with Bajazat.

Meanwhile two heavier blows than even

Turks fuccefsful.

A. D. 15C2.

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