American Journal of Pharmacy, Volumen45

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science., 1873

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Página 333 - MEDICAL LEXICON; a Dictionary of Medical Science. Containing a concise explanation of the various subjects and terms of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Hygiene, Therapeutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence, and Dentistry.
Página 287 - It lacks the large bodies of water which diversify the scene in the latter, but is fully equal to it in the beauty of its stalactites and other ornaments of calcite and gypsum. The stalactites and stalagmites are more numerous than in the Mammoth, and the former frequently have a worm or maccaroni-like form, which is very peculiar. They twist and wind in masses like the locks of Medusa, and often extend in slender runners to a remarkable length. The gypsum rosettes occur in the remote regions of...
Página 37 - Domini seventeen hundred and seventy-six, the birthday of the nation ; and whereas, it is deemed fitting that the completion of the first century of our national existence shall be commemorated by an Exhibition of the natural resources of the country and their development, and of its progress in those arts which benefit mankind, in comparison with those of older nations...
Página 235 - President took the chair. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. On motion of Hon. Mr. Guthrie, the Institution proceeded to nominate candidates for election as honorary members. Dr. Hare made some remarks' respecting his apparatus, and the conditions on which it was presented to the Institution.
Página 501 - The clear liquid is now distilled to obtain the greater part of the spirit used, and the remaining liquid poured into a capsule, to which is added the spirit and the water by which the distilling apparatus is subsequently washed. The capsule is now heated on a water-bath till all the spirit has been expelled, and the remaining liquor which contains all the alkaloids in the form of acid sulphates, is, after cooling, filtered through a small filter. On the filter remains a mixture of quinovic acid...
Página 191 - A Manual of Chemical Analysis, as applied to the Examination of Medicinal Chemicals and their Preparations. Being a Guide for the Determination of their Identity and Quality, and for the Detection of Impurities and Adulterations. For the use of Pharmacists, Physicians, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, and Pharmaceutical and Medical Students.
Página 38 - ... that the Centennial Celebration will worthily show how greatness, wealth and intelligence, can be fostered by such institutions as those which have for one hundred years blessed the people of the United States.
Página 37 - Court has ruled that offshore oil deposits, also known as tideland oil deposits, belong to all the people of the United States. The Congress of the United States has in study legislation to define the mileage limits of the coastal States. In recent years the cost of building, maintaining, and operating schools has increased to an extent rendering it extremely difficult for State and local taxing units to...
Página 232 - Waller), the President in the chair. % ^The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed .with. The Secretary presented the case of James M.
Página 359 - It was then lightly cleansed with a sponge and a little water, and much of the mucus, remains of food, etc., carefully removed. With the back of a knife, or with an ivory...

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