That from the shore a full-grown man might
And make himself a freeman of this spot At any hour he chose, the prudent Knight Desisted, and the quarry and the mound Are monuments of his unfinished task. The block on which these lines are traced,
Was once selected as the corner-stone Of that intended Pile, which would have been Some quaint odd plaything of elaborate skill, So that, I guess, the linnet and the thrush, And other little builders who dwell here, Had wondered at the work. But blame him not,
For old Sir William was a gentle Knight, Bred in this vale, to which he appertained With all his ancestry. Then peace to him, And for the outrage which he had devised Entire forgiveness ! - But if thou art one On fire with thy impatience to become An inmate of these mountains, -if, disturbed By beautiful conceptions, thou hast hewn
Out of the quiet rock the elements
Of thy trim Mansion destined soon to blaze 30 In snow-white splendour,-think again; and,
By old Sir William and his quarry, leave Thy fragments to the bramble and the rose; There let the vernal slow-worm sun himself, And let the redbreast hop from stone to stone. 35
In these fair vales hath many a Tree At Wordsworth's suit been spared; And from the builder's hand this Stone,
For some rude beauty of its own, Was rescued by the Bard: So let it rest; and time will come When here the tender-hearted May heave a gentle sigh for him, As one of the departed.
THE massy Ways, carried across these heights By Roman perseverance, are destroyed, Or hidden under ground, like sleeping worms. How venture then to hope that Time will spare This humble Walk? Yet on the mountain's
side A POET'S hand first shaped it; and the steps Of that same Bard-repeated to and fro At morn, at noon, and under moonlight skies Through the vicissitudes of many a yearForbade the weeds to creep o'er its grey line. 10 No longer, scattering to the heedless winds The vocal raptures of fresh poesy,
Shall he frequent these precincts; locked no
In earnest converse with beloved Friends, Here will he gather stores of ready bliss, As from the beds and borders of a garden Choice flowers are gathered! But, if Power may
Out of a farewell yearning-favoured more Than kindred wishes mated suitably With vain regrets-the Exile would consign 20 This Walk, his loved possession, to the care Of those pure Minds that reverence the Muse.
HOPES what are they?-Beads of morning
Strung on slender blades of grass; Or a spider's web adorning
In a strait and treacherous pass.
What are fears but voices airy? Whispering harm where harm is not; And deluding the unwary Till the fatal bolt is shot!
What is glory?-in the socket See how dying tapers fare! What is pride?-a whizzing rocket That would emulate a star.
What is friendship? - do not trust her, Nor the vows which she has made; Diamonds dart their brightest lustre From a palsy-shaken head.
What is truth? - a staff rejected; Duty?-an unwelcome clog; Joy?-a moon by fits reflected In a swamp or watery bog;
Bright, as if through ether steering, To the Traveller's eye it shone : He hath hailed it re-appearing- And as quickly it is gone;
Such is Joy-as quickly hidden, Or mis-shapen to the sight, And by sullen weeds forbidden To resume its native light.
What is youth? -a dancing billow, (Winds behind, and rocks before!) Age?-a drooping, tottering willow On a flat and lazy shore.
What is peace? - when pain is over, And love ceases to rebel, Let the last faint sigh discover That precedes the passing-knell !
PAUSE, Traveller! whosoe'er thou be Whom chance may lead to this retreat, Where silence yields reluctantly Even to the fleecy straggler's bleat;
Give voice to what my hand shall trace, 5 And fear not lest an idle sound Of words unsuited to the place Disturb its solitude profound.
I saw this Rock, while vernal air Blew softly o'er the russet heath, Uphold a Monument as fair As church or abbey furnisheth.
Unsullied did it meet the day, Like marble, white, like ether, pure; As if, beneath, some hero lay, Honoured with costliest sepulture.
My faney kindled as I gazed; And, ever as the sun shone forth, The flattered structure glistened, blazed, And seemed the proudest thing on earth.
But frost had reared the gorgeous Pile Unsound as those which Fortune builds- To undermine with secret guile, Sapped by the very beam that gilds.
And, while I gazed, with sudden shock Fell the whole Fabric to the ground; And naked left this dripping Rock, With shapeless ruin spread around!
HAST thou seen, with flash incessant,
Bubbles gliding under ice,
Bodied forth and evanescent,
No one knows by what device!
Such are thoughts!-A wind-swept meadow 5 Mimicking a troubled sea,
Such is life; and death a shadow
From the rock eternity!
TROUBLED long with warring notions Long impatient of Thy rod, I resign my soul's emotions Unto Thee, mysterious God!
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