With earnest pains unchecked by dread His task accomplished to his mind, Their solitary way; 115 120 Few words they speak, nor dare to slack 125 And reached the lonely Isle. The sun above the pine-trees showed A bright and cheerful face; And Ina looked for her abode, 130 The promised hiding-place; 135 As it had ever been. Advancing, you might guess an hour, But in they entered are; 140 As shaggy as were wall and roof With branches intertwined, So smooth was all within, air-proof, And delicately lined: And hearth was there, and maple dish, For nurture or repose; And Heaven doth to her virtue grant That there she may abide In solitude, with every want By cautious love supplied. 145 150 No queen before a shouting crowd E'er struggled with a heart so proud, "Father of all, upon thy care And mercy am I thrown; 155 Be thou my safeguard!"-such her prayer When she was left alone, 160 Kneeling amid the wilderness 165 And smiles, fond efforts of distress When joy had passed away, To hide what they betray! The prayer is heard, the Saints have seen, Diffused through form and face, Resolves devotedly serene; That monumental grace Of Faith, which doth all passions tame 170 175 PART III. 'Tis sung in ancient minstrelsy The leaves of any pleasant tree Till Daphne, desperate with pursuit Of his imperious love, At her own prayer transformed, took root, A laurel in the grove. 180 Then did the Penitent adorn 185 His brow with laurel green; No meaner leaf was seen; And poets sage, through every age, About their temples wound 190 The bay; and conquerors thanked the Gods, With laurel chaplets crowned. Into the mists of fabling Time Where mutual love is not; And to the tomb for rescue flies When life would be a blot. To this fair Votaress a fate Upon her Island desolate; 195 200 And words, not breathed in vain, Might tell what intercourse she found, 205 Her silence to endear; What birds she tamed, what flowers the ground Sent forth her peace to cheer. To one mute Presence, above all, Her soothed affections clung, 210 A picture on the cabin wall By Russian usage hung The Mother-maid, whose countenance bright With love abridged the day; 215 Chased spectral fears away. And oft, as either Guardian came, But when she of her Parents thought, Before her flight she had not dared Dark is the past to them, and dark Or gentle Nature close her eyes, In vestal purity. 220 22.5 230 235 240 Yet, when above the forest-glooms The white swans southward passed, High as the pitch of their swift plumes Her fancy rode the blast; And bore her toward the fields of France, 245 Her Father's native land, To mingle in the rustic dance, The happiest of the band! Of those beloved fields she oft She heard the ancestral stream; 250 255 PART IV. THE ever-changing Moon had traced At speed a wounded deer, The fainting creature took the marsh, Above his antlered head; This, Ina saw; and, pale with fear, Shrunk to her citadel; The desperate deer rushed on, and near The tangled covert fell. 260 265 270 |