May brighten more and more! True to the mark, They stem the current of that perilous gorge, Their arms still strengthening with the strengthening heart, 61 Though danger, as the Wreck is neared, becomes 65 70 More imminent. Not unseen do they approach; Waves! Send forth a song of triumph. Waves and 84 Winds, Exult in this deliverance wrought through faith In Him whose Providence your rage hath served! Ye screaming Sea-mews, in the concert join! And would that some immortal Voice-a Voice Fitly attuned to all that gratitude pallid lips 90 Of the survivors to the clouds might bearBlended with praise of that parental love, Beneath whose watchful eye the Maiden grew Pious and pure, modest and yet so brave, Though young so wise, though meek so resolute 95 Might carry to the clouds and to the stars, name! 1843. xx. THE RUSSIAN FUGITIVE. PART I. ENOUGH of rose-bud lips, and eyes Earth wants not beauty that may scorn A likening to frail flowers; Yea, to the stars, if they were born Through Moscow's gates, with gold unbarred, By stealth she passed, and fled as fast Nor stopped, till in the dappling east 5 IO 15 Seven days she lurked in brake and field, Or berries of the wood; "To put your love to dangerous proof For I have left my Father's roof, In terror of the Czar." No answer did the Matron give, She led the Lady to a seat Beside the glimmering fire, Bathed duteously her wayworn feet, Prevented each desire: The cricket chirped, the house-dog dozed, 20 25 30 35 And on that simple bed, 40 Now rests her weary head. When she, whose couch had been the sod, Who comforts the forlorn; Sleep sealed her eyes, and stole Feeling from limbs with travel spent, And trouble from the soul. 45 Refreshed, the Wanderer rose at morn, And soon again was dight In those unworthy vestments worn "Have you forgot"-and here she smiled- Disporting round your knees? 50 55 60 "The blossom you so fondly praised Is come to bitter fruit; 65 A mighty One upon me gazed ; I spurned his lawless suit, And must be hidden from his wrath: You, Foster-father dear, 70 "I cannot bring to utter woe Your proved fidelity." "Dear Child, sweet Mistress, say not so! 75 For you we both would die." "Nay, nay, I come with semblance feigned And cheek embrowned by art; Yet, being inwardly unstained, With courage will depart." 80 "But whither would you, could you, flee? A thought for your dear sake; Where never foot doth tread." PART II. THE dwelling of this faithful pair And there, sequestered from the sight, Of firm dry ground, with healthful grass The Woodman knew, for such the craft 85 90 95 100 105 IJO |