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Monfieur Campagnie marched eight or ten Days. before the reft of the Army, with between two and three hundred Cannadians. As foon as they arrived at Cadarackui, they furprised two Villages of the Five Nations, that were fettled about eight Leagues from that Place, to prevent their giving any Intelligence to their own Nation of the French Preparations, or of the State of their Army, as it was fuppofed they did in the laft Expedition under Monfieur de la Barre. Thefe People were surprised when they leaft expected it, and by them from whom they feared no Harm, because they had settled there at the Invitation, and on the Faith of the French. They were carried in cool Blood to the Fort, and tied to Stakes, to be tormented by the French Indians, (Chriftians, as they call them) while they continued finging in their country Manner, and upbraiding the French with their Perfidy and Ingratitude.

While Monfieur de Nonville was at Cadarackui Fort, he had an Account, that the Chicktaghicks and Twihtwies waited for the Quatoghies and Utawawas at * Lake St. Clair, with whom they defigned to march to the general Rendezvous, at the Mouth of the Senekas River. For this Expedition was chiefly defigned against the Senekas, who had abfolutely refused to meet Monfieur de la Barre, and were moft firmly attached to the English. The Senekas, for this Reason, were defigned to be made Examples of the French Refentment to all the other Nations of Indians.

The Meflenger having affured the General, that it was Time to depart, in order to meet with the western Indians, that came to his Affiftance, he fet out the twenty-third of June, and fent one Part of

In the Straights between Lake Erie and Quatoghie Lake.

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his Army in Canoes, along the North Shore of the Lake, while he, with the other Part, paffed along the South, that no Accidents of Wind might prevent the one or the other reaching, within the Time appointed, at the Place the Indians were to meet him. It happened, by reafon of the good Weather, that both arrived on the fame Day, and joined the western Indians at Trondequat. As foon as the Men were put on Shore, they hawled up the Canoes, and began a Fort, where four hundred Men were left to guard the Canoes and the Baggage. Here a young Cannadian was fhot to Death, as a Deferter, for conducting the English into the Lakes, though the two Nations were not only at Peace, but their Kings in ftricter Friendship than ufual. But this Piece of Severity is not to be wondered at, when this War was undertaken, chiefly to put a Stop to the English Trade, which now began to extend itfelf far into the Continent, and would in its Confequence ruin theirs. The next Day the Army began to march towards the chief Village of the Senekas, which was only feven Leagues diftant, every Man carrying ten Bifkets for his Provifion. The Indian Traders made the Van with Part of the Indians, the other Part marched in the Rear, while the regular Troops and Militia composed the main Body. The Army marched four Leagues the first Day without difcovering any Thing; the next Day the Scouts advanced before the Army, as far as the Corn of the Villages, without feeing any Body, though they paffed within Piftol-fhot of five-hundred Senekas, that lay on their Bellies, and let them pafs and repafs without disturbing them.

On the Report which they made, the French haftened their March, in hopes to overtake the Women, Children, and old Men; for they no longer doubted of all being fled. But as foon as the French reached the Foot of a Hill, about a Quarter


of a League from the Village, the Senekas fuddenly raised the War-fhout, with a Difcharge of their Fire-arms. This put the regular Troops, as well as the Militia, into fuch a Fright, as they marched through the Woods, that the Battalions immediately divided, and run to the Right and Left, and, in the Confufion, fired upon one another. When the Senekas perceived their Disorder, they fell in among them pell-mell, till the French Indians, more used to fuch Way of fighting, gathered together and repulfed the Senekas. There were (according to the French Accounts) a hundred Frenchmen, ten French Indians, and about fourscore Senekas killed, in this Rencounter.

Monfieur de Nonville was fo difpirited with the Fright that his Men had been put into, that his Indians could not perfuade him to pursue. He halted the Remainder of that Day. The next Day he marched on with Defign to burn the Village, but when he came there, he found that the Senekas had faved him the Trouble; for they had laid all in Ashes before they retired. Two old Men only were found in the Caftle, who were cut into Pieces and boiled to make Soup for the French Allies. The French ftaid five or fix Days to destroy their Corn, and then marched to two other Villages, at two or three Leagues diftance. After they had performed the like Exploits in thofe Places, they returned to the Banks of the Lake.

Before the French left the Lakes, they built a Fort of four Bastions at Oniagara, on the South-fide of the Straights, between Lake Erie and Cadarackui Lake, and left a hundred Men, with eight Months Provifions in it. But this Garrison was fo closely blocked up by the Five Nations, that they all died of Hunger, except feven or eight, who were accicidentally relieved by a Party of French Indians.

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The western Indians, when they parted from the French General, made their Harangues, as ufual, in which they told him, with what Pleasure they faw a Fort fo well placed to favour their Designs against the Five Nations, and that they relied on his never finishing the War, but with the Deftruction of the Five Nations, or forcing them to abandon their Country. He affured them, that he would act with fuch Vigour, that they would foon fee the Five Nations driven into the Sea.

He fent a Detachment of Soldiers to Teiodonderaghie, and in his Return to Canada, which was by the North Side of the Lake, he left a fufficient Number of Men, and a Quantity of Provifions, at Cadarackui Fort.

The French having got nothing but dry Blows by this Expedition, fent thirteen of the Indians, tat they surprised at Cadarackui, to France, as Trophies of their Victory, where they were put into the Galleys, as Rebels to their King.


Colonel Dongan's Advice to the Indians. Adario's Enterprize, and Montreal facked by the Five Nations.

YOlonel Dongan, who had the Indian Affairs very much, at Heart, met the Five Nations at Albany as foon as poffible after the French Expedition, and spoke to them on the fifth of Auguft, in the following Words, viz.

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"I am very glad to fee you here in this House, and am heartily glad that you have sustained no greater Lofs by the French, though I believe it was their Intention to deftroy you all, if they could have furprifed you in your Castles.



"As foon as I heard their Design to war with you, I gave you Notice, and came up hither myfelf, that I might be ready to give all the **Affiftance and Advice that fo fhort a Time would allow me.

"I am now about fending a Gentleman to "England, to the King, my Master, to let him "know, that the French have invaded his Terri

ritories on this Side of the great Lake, and "warred upon the Brethren his Subjects. I there"fore would willingly know, whether the Brethren "have given the Governor of Canada any Provo"cation or not; and if they have, how, and in "what Manner; because I am obliged to give a "true Account of this Matter. This Business "may cause a War between the King of England "and the French King, both in Europe and here, and therefore I must know the Truth.

"I know the Governor of Canada dare not enter "into the King of England's Territories, in a "hoftile Manner, without Provocation, if he "thought the Brethren were the King of England's "Subjects; but you have, two or three Years ago, "made a Covenant-chain with the French, contrary "to my Command, (which I knew could not hold "long) being void of itself among the Christians ;

for as much as Subjects (as you are) ought not to treat with any foreign Nation, it not lying in "your Power, you have brought this Trouble on yourfelves, and, as I believe, this is the only "Reafon of their falling on you at this Time.

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"Brethren, I took it very ill, that after you had "put yourselves into the Number of the great King of England's Subjects, you fould ever offer to make Peace or War without my Confent. "You know that we can live without you, but t you cannot live without us. You never found "that I told you a Lye, and I offered you the E 6 "Affiftance

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