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An Account of a general Council of the Five Nations at Onondaga, to confider the Count De Frontenac's Meffage.


N the 27th of December 1689, two Indians came to Albany, being fent by the Onondaga and Oneydo Sachems, with feven Hands of Wampum from each Nation, to tell their Brethren in NewYork and New-England, that three of their old Friends, who had been carried Prifoners to France, were come with Proposals from Canada; that there was a Council of the Sachems appointed to meet at Onondaga, and that they therefore defired the Mayor of Albany, Peter Scheyler, and some others of their Brethren, to come thither, to be prefent and to advise on an Affair of fo great Confequence; for they were refolved to do nothing without the Knowledge and Confent of all thofe that were included in the Chain with them.

The fame Meffenger told them, that fome Letters were fent to the Jefuit at Oneydo; and that they would neither burn, nor fuffer thofe Letters to be opened, till the Brethren fhould firft fee them.

All that the Magiftrates of Albany did on this important Occafion, was to fend three Indians with Inftructions in their Name, to diffuade the Five Nations from entertaining any Thoughts of Peace, or yielding to a Ceffation of Arms.

On the 4th of January one of the chief Mohawk Sachems came to Albany, to tell the Magiftrates, that he was to go to Onondaga, and defired the Brethren's Advice how to behave there; on which the Magiftrates thought it neceffary to fend likewise the publick Interpreter, and another Person to affift at the general Meeting, with written Inftructions ;


but no Perfon of Note, that had any Influence on the Indians, went.

When the Meffengers arrived at Oneydo, they difcourfed privately with one of the Prifoners that had returned from France, and found that he had no Love for the French; but it is impoffible but that Indians, who had feen the French Court, and many of their Troops, muft be furprised at their Gran-. deur: he complained however of the ill Ufage he had met with. The French chofe, on this Occasion, to send first to Oneydo, because of the Affiftance they expected the Jefuit, that refided there, would give to their Negotiation.

I believe it will not be tedious to the Reader, that defires to know the Indian Genius, if I give a circumftantial Account of this general Council or Parliament of the Five Nations, that he may fee in: what Manner a People that we call Savages behave on fuch important Occafions.

On the 22d of January the general Council was opened at Onondaga, confifting of eighty Sachems; in the firft Place, Sadekanaghtie, an Onondaga Sachem, rifing up, addressed himself to the Messenger of Albany, faying,

Four Messengers are come from the Governor of Canada, viz. three who had been carried Prisoners to France, and a Sachem of the praying Indians that live at Montreal.

The Governor of Canada notifies his Arrival to us, that he is the Count de Frontenac, who had been formerly Governor there; that he had brought back with him Tawerahet a Cayuga Sachem, and twelve Prisoners, that had been carried to France; then taking the Belt of Wampum in his Hand, and holding it by the Middle, he added, what I have faid relates only to one half of the Belt, the other half is to let us know, that he intends to kindle again his Fire at Cadarackui next Spring, and therefore in

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vites his Children, and Dekanafora an Onondaga Captain in particular, to treat there with him about the old Chain. Then Adarahta the chief Sachem of the praying Indians ftood up, and faid, with three Belts in his Hand, I advife you to meet the Governor of Canada as he defires; agree to this, if you would live, and gives one Belt of Wampum.

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Tawerabet fends you this other Belt, to inform you of the Miferies, that he and the reft of your Countrymen have fuffered in their Captivity; and to advise you to hearken to Yonondio, if you defire to live.

This third Belt is from Thurenfera, † Obguesse, and Ertel, who fay by it, to their Brethren: We have interceded for you with Yonondio, and therefore advise you to meet him at Cadarackui in the Spring, because it will be for your Advantage.

When this Sachem had done speaking, the Mobawk Meffenger fent from Albany delivered his Meffage Word for Word, as he had received it, without omitting the leaft Article. The Interpreter, while the Indian was fpeaking, read over a Paper, on which the Meffage was fet down, left any Thing fhould have been forgot.

After this Cannehoot a Seneka Sachem stood up, and gave the general Council a particular Account of a Treaty made laft Summer, between the Senekas and the Wagunha Meffengers, (one of the Uta

* Thurenfera fignifies the Dawning of the Day, and was the Name given by the Indians to the Jefuit Lamberville, who had formerly refided at Onondaga.

+ Monfr. le Morne, the Word fignifies a Partridge.

Erfel fignifies a Rofe, the Name of fome other French Gentleman, for whom the Indians had an Efteem.


wawa Nations) who had concluded a Peace for themselves, and feven other Nations, to which the other four Nations were defired to agree, and their Brethren of New-York to be included in it. He faid the Propofals made in feveral Propofitions were as follow.

I. We are come to join two Bodies into one Delivering up at the fame Time two Prisoners.

2. We are come to learn Wisdom of you Senekas, and of the other Five Nations, and of your Brethren of New-York. Giving a Belt.

3. We by this Belt wipe away the Tears from the Eyes of your Friends, whofe Relations have been killed in the War, and likewise the *Paint from your Soldiers Faces. Giving another Belt.

We now throw afide the Ax, which Yonondia put into our Hands, by this third Belt.

5. Let the Sun, as long as he fhall endure, always fhine upon us in Friendship. Here he gave a red Marble Sun as large as a Plate.

6. Let the Rain of Heaven wash away all Hatred, that we may again fmoke together in Peace, giving a large Pipe of red Marble.

7. Yonondio is drunk, but we wash our Hands clean from all his Actions. Giving a fourth Belt. 8. Now we are clean washed by the Water of Heaven, neither of us muft defile ourselves by hearkening to Yonondio.

9. We have twelve of your Nation Prisoners, who fhall be brought Home in the Spring; there he gave a Belt, to confirm the Promife.

The Indlans always paint their Faces when they go to War, to make themselves look more terrible to the Enemy. A Soldier in the Indian Language is expreffed by a Word, which fignifies a Fair fighter.

10. We will bring your Prifoners when the Strawberries fhall be in bloffom*, at which Time we intend to vifit Corlear, and fee the Place where the Wampum is made. (New-York.)

The Speaker added, we will also tell our Friends the other Utawawa Nations, and the Dionondadies, who have eleven of your People Prifoners, what we have now done, and invite them to make Peace with you.


He faid further, we have fent three Meffengers: back with the Wagunhas, in order to confirm this Peace with their Nation.

After the Seneka Speaker had done, the Wagunha Prefents were hung up in the House, in the Sight of the whole Affembly, and afterwards distributed among the feveral Nations, and their Acceptance was a Ratification of the Treaty, A large Belt was given also to the Albany Meflengers as their Share.

The Belt of Wampum fent from Albany was in. like Manner hanged up, and afterwards divided.

New-England, which the Indians call Kinfhon (that is, a Fish) fent likewife the Model of a Fish, as a Token of their adhering to the general Covenant. This Fifh was handed round among the Sachems, and then laid afide to be put up.

After thefe Ceremonies were over, Sadekanahtie, an Onondaga Speaker, stood up, and faid, Brethren, we must stick to our Brother Quider, and look on Yonondio as our Enemy, for he is a Cheat: By Quider they meant Peter Scheyler the Mayor of Albany, who had gained a confiderable Efteem among them; as they have no Labeals in their Language, they pronounce. Peter by the Sound Quider.

* The Indians in this Manner diftinguish the Seasons of the Year, as the Time of planting Corn, or when it is ripe, when the Chefnuts bloffom, &c.


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