Debates before Confederation as to provincial powers of 732, n. Direct taxation..... 417-8, 680, 713-21, 723-4 Distinction between regulation and. Ferry boats, tax on 561, n. Need not be equally apportioned, uniform, or general 721 .254-5, 720, n. 1, 722-3 361-2, 408, n. I 623-7 New Brunswick lumber dues.. Provincial licensing of Dominion and foreign corpora- power of, see sub 'Customs and Excise,' subsidies to Dominion railways.. taxation of Dominion corporations. 66 "Dominion notes held as bank 722 674 669, n. 3 671-7 677, n. 677-8 679 80, .719-20, 726-30 421-2 642, n. Rebate or percentage on taxes in arrear, allowance of · 373, 714-6, 733-4 .614, n. 3 368-71 Todd, Alpheus 608, n. 1, and Addenda. His view of Confederation as a surrender of powers by provinces to Dominion... 9 Todd, Alpheus-continued. His work on Parliamentary Government in British Trade and Commerce, Regulation of 289-99 386-92 303-4 662 .502, 526-37 'Trusts existing in respect thereof ' Ultra Vires Acts ultra vires in part only (Prop. 22). Indirect trespasses of legislatures (Prop. 34). Onus in impugning provincial Acts (Prop. 60). Presumption in favour of validity (Prop. 18)....260-9, 337-8 (Prop. 43).....497-501 Provincial Acts (Prop. 58) 497-501,645-6 Ultra vires Act a complete nullity (Prop. 23). Union Act, 1840 References to............. 335.6 ...204-5, 300-4 Union Act between England and Scotland. Referred to by Privy Council..... 304, n. 2 15-16, 65, 67 551 2 356-7 285 .434, n. 3 " federal power over civil rights and contracts... merce .551, n. 3, 558, n. "federal power over State Courts.. 512, n. 4 Vested rights of property .28-9, 30-1, 32, 33 199-201 Dominion protection of by veto power. May be disregarded by Canadian legislatures (Prop. 21) 279-88 Veto power of Imperial Government Does not extend to provincial Acts.. Effect of on vetoed Act.... Exercised against extra-territorial Canadian Acts.. Veto power of Dominion Government "exercised after one year. Check on legislative injustice and interference with 202 253 .....185-203, 253, 665-6, 669-70, 709 198, n. I 197, 289, n. I 161, 196-7 197 Non-exercise of cannot validate ultra vires Act no admission of validity of legisla- some argument in favour of validity Referred to in Debates on Confederation.... Supplies to some extent place of second Chamber.. Vested in Governor-General in Council. When it takes effect..... Warehouse receipts, Acts respecting....... .428.9, 553, n. 2 204-7 149-50, 157, 168 206 194-5 189-90 191-3 203 Waters Authorization of bridges over navigable waters. Companies for constructing booms in rivers... 634, n. 639-41 Dominion Act as to constructions in navigable waters 563, n. 2 Rivers and lake improvements in Sched. 3 of B. N. A. Act. 593, n. I ..608, n. 2 Rule of riparian ownership ad medium filum. Witnesses 726-30 Dominion Acts as to matters before foreign tribunals 319 |