DIALOGUES ON NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION: WITH A PRELIMINARY INQUIRY; AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING SUPPLEMENTA1. REV. ROBERT morehead, D.D., F.R.S.E., Formerly of Balliol College, Oxford, one of the Ministers of St Paul's Chapel, York Place, Edinburgh, PUBLISHED BY OLIVER & BOYD, EDINBURGH; MDCCCXXX. DEDICATION. то FRANCIS JEFFREY, Esq. DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. MY DEAR FRIEND, It may appear singular that I should have lived so many years in the world, in the course of which, too, I have published several books, and that I should not till now have dedicated one to you, the friend with whom my earliest recollections are associated, in whose society the chief and happiest part of these years has been passed, whose genius and studies, more than |