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Buffalo Berry


works rank next to those of Pittsburgh. In these Buffon was assisted by DaubenBuffalo was founded in 1801, was burned ton in the purely anatomical portions. by British and Indians in 1813, and be- The following nine volumes, which apme a city in 1832. The Pan-American peared from 1770 to 1783, contain the Exposition was held here in 1901. Popu- history of birds, from which Daubenton lation (1900) 352,387; (1910) 423,715; withdrew his assistance, the author being (1920) 506,775. now aided by Guéneau de Montbelliard,

Buffalo Berry (Shepherdia argen- and afterwards by the Abbé Bexon.

tea), a shrub of the Buffon published alone the five volumes cleaster family, a native of the States and on minerals, from 1783 to 1788. Of the Canada, with lanceolate, silvery leaves seven supplementary volumes, of which and close clusters of bright-red acid berries the last did not appear until after his about the size of currants, which are made death in 1789, the fifth formed an ininto preserves and used in various ways. dependent whole, the most celebrated of Buffalo Bill. See Cody. all his works. It contains his Epochs of Nature, in which the author gives a Buffalo Grass (Tripsăcum dacty- second theory of the earth, very different loides), a strong from that which he had traced in the growing North American grass, so called first volumes, though he assumes at the from forming a large part of the food of commencement the air of merely defendthe buffalo, and said to have excellent fat- ing and developing the former. Buffon tening properties; called also gama grass. was raised to the rank of count by Louis Buffer (buffer), any apparatus for XV, whose favor, as also that of Louis deadening the concussion be XVI, he enjoyed. His works were transtween a moving body and the one on lated into almost every European lanwhich it strikes. In railway carriages guage. they are placed in pairs at each end, and Buffoon (bu-fön'), a merry-andrew, a are fastened by rods to springs under the framework, to deaden the concussions Ital. caused when the velocity of part of the sport. train is checked.

clown, a jester; from the buffone, from buffare, to jest, to Buffo, in Ital., is the name given to a comic actor; a burlesque play is called a commedia buffa, and a comic Buffet (bufet, buf'a, bö-fa'), a cup opera opera buffa. The Italians, how. board, sideboard, or closet to ever, distinguished the buffo cantante, hold china, crystal, plate, and the like. which requires good singing, from the The word is also very commonly applied buffo comico, in which there is more to a space set apart for refreshments. acting.

pared from the skin

tailless batrachians, com

Buff Leather, a sort of leather pre- Bufonida (bu-fon'i-de), a family of of the buffalo and other kinds of oxen, prehending the toads. dressed with oil, like chamois. It is used Bug, Russia, which falls into the estu

or BOG, a river in European

for making belts, pouches, gloves, etc. Buffon (bu-fon), GEORGE LOUIS ary of the Dnieper near Kherson, after LECLERC, COUNT DE, cele a course of about 500 miles. Another brated French naturalist, was born at river of same name, the Western Bug, Montbard, Burgundy, in 1707; died in rises in Galicia, and falls into the VisParis in 1788. Being the son of a rich tula about 20 miles N. N. W. of Warsaw. man, he was able to travel, and he visited Both are navigable for considerable disItaly and England. In 1739 he was ap- tances.

pointed superintendent of the Royal Gar- Bug, the name given generally to the den at Paris (now the Jardin des species of the order Hemiptera Plantes), and devoted himself to the and more particularly to the suborder great work on Natural History which Heteroptera. It includes insects having occupied the most of his life. It is now shield, with sucking proboscis and incomthe forewings partially thickened, as of a obsolete and of small scientific value, plete metamorphosis. It includes the asbut it long had an extraordinary popular- sassin bugs, leaf bugs, harlequin bugs, ity, and was the means of diffusing a wheel bugs and numerous aquatic species, taste for the study of nature throughout some of which attain a large size. There Europe. After an assiduous labor of ten are also apterous species, as the bedbug, years the first three volumes were pub- its parasitic relatives, and the lice. Among lished, and between 1749 and 1767 twelve the Homoptera, also correctly termed bugs, others, which comprehend the theory of are the cicadas, aphids, scale insects and the earth, the nature of animals, and psyllas. The term is also loosely applied the history of man and the mammalia.


Building Societies

to insects in general, especially to all communities of them have also been those that crawl, as beetles, ants, etc. formed in Borneo, in Sumatra, and in In electrical engineering a "bug" is a many small islands of the archipelago. fault in the working of a quadruplex telegraph, or in any electrical apparatus. Bugle (bu'gl), a military musical Bugeaud (bu-zhō); THOMAS ROBERT, horn kind, sometimes furnished with keys

brass wind-instrument of the

DUKE D'ISLY, a marshal of or valves. It is used in the armies of France, born in 1784; died at Paris in various nations to sound signal-calls. 1849. He entered the army in 1804 as a The name is an abbreviation of buglesimple grenadier, but rose to be colonel horn, that is, buffalo-horn, from O.E. before the fall of Napoleon. After the bugle, a buffalo. revolution of 1830 he obtained a seat in the Chamber of Deputies. He was afterwards sent to Algeria, where he gained many advantages over the Arabs. On the revolution of 1848 he adhered to Louis Philippe to the last. Under the presidency of Louis Napoleon he was appointed commander-in-chief of the army of the Alps.

(b ö'g e n-h ä-gen), JoBugenhagen HANN, a German reformer, and friend and helper of Luther in preparing his translation of the Bible.

Bugle, the common name for Ajūga, a genus of labiate plants. Two of the species are British, A. reptans, a hedge-side plant with dark leaves and purplish flowers, formerly held in high esteem as an application to wounds; and A. chamæpitys, yellow bugle, a plant which grows in sandy fields, rare in the United States.

Bugle, a shining, elongated glass bead,

usually black, used in decorating female apparel and also in trafficking with savage tribes.

He was born in 1485, and died in 1558. Bugloss (bü'glos), a popular name

He fled from his Catholic superiors to Wittenberg in 1521, where he was made, in 1522, professor of theology. He effected the union of the Protestant free cities with the Saxons, and introduced into Brunswick, Hamburg, Lübeck, Pomerania, Denmark, and many other places the Lutheran service and church discipline. He translated the Bible into Low German (Lübeck, 1533); wrote an Exposition of the Book of Psalms and a History of Pomerania.

applied tc a number of plants of the natural order Boragineæ, and in particular to the alkanet (which see).

Buhl-work (böl'wurk), a kind of inlaid work, said to have been invented by Boule, a French cabinet-maker, in the reign of Louis XIV. It consisted at first of unburnished gold, brass, enamel, or mother-of-pearl worked into complicated and ornamental patterns, and inserted in a ground of

Bugge (bug'ge) ELSEUS SOPHUS, a dark-colored metal, wood, or tortoise

shell; but at a later period the use of wood of a different color was introduced by Reisner, and to his process the modern practice of buhl-work is chiefly confined.

Norwegian scholar, born at Laurvig in 1833. In 1864 he became a professor of Old Norse in the national university. He published editions of old Norse poems and later folk songs, but is best known from his important works Buhrstone (bör'ston). BURRSTONE, a on runic inscriptions.

Buggy (bug'i), a name given to sev

eral species of carriages or gigs in England, a light one-horse twowheeled vehicle without a hood; in the U. States, a light one-horse four-wheeled vehicle, with or without a hood or top; in India, a gig with a large hood to screen those who travel in it from the sun's rays.


name given to certain

or siliceo-calcareous stones, whose dressed surfaces present a burr or keen-cutting texture, whence they are much used for millstones. The most esteemed varieties are obtained from the upper fresh-water beds of the Paris basin, and from the Eocene strata of South America.

Bugis (böʻgiz), a people of the Indian Building Societies, joint-stock

Archipelago, chiefly inhabiting for the purpose of raising by periodical the eastern coast and a good deal of the payments a fund to assist members in interior of the southern peninsula of the obtaining small portions of landed propisland of Celebes, their chief town being erty and houses, which are mortgaged Boni. They are described as peaceable, to the society till the amount of the orderly, and well behaved, are the chief shares drawn on shall be fully repaid carriers and factors of the Indian seas, with interest. The stock is divided into and are engaged in the manufacture of shares, valued at $200 each, payable in iron, copper, cotton, etc., and in tre- monthly instalments of $1 for each share. pang, pearl, and other fisheries. Large In most societies the money is loaned

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to the member bidding the highest pre- handsome public gardens. Manufactures mium for its use, which premium is in are varied but unimportant; the trade is some cases deducted at once, in others considerable, the chief articles being is paid in monthly instalments. The in- grain, wool, honey, wax, wine, hides. terest on money borrowed, at the rate The mercantile portion of the community of six per cent. per annum, is payable is mostly foreign, and the whole popula monthly. Building societies are of two tion presents a curious blending of nachief kinds, either confined to a certain tionalities. Bukharest became the capital number of members, or permanent and of Wallachia in 1665, in 1862 that of the not confined to any definite number of united principalities of Wallachia and members, but ready to receive new mem- Moldavia, since known as Rumania. A bers as long as the society exists. These treaty was concluded here in 1812 beseries societies, by the admission of new tween Turkey and Russia, by which the members, have a constant supply of funds former ceded Bessarabia and part of at their disposal, and are thus able to Moldavia; another treaty in 1886 between supply the demands of all the borrowers; Servia and Bulgaria; and in 1913 the while the security offered to investors in- treaty between the several Balkan states. duces many people to enter the society See Balkan War. Pop. 338,109. merely with the view of having a con- The capture of the city formed the culvenient means of depositing their savings, mination of one of the most soundly conand not with the intention of acquiring ceived and brilliantly executed feats of any real estate for themselves. In the strategy of the European war. The place British islands, since building societies was held to be extremely well defended by were legalized in 1836, than its outlying works, which comprised $500,000,000 has been raised by their eighteen fortifications of the first class means, and applied by their members for and many redoubts and batteries. Aside the acquiring of houses and lands-nearly from Paris, it was accounted as probably half a million persons being assisted in the largest military camp in the world. buying their homes. In the United one capable of accommodating 200,000 men. The Teutonic armies converged States there were, in 1920, over 7500 building and loan associations. with Rumanian line in a great battle on Deupon it from three directions, broke the 4,012,000 members and assets of $1.900,- cember 3, 1916, and after a brief bombard000,000. In 1893 the number of as- ment drove the defenders from their sociations was 240, assets $37,000,000, so works. Bucharest constituted the fourth that there has been a large development Entente capital taken by the Central since that date. These societies origi- Powers, the others being the capitals of nated in and were long confined to Phila- Belgium, Servia and Montenegro. On the delphia, though they have now spread 18th of November, 1918, the Allies rewidely throughout the States. Besides entered Bukharest and the Roumanian other advantages, the building society army was rehabilitated. gives to its members business training, (bö-kō-vē'nä), Bukovina a former accustoms them to invest sums of money, Austrian duchy, joined to and thus fits them to take care of their Roumania in November, 1918. It forms earnings. the s. E. corner of Galicia and is traversed


Buitenzorg (boi'ten-zorg; 'without by ramifications of the Carpathians.

care'), a favorite resi- Cattle raising and agriculture are the dential town in the island of Java, about chief industries. The capital is Czerno40 miles south of Batavia, with which witz, where there is a university. Area, it is connected by rail. It contains a fine 4035 sq. miles. Pop. 800,100. palace of the governor-general, celebrated Bulacan (bu-la-kän'),, a town of the botanic gardens, etc. Pop. 25,000. Philippines, island of Luzon, Bujalance (b-ha-lån'tha), a city of about 22 miles N. W. of Manila; chief Spain, Andalusia, 21 industries: sugar-boiling and the manu miles E. by N. Cordova; manufactures facture of silken mats. Pop. 11,589. cloth and woolen fabrics, earthenware, Bulama, and on the W. coast of or BOLAMA (bō-lä'ma), an and glass. Pop. 10,756. Bukharest (bu-ka-rest'), the capital Africa, one of the Bissagos (which see). of Roumania, situated on Bulandshahr (by-land-shär), a disthe Dimbovitza about 33 miles north of trict of British India, the Danube, in a fertile plain. It is in Northwestern_Provinces, forming a porgeneral poorly built, among the chief tion of the Doab, or alluvial plain inbuildings being the royal palace, the closed between the Ganges and the National Theater, the university buildings, the National Bank, the Mint, and the Archiepiscopal church. There are

Jumna. Cotton, indigo, sugar, etc., form the chief products of the district Area, 1899 sq. miles. The town Buland

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