Imágenes de páginas

and the United States-Hamilton A. Hill. IX. The Tariff Question-Horace White. X. Custom House Forms-Henry D. Hyde. XI. State and Municipal GovernmentSamuel Bowles. XII. Municipal Economy-Daniel L. Harris.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TEN.-Transactions of the Association, 1879. I. American Education, 1869-79. Annual Address of President Gilman. II. The Method of Study in Social Science-William T. Harris. III. Report of the Department of Education-Mrs. I. T. Talbot. IV. The Voting of Women in School Elections-A. P. Peabody. V. Relations of Christianity to the Common Law-M. B. Anderson. VI. The Place of the Practical Man in American Public Affairs-Hamilton Andrews Hill. VII. Chinese ImmigrationS. Wells Williams. VIII. The United States and the Declaration of Paris-Theodore S. Woolsey. IX. Recent Changes in our State Constitution-Simeon E. Baldwin. X. The Policy of Patent Laws-Frederic H. Betts. XI. The Sewerage of the Smaller Towns— George E. Waring, Jr. XII. Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation-Joseph D. Weeks. CONTENTS OF NUMBER ELEVEN. Report of the Annual Meeting, 1880. List of Members. I. Southern Questions: 1. The Negro Exodus from the Gulf States-Frederick Douglass. 2. The Emigration of Colored Citizens from the Southern States-R. T. Greener. ored Schools in Virginia-Mrs. Orra Langhorne. II. Recent Changes in the WestRobert P. Porter. III. A Report on Protection from Casualties in the Use of MachineryProfessor William Watson. IV. International Coinage-Robert Noxon Toppan. V. Social Economy Papers: 1. Report of the Department of Social Economy-F. B. Sanborn. 2. The Care of Poor and Vicious Children-Charles L. Brace. 3. Social Economy in Illinois-Mrs. Harbert. 4. Co-operative Distribution-William A. Hovey. 5. Co-operation in England-James Samuelson. Saratoga Papers of 1877: 1. Extradition-Sheldon Amos. 2. Graduate Courses at Law Schools-Professor S. E. Baldwin.

3. Col

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWELVE.-Professor Peirce's Cincinnati Address: The National Importance of Social Science in the United States. President Gilman's Opening Address. Report of the General Secretary, By F. B. Sanborn. Report of the Treasurer and Publication Committee: Professor Wayland and F. B. Sanborn. Papers of the Education Department: I. Report on Kindergarten Schools-Professor Harris, Mrs. Talbot. II. The Relation of the Public Library to the Public Schools-Samuel S. Green. III. Educational Progress in England-Miss Edith Simcox. IV. Home Life in Some of its Relations to Schools-Miss Mary W. Hinman. V. The American Newspaper and American Education -Dr. J. M. Gregory. Libel and its Legal Remedy-E. L. Godkin, Papers of the Social Economy Department: I. Associated Charities. A. The Principle and Advantage of Association in Charities-Rev. D. O. Kellogg. B. General and Special Methods of OperationRev. O. C. McCulloch. C. The Need and Work of Volunteer Visitors-R. T. Paine, Jr. D. The Care and Saving of Neglected Children-Miss Anna Hallowell. II. The Principle of Volunteer Service-Mrs. Florence Bayard Lockwood. III. The Recreations of the People George B. Bartlett. IV. The Justifying Value of a Public Park-F. L. Olmsted. Constitution, Officers, and Members of the Association.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTEEN.-Order of Business at Saratoga in 1881. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: I. Pensions in a Republic-Frederick J. Kingsbury. II. Modern Legislation touching Marital Property Rights-Henry Hitchcock, LL.D. III. The German Socialist Law of Oct. 21, 1878-Henry W. Farnam. IV. The Study of Anatomy Historically and Legally Considered-Edward Mussey Hartwell, M.A. Papers of the Health Department: I. The Treatment of Insanity in its Economic Aspect-Walter Channing, M.D. II. Adulterations in Food-Professor S. W. Johnson. Debate on Adulterations. Remarks of George T. Angell. General Papers: I. Christianity and the Relations of Nations-Charles L. Brace. II. Indeterminate Sentences and their Results in New York-Z. R. Brockway. III. Changes in American Society-Julia Ward Howe. Appendix: Infant Development.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER FOURTEEN.-I. The General Meeting of 1881. Death of President Garfield. II. Opening Address of Professor Wayland, President of the Association. III. The Threefold Aspect of Social Science. Report of the General Secretary. F. B. Sanborn. IV. Civil Service Reform, an address by George W. Curtis. V. The American NewspaperCharles Dudley Warner. VI. Prohibitory Legislation-P. Emory Aldrich. VII. Province of Legislation in the Suppression of Intemperance-F. W. Bird. VIII. License and Prohibition-Rev. Leonard W. Bacon. IX. The Moral Statistics of the United States-Dr. Woolsey. X. Divorce Laws-Professor W. C. Robinson. XI. Lax Divorce LegislationRev. S. W. Dike. XII. Address on Health and Insanity-Walter Channing, M.D. XIII. Women Practising Medicine-Dr. E. F. Pope. XIV. Constitution, List of Members, Officers, and Committees of the Association.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER FIFTEEN.-I. Papers on Infant Development-Professor Harris, Mr. Darwin, Mr. Alcott, Dr. Preyer, M. Taine, etc. II. Report of Mrs. Talbot. III. Religious and Moral Education of Children-Professor G. S. Hall. IV. Treatment of Incipient Insanity-Mary Putnam-Jacobi, M.D. V. Debate on Insanity-Professor W. T. Harris, Dr. Channing, F. B. Sanborn, etc. VI. Papers on Building Associations-R. T. Paine, Jr., and Addison B. Burk. VII. Homes for the People in Washington-John Hitz. VIII. Art in its Relation to the People-Martin Brimmer.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER SIXTEEN.-Papers of the Health Department: I. Address of the Chairman-Walter Channing, M.D. II. The Michigan Plan for Boards of Health-Dr. Henry B. Baker. III. The Health Care of Households with Special Reference to House Drain

age Ezra M. Hunt, M.D. IV. The Health of Boys' Boarding-schools-D. F. Lincoln, M.D. V. The Health of Criminal Women-Eliza M. Mosher, M.D. VI. The Management of Chronic Inebriates and Insane Drunkards-Albert N. Blodgett, M.D. VII. Remarks of Mr. Parker on Boards of Health. VIII. International and National Relief in War-Miss Clara Barton. Papers of the Social Economy Department: I. Address of the Chairman-F. B. Sanborn. II. The Factory System as an Element in Civilization-Carroll D. Wright. III. Early Factory Life in New England-Mrs. H. H. Robinson. IV. American Factory Life-Miss Lucy Larcom. V. Ten Hours-Rev. Jesse H. Jones.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER SEVENTEEN.-I. Introduction. II. Address-Rev. A. D. Mayo, on National Aid to Education. III. Address-President Angell, on Diplomatic Relations between China and the United States. IV. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department, namely: 1. Professional Ethics-Theodore Bacon. 2. Local Self-government-Edward W. Bemis. 3. Disfranchisement for Crime-James F. Colby. 4. A Plan for Extinguishing CrimeEdwin Hill. 5. Punishment for Certain Crimes-H. A. Hill. V. Address-Professor W. T. Harris. VI. The Darwin Commemoration. VII. A Paper on the Progressive Spelling-Rev. H. L. Way land. VIII. Miscellaneous Matters.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER EIGHTEEN.-I. Introductory. II. Opening Address-Professor Wayland. III. Report of the General Secretary-F. B. Sanborn. IV. Papers on Health and Education: 1. Health and Social Science-Dr. E. M. Hunt. 2. Physical Training in Homes and Training-schools-Professor D. A. Sargent. 3. True Higher EducationW. C. Thomas. 4. Causes of Insanity-Dr. W. Channing. 5. Inebriety in Women-Dr. L. M. Hall. 6. The Disease of Inebriety-Dr. T. D. Crothers. 7. House-building and Drainage G. E. Waring, Jr. 8. Moral Education in Schools-Professor W. T. Harris. V. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. Assertion of Rights-J. T. Platt. 2. International Ethics-E. M. Gallaudet, LL.D. 3. Legal History of the Telephone-M. F. Tyler. VI. Addresses and Special Papers: 1. American Civil Service System-J. M. Gregory, LL.D. 2. Public Libraries-J. M. Larned. 3. Religion of India-Mr. Mozoomdar. 4. New Methods of Study in History-H. B. Adams. VII. Papers of the Social Economy Department, namely: 1. Race Problems in the United States-Professor G. A. Gardner. 2. Relations between Employers and Employed-Mrs. S. K. Bolton. 3. Child-helping in New York-C. L. Brace. 4. Prison Labor.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER NINETEEN.-I. Introductory. II. Report of the Secretary-F. B. Sanborn. III. Papers of the Finance Department: 1. Scientific Basis of Tariff Legislation-C. D. Wright. 2. Financial Standing of States-Henry C. Adams. 3. The Rate of Wages-Edward Atkinson. 4. Industrial Education-F. A. Walker. IV. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department. I. Conflict of State Laws-Eugene Smith 2. The Pardoning Power-F. Wayland. 3. Threefold Basis of the Criminal Law-F. H. Wines. V. Hebrew Charities-Mary M. Cohen. VI. Constitution and Members of the Association.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY.-I. Papers of the Education Department: 1. The Function of Latin and Greek in Education-Dr. W. T. Harris. 2. Problems in Education-Mrs. Emily Talbot. 3. Athletic Education-Dr. Edward Hitchcock. 4. Physical Education in Women's Colleges-Mrs. R. S. Bryan. 5. The Higher Education of Women in Great Britain and Ireland-Miss Lumsden. II. Additional Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. The Law for the Commitment of Lunatics-Mr. F. H. Wines. 2. Lunacy Legislation in the North-west-Professor A. O. Wright. III. Papers of the Health Department: 1. Dr. Sargent's Summary. 2. Tenement Houses-Dr. Lucy M. Hall. IV. The Civil Service in States and Cities-Edward M. Shepard.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-ONE.-1. President's Eaton's Address, 1885. 2. Business and Debates of 1885. 3. Synopsis of Social Science Instruction in Colleges. 4. Methodical Education in Social Science-F. B. Sanborn. 5. Social Science and Social ConditionsW. T. Harris. 6. The Unnamed Third Party-H. L. Wayland. 7. Socialism and State Action-Edward W. Bemis. 8. Labor Unions under Democratic Government-D. M. Means. 9. Influence of City Life on Health and Development-Dr. G. Peckham. 10. The Health of American Cities-V. F. Wingate. II. The Physical Training of Women-Dr. L. M. Hall. 12. The Constitution and National Development-E. V. Reynolds. 13. Land and Law as Agents in Educating Indians-President Gates. 14. Arbitration of Labor Disputes-Rev. W. Gladden. 15. The Place of Art in Education-Thomas Davidson. 16. The Relation of the Drama to Education-W. O. Partridge. 17. Child-life in City and Country-C. D. Kellogg. 18. City and Country Schools-W. M. Beckner.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-TWO.-Conference of Alienists. Business and Debates of 1886. Notice of Deceased Members. I. Papers of the Department of Education: _1. The Definition of Social Science and its Classification-W. T. Harris. 2. Social Science Instruction in Colleges-Mrs. Emily Talbot and W. T. Harris. 3. Popular Instruction in Social Science Carroll D. Wright. II. Papers of the Department of Health: 1. The Nervousness of Americans-Grace Peckham, M.D. 2. Mineral Waters of America and EuropeT. M. Coan, M.D. 3. Rabies and How to Prevent it-Valentine Mott, M.D. 4. NosesH. Holbrook Curtis, M.D. 5. The Science of Dietetics-Wallace Wood, M.D. III. Papers of the Social Economy Department: 1. Address of the Chairman: Labor and Capital-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Property-Thomas Davidson. 3. Letters of Dr. Abbott and Dr. Wayland. 4. The Right of Property in Land-W. T. Harris, LL.D. IV. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. Postal Savings Banks-Dr. H. L. Wayland. 2. How to deal with Habitual Criminals-Professor S. E. Baldwin.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-THREE.-Business and Debates of 1887. Address of the President: Problems of the Census-Carroll D. Wright. I. Papers of the Social Economy Department: 1. Address of the Chairman-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Profit Sharing as a Method of Remunerating Labor-F. J. Kingsbury. 3. Alfred Dolge and his Experiments-A. Dolge and Ernest Richard. 4. Profit Sharing Historically and Theoretically ConsideredG. M. Powell. 5. Labor Organizations-J. G. Brooks. 6. Woman and the Temperance Question-Frances E. Willard. II. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. The American System of Trial by Jury-D. H. Chamberlain. 2. The Law's UncertaintyThomas Thatcher. 3. The Incorrigible-Francis Wayland. 4, Private Corporations and the State-H. A. James. 5..Social Science in the Law of Moses-H. L. Wayland. CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR.-Introductory. Committee on Provident Institutions. Constitution, List of Members, etc. I. Papers of the Health Department: 1. Relation of the Physician to the Community, and of the Community to the Physician-Grace Peckham, M.D. 2. The Function of the Lungs-D. Emery Holman, M.D. 3. Certain Injurious Influences of City Life and their Removal-Walter B. Platt, M.D. The Criminal Type-William Noyes, M.D. 5. Immigration and Nervous Diseases-C. L. Dana, M.D., with Discussion. II. Papers of the Education Department: 1. The Opportunities of America-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Address T. W. Higginson. 3. Pedagogy in American Colleges -Professor E. J. James. 4. The Education of Women-Arthur Gilman.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE.-General Meeting of 1888. President Adams on Higher Education. I. The Growth and Purposes of Bureaus of Statistics of Labor-Address of the President, Carroll D. Wright. II. Papers and Debates of the Department of Health: 1. Address on Requirements for a Medical Degree-Dr. H. H. Curtis. 2. How Far can Legislation aid in Maintaining a Proper Standard of Medical Education?-W. A. Purrington. 3. The Value of a Liberal Education Antecedent to the Study of Medicine-Sylvester F. Scovel. Remarks of Dr. Grace Peckham. 4. Unsanitary Conditions in Country Homes -Dr. Lucy M. Hall. 5. The Working-women of New York: Their Health and Occupations-Elizabeth Stow Brown, M.D. 6. The Struggle for Subsistence; How can it be most Efficiently Aided?-Henry Dwight Chapin, M.D. III. Papers of the Finance and Social Economy Departments: 1. Address of the Chairman-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Savings Banks in the United States-John P. Townsend. 3. Co-operative Building AssociationsReport of the Special Committee. 4. Report on Savings Banks and Building Associations of Illinois-Professor J. W. Jenks. 5. Co-operative Building and Loan Associations in the State of New York-Seymour Dexter, Esq. 6. The Dangerous Side of Building Associations-Mr. C. F. Southard. 7. Notes on Provident Institutions in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Texas-Professor Robert T. Hill. 8. Life Insurance-Report of the Committee, Hebrew Provident Institutions. 9. The Early History of School Savings Banks in the United States-J. H. Thiry.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-SIX.-General Meeting of 1889. Report of J. P. Townsend, Secretary. Constitution, List of Members, and Publications, etc. I. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. The Economic Law of Monopoly-President E. B. Andrews. 2. Constitutional Guarantees of the Right of Property-George Hoadly. 3. Education as a Cure for Crime-S. T. Dutton. 4. Immigration and Crime-W. M. F. Round. 5. The Dead Hand-Dr. H. L. Wayland. II. Papers of the Education Department: 1. Industrial Training of the Defective Classes. Discussion by President Gallaudet, General Brinkerhoff, Dr. Bryce, F. B. Sanborn, Miss Alice Cooke, etc. 2. Popular Fallacies concerning the Insane-Dr. Pliny Earle. III. Papers of the Social Economy Department: 1. Report on Co-operative Building and Loan Associations. 2. Socialism in England-Percival Chubb. CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN.-General meeting of 1890. Constitution, List_of Members, etc. The Third Estate of the South-Rev. A. D. Mayo. The Single Tax Debate Remarks by Samuel B. Clarke, Professor Thomas Davidson, W. L. Garrison, Professor John B. Clark, President E. B. Andrews, Professor E. R. A. Seligman. Louis F. Post, Edward Atkinson, Henry George, Professor W. T. Harris, and James R. Carret. CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT.-General Meeting of 1891. M. Levasseur on Malthus. The Late Rufus King. President White's Addresses. I. Papers of the Social Economy Department: 1. Labor Organizations-S. M. Hotchkiss. 2. Trades-unions-S. Gompers. 3. Trades-unions and Wages-Prof. J. W. Jenks. 4. Shoemaking in Connecticut-F. J. Kingsbury. 5. Arbitration, Voluntary and Compulsory-Mrs. C. R. Lowell. 6. Compulsory Arbitration-Seymour Dexter. 7. Social Side of Unions-George Gunton. 8. Tradesunions and Apprentices-E. W. Bemis. II. Miscellaneous Papers: 1. Treatment of Hydrophobia-Dr. Paul Gibier. 2. The Silver Question-J. D. Warner. 3. Reform of

the Civil Service-W. D. Foulke.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER TWENTY-NINE.-Introduction. The General Meeting of 1892. The Late Dr. Pliny Earle. I. Summer Camps for Boys-Dr. W. T. Talbot. II. The New York City Health Department-Dr. Cyrus Edson. III. The Tenement House: Its Influence upon the Child-Dr. Mary E. Herrick. IV. The Progress of the Financial Credit of the Government of the United States-Joseph T. Brown. V. Aids in the Study of Social Science-F. B. Sanborn. VI. The Care of Epileptics-Dr. Frederick Peterson.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY.-President Wayland's Address, General Meeting of 1892. Obituary Notices: Sir Daniel Wilson-Mrs. C. H. Dall. George William Curtis-F. B. Sanborn. I. Miscellaneous Papers: Social Science in the Nineteenth Century-F. B. Sanborn. Art Education in American Life-Miss M. B. Martin. Commitment of the Insane

in New York City-Dr. M. D. Field. County Jails as Reformatory Institutions-E. B. Merrill. American Childhood from a Medical Standpoint-Dr. H. L. Taylor. II. Papers of the Social Economy Department: 1. Sweating in Germany-Rev. J. G. Brooks. 2. The Sweating System in the United Kingdom-D. F. Schloss. 3. Conditions of the Labor of Women and Children in New York-Dr. Anna S. Daniel. 4. The Sweating System in Massachusetts-H. G. Wadlin. 5. Tenement-house Workers in Boston-W. F. Hicks. 6. The Sweating System in General-Joseph Lee. 7. Legislation.-Appendix-Joseph Lee. The Great Coal Combination and the Reading Leases-C. L. Munson. Publications of the American Social Science Association.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-ONE.-Order of Business, Saratoga Meeting of 1893. George William Curtis: A Tribute-Edward B. Merrill. Socialism and Social Science: A Report -F. B. Sanborn. Recent Progress in Medicine and Surgery-Frederick Peterson, M.D. Debate on Myxoidema. Compulsory Arbitration-H. L. Wayland, D.D. I. Papers of the Finance Department: 1. Three Factors of Wealth-F. J. Kingsbury. 2. Bimetallism or the Double Standard-J. L. Greene. 3. Present Status of Silver-Dr. C. B. Spahr. Speech of Secretary Carlisle. II. Papers of the Social Economy Department: 1. Phases of Social Economy-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Mutual Benefit Societies in Connecticut-S. M. Hotchkiss. 3. The Sweating System in 1893. III. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. Reformation or Retribution?-Eugene Smith. 2. A Reply to Mr. Smith James McKeen. 3. Modern Methods with Criminals-C. A. Collin. IV. The Education of Epileptics-Dr. L. F. Bryson. Note on the Sweating System. Constitution, List of Officers, Members and Publications.


CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-TWO.-Order of Business, Saratoga Meeting of 1894. The Reign of Law-President Kingsbury. Present Aspect of the Silver Problem-Prof. Jenks. I. Papers of the Social Economy Department: Relief of the Unemployed; Reports. II. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. The Elmira System-C. D. Warner. Mobs and Lynching-G. C. Holt. 3. State Surgery-Rev. Dr. Wayland, III. Papers of the Health Department: 1. International Sanitary Conferences-Dr. S. Smith. 2. Newspaper Work for Women-Mrs. Welch. IV. Papers of the Education Department: I. English as a Universal Language-D. G. Porter. 2. Higher Education in Greece-Prof. D. Quinn. 3. The Place of Social Philosophy-Prof. G. G. Wilson. 4. Relation of Sociology to Scientific Studies-Prof. F. H. Giddings. 5. Practical Instruction in CivicsProf. J. Macy. 6. Possibilities of Social Amelioration-Prof. J. J. McCook. Constitution, List of Officers, Members, and Publications.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-THREE.-Order of Business, 1895. The Silver Debate. Life in Cities-President Kingsbury. Society and Socialism-F. B. Sanborn. Naval Education-C. F. Goodrich. Debate on Free Coinage of Silver A. J. Warner, J. Patterson, J. Sheldon, R. G. Horr, A. B. Woodford, M. D. Harter, A. Higgins, A. P. Stokes. A Mexican Lawsuit-W. S. Logan. Mexican Affairs-Señor Romero. Education at the South-Dr. J. A. Dreher. Trade Schools-J. Lee. The Swiss Referendum-E. V. Raynolds.

7. Re

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-FOUR.-Order of Business, 1896. Constitution and List of Officers and Members. President's Address-F. J. Kingsbury. I. Papers of Education Department: 1. Duty of Higher Education-Prof. Daniel Quinn. 2. Industrial Education in Old and New England-S. N. D. North. 3. The Working Boy-Mrs. Florence Kelley of Hull House. 4. Relation of Education to Vocation-S. T. Dutton. 5. Debate on the Trade-school Papers: Mr. Brockway's Results; Mr. Lee's Remarks. Instruction of the Colored Citizens. 6. Higher Education of the Colored People-H. L. Wayland. marks of Gen. T. J. Morgan; Remarks of Prof. Silas Floyd; Remarks of Mr. B. T. Washington; Remarks of Mr. Hugh Brown. II. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. International Justice David Jayne Hill. 2. Legislation and Jurisprudence-J. Warren Greene. 3. Modern Municipal Reform-St. Clair McKelway. III. Papers of the Finance Department: 1. Fallacies of Industrial Statistics-S. N. D. North. 2. Municipal Enterprises for Profit-Prof. S. M. Lindsay. 3. Economic Productivity of Municipal Enterprises -Prof. W. F. Willcox. 4. Problems of Municipal Government-Prof. J. H. Gray. CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-FIVE.-Order of Business, 1897. Constitution and List of Officers and Members. Address by Hon. S. E. Baldwin on Absolute Power an American Institution. Report of General Secretary, F. B. Sanborn. Address by Prof. J. W. Jenks, of Cornell University, on Causes of the Fall in Prices since 1872. Address by F. B. Sanborn on Progress in Social Economy since 1874. Report of Joseph Lee on Trade-schools. Account of George Junior Republic by Prof. Jenks. I. Papers of Education Department: 1. Remarks of Chairman-Rev. Joseph Anderson. 2. Perversion of Educational Benefactions. -D. G. Porter. 3. The Educational Value of the Drama-Rev. Frederick Stanley Root. 4. A Trio of Sub-Alpine Scholars-W. D. McCracken. II. Papers of Health Department: 1. The Insane-Dr. P. M. Wise. 2. The Epileptic-Dr. W. P. Spratling. 3. Home Care of Epileptic Children-Everett Flood, M.D. 4. The Feeble-minded-Dr. J. C. Carson. The Idiotic-Dr. Charles Bernstein. 6. Insane Convicts-Dr. H. E. Allison. III. Jurisprudence Department: 1. Democracy and the Laboring Man-F. J. Stimson. 2. How far may we abolish Prisons? W. M. F. Round.


CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-SIX.-Order of Business, 1898. Constitution and List of Officers and Members. Obituary Notice of Rev. Heman Lincoln Wayland, D.D., by Hon. F. J. Kingsbury. Address by Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, LL.D., on The History of American Morals. Report of the General Secretary, Rev. Frederick Stanley Root. I. Papers of the

Educational and Art Departments: 1. Remarks by the Chairman-Rev. Joseph Anderson, D.D. 2. Short Duration of School Attendance: Its Causes and Remedies-Mrs. Daniel Folkmar. 3. The Educational Value of the Popular Lecture Dr. Henry M. Leipziger. 4. The Significance of the Recent Advance in College and University Education in the United States-Hon. William T. Harris. 5. The Influence of Art upon Education-Prof. George L. Raymond. II. Papers of the Departments of Finance and Social Economy: 1. Co-operative Banks and Building Associations. Remarks by the Chairman-Hon. F. B. Sanborn. 2. The George Junior Republic-Mr. Thomas M. Osborne. 3. The Proposed Anglo-American Alliance-Charles A. Gardiner, Ph.D. 4. School Playgrounds and Baths -Hon. Josiah Quincy. 5. War Financiering-Hon. Frank A. Vanderlip. 6. Discussion of the above topic-Prof. Charles H. Hull. III. Papers of the Jurisprudence Department: 1. Remarks by the Chairman-Dean Francis Wayland. 2. Can International Disputes be Judicially Determined?-Prof. Isaac Franklin Russell. 3. American Marriages and Divorces before Canadian Tribunals-Eugene Lafleur. 4. The Obligations of the State to Public Education-Hon. Charles Bulkley Hubbell. 5. Medical amd Other Experts-Hon. St. Clair McKelway. IV. Papers of the Health Department: 1. Health in Camps-Dr. Elmer Lee. 2. The Purification of Municipal Water Supplies by Filtration-Chancellor W. J. Holland. In Appendix: Care of Deaf-mutes in Denmark-Holger Mygind, M.D. Abstract of Address on Sociology as based on Anthropology-Prof. Daniel Folkmar.

3. The

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEN.-Address by Hon. S. E. Baldwin, LL.D., on The Natural Right to a Natural Death. Report of the General Secretary, Frederick Stanley Root. I. Papers of the Department of Education and Art: 1. Remarks by the Chairman-Rev. Joseph Anderson, D.D. 2. Education by Newspaper-Arthur Reed Kimball. 3. Twentieth-century Education-Arthur Burnham Woodford, Ph.D. 4. The Present Problem of Negro Education-William H. Baldwin, Jr. II. Papers of the Department of Social Economy and Finance: 1. Social Relations in the United States-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Negro Criminality-Prof. W. F. Willcox, Ph.D. 3. Expansion as an Historical EvolutionSamuel Parrish. 4. Aims of the Consumers' League-Mrs. Florence Kelley. 5. Present Needs of Prison Management in America-F. B. Sanborn. 6. Financial Administration of Colonial Dependencies-Alleyne Ireland. 7. Discussion of the above topic-Gen. Guy V. Henry. III. Jurisprudence Department: 1. Why Law Schools are CrowdedIsaac F. Russell, D.C.L. 2. Territorial Acquisition-Henry Wade Rogers, LL.D. Tendency of Courts to sustain Special Legislation-Hon. John Woodward. 4. The Right to Combine-F. B. Thurber. 5. The Training of the Lawyer-Clarence D. Ashley, LL.D. IV. Department of Health: 1. Brief Mention of a few Ethnic Features of Nervous Disease -Irving C. Rosse, M.D. Appendix: Report of Delegates to Chicago Trust Conference. CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT.-Address by Charles Dudley Warner on The Education of the Negro. I. Papers of the Department of Health: 1. Alternate VentilationEdward T. Potter. 2. Proposed Plan to bring about Improvement of City Milk SupplyR. A. Pearson. 3. Are Bacilli the Cause of Disease?-Charles E. Page, M.D. 4. A Plea for Rain Baths in the Public Schools-William Paul Gerhard, C.E. 5. Suppression of Epidemics-Walter Wyman, M.D. 6. The Genesis of Disease-Elmer Lee, M.D. II. Papers of the Department of Education and Art: 1. A Year's Progress in Education-W. T. Harris. 2. Advanced Professional Training of Teachers-James E. Russell. 3. The Artistic versus the Scientific Conception in Educational Methods-G. L. Raymond. 4. False and True Teaching in our Schools concerning Alcohol-W. O. Atwater. 5. Educational Resources of the Community-Samuel T. Dutton. III. Papers of the Department of Social Economy and Finance: 1. Social Changes in the United States during the Half-centuryF. B. Sanborn. 2. Social Changes in New England-E. W. Sanborn. 3. Changes in Virginia during the Half-century-Mrs. Orra Langhorne. 4. The Boers of South Africa in their Social Relations-Miss Flora J. White. 5. An Ideal Currency-Jacob L. Greene. 6. Stability of the Gold Standard-E. S. Meade. 7. Progress toward Ideal Currency-Hon. Marriott Brosius. IV. Papers of the Department of Jurisprudence: 1. Domain of the Written Law-Isaac Franklin Russell. 2. Legal Education of Women-Isabella_ Mary Pettus. 3. The Suppression of Vice-C. G. Tiedeman. 4. The Laws of our New Possessions-William Wirt Howe.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER THIRTY-NINE.-Address by William M. Sloane on Charles Dudley Warner, late President of the Association. I. Papers of the Department of Jurisprudence: 1. Lawyers' Work among the Poor-Rosalie Loew. 2. Edward Livingston and his Criminal Code-Eugene Smith. 3. The Latin-American Constitutions and Revolutions-John W. Foster. 4. Naturalization: The Abuse and the Remedy-Oscar S. Straus. II. Papers of Department of Health: 1. Health Fads of To-day-Grace Peckham Murray. 2. Transmission of Yellow Fever by the Mosquito-Sternberg. III. Papers of the Department of Education and Art: 1. The Outlook for the Education and Progress of the Colored Race in the Light of Present Reactionary Tendencies in the South-Papers by Kelly Miller, George R. Stetson, William T. Harris. 2. The Future of the Library Movement in the United States in the Light of Andrew Carnegie's Recent Gift-Melvil Dewey. IV. Papers of the Department of Social Economy: 1. Home-building and Land-owning by the Industrious Classes in the United States-F. B. Sanborn. 2. Domestic Service Mrs. Orra Langhorne. 3. Settlement and Educational Work among the Mountaineers of Eastern Kentucky -Miss Henderson Daingerfield. 4. The Best Treatment of Criminals, whether Felons or Misdemeanants-Z. R. Brockway.

CONTENTS OF NUMBER FORTY.-Address by the President-Hon. O. S. Straus. I. Papers of the Department of Social Economy: 1. Some Notes on the Tragedy of Industry-John Graham Brooks. 2. The English Workingmen's Compensation Act-A. Maurice Low.

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