Catalogue of the Oakland Free Library: July 10th, 1879

Daily Evening Tribune, 1879 - 68 páginas

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Página 38 - Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in their Political, Social, Economical, and Industrial Aspects. By GEORGE HOWELL.
Página 55 - The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David.
Página 55 - A careful and strict inquiry into the modern prevailing notions of that freedom of the will which is supposed to be essential to moral agency, virtue and vice, reward and punishment, praise and blame.
Página 61 - Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England, from the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth.
Página 63 - FREE TRADE AND PROTECTION: an Inquiry into the Causes which have retarded the general adoption of Free Trade since its introduction into England.
Página 67 - Statistics of Coal : Including Mineral Bituminous Substances employed in Arts and Manufactures ; with their Geographical, Geological, and Commercial Distribution and Amount of Production and Consumption on the American Continent. With Incidental Statistics of the Iron Manufacture. By RC TAYLOR. Second edition, revised by SS HALDEMAN. Illustrated by five Maps and many wood engravings. 8vo., cloth...
Página 37 - Thomson's Lunar and Horary Tables. For New and Concise Methods of Performing the Calculations necessary for ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations, or Chronometers ; with directions for acquiring a knowledge of the Principal Fixed Stars and finding the Latitude of them.
Página 56 - THE KORAN, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated into English immediately from the original Arabic, with explanatory notes, taken from the most approved commentators. To which is prefixed a preliminary discourse by George Sale.
Página 34 - The Desert of the Exodus. Journeys on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty Years' Wanderings, undertaken in connection with the Ordnance Survey of Sinai and the Palestine Exploration Fund. By EH PALMER, MA, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St.
Página 21 - The Roman History, from the Foundation of the City of Rome to the Destruction of the Western Empire.

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