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manded in 1709, and the tariff of 1664, excepting_only the following fpecies of merchandize, which the Dutch 'fhould not be permitted to import into France: whale-oil, foap, fugar, and dry fifh, as alfo the duty of fifty fols per tun, which the French king would not remit.' The earl of Strafford likewise infifted, that the ftates fhould withdraw their forces from Spain and Portugal, and forthwith return a categorical answer to their propofals. During the debate, the ftates fent to the minifters of Pruffia and Hanover, to know what they might depend upon as to the troops of their mafters; to which they returned not only a favourable answer, but, at the defire of the ftates, wrote letters to the generals of thofe forces, to act according as thofe minifters had promifed they fhould. On the other hand, the emperor's minifters, fufpecting what would be proposed, fignified to the states, that, if they agreed to a ceffation of arms, prince Eugene had orders immediately to march off, with all the emperor's forces into the empire, and leave the Dutch to the mercy both of their old and new enemies. This, together with the remonftrance of the penfionary, the register Fagel, and monfieur Slingerland, inclined the ftates of the province of Holland and Weft-Friseland, to come to an unanimous resolution on the 9th of July, N. S. That they were intirely difpofed to put an end to this bloody and expenfive war by a good peace: that, in order to that, they were ready to liften to fuch proposals, as • France fhould be willing to make in writing, in answer to the specific demands of the allies: that, if the fame were juft and reasonable, in fuch a cafe their high mightineffes would readily confent to a general peace; but that they would never depart from their engagements with their allies, without whose consent they could not agree to a ceffation of arms.' This refolution was fo great a mortification to the British minifters, that the earl of Strafford faid, with some vehemence, That he would go to the army, • and execute his orders.' He was prayed to defer his journey for one day, which he refused, unless prince Eugene were defired to forbear hoftilities. After fome deliberation, he was told, an express should be sent to prince Eugene, to defire that he would undertake nothing till forty-eight hours after the earl of Strafford's arrival in the army.

Sir Thomas

conduct in

About this time à report was fpread in Holland, that the Hanmer's English had formed a defign to feize Oftend, which was occafioned by Sir Thomas Hanmer's repairing to that town towards the end of June, N. S. his caufing the depth of the




harbour to be founded; and his viewing the fortifications 1712. with the burgomafter Bawens, who was fuppofed to be in n the British intereft. Sir Thomas having spent some days at Bruges and Ghent, where his prefence was thought necef fary to prepare matters for future defigns; that gentleman, who from this time began to appear with the title of the queen's minifter, repaired to Bruffels, where the earl of Strafford arrived the 11th of July, N. S. From thence the earl The earl of went the next day to the duke of Ormond's army, then in- Strafford camped at Chateau Cambrefis, and found it was high time goes to the to feparate the British forces from the Germans, between whom there had been frequent quarrels, in which many men, and even fome officers, had been killed on both fides. The day before, a council of war was held at prince Eugene's quarters at Hafpre, wherein it was agreed, that the army fhould make a movement to attack Landrecy; that the prince of Anhalt-Deffau fhould command the fiege of that place; and, if the English retired from the army, nothing should be omitted to carry on the war with the utmost vigour, in order to take winter quarters in Picardy. The earl of Strafford, foreseeing what a martial answer he must expect, in cafe he should propofe a ceffation of arms, continued at the duke of Ormond's quarters, where he conferred with none of the commanders of the auxiliary troops, except the general of the Hanoverians, who was inftructed to declare, that his mafter, as an elector of the empire, was obliged to follow the refolutions of the head and members of that great body. Whether the earl of Strafford expected the firft vifit from prince Eugene and the ftates deputies, is uncertain; but, if he did, he was disappointed; and, having notified to them his arrival in the duke of Ormond's camp no fooner than the 14th of July, the prince and the deputies contented themselves with returning him a compliment upon it.

riously re

The news of the British auxiliaries refufing to march with The news of the duke of Ormond, was variously entertained in England, the auxiliaaccording to the different inclinations and views of the fe- ries refufing to obey the veral parties. Thofe, who had either oppofed or difap- duke of Orproved the late measures, could not but rejoice at it; openly mond, va declaring their hopes, that the confederates would carry on ceived in the war without England; others fpreading reports of the England, duke of Ormond's having been threatened by fome German generals; and others again whispering about their fecret wifhes, under the notion of apprehenfions of a defign formed by thofe generals to confine the duke for their arrears, and

1712, even to difarm the British troops, left they fhould join the French army. Whether such a thought was entertained by any of those commanders, is very difficult to determine; but it is certain no fuch thing was ever proposed to the states-deputies; and it is more than probable, that, if it had, it would have been rejected with indignation. However, it is obfervable, that the friends of the new miniftry were apt enough to fufpect fuch a design, and very industrious in infufing the belief of it, in order to render the allies still more odious to the people.

Cond. of the


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However this be, the duke of Ormond found himself in a duke of Or- very uneafy pofture. Upon a fuppofition, that Villars would fend him a fatisfactory answer, and the foreign troops perfift in their refufal to obey his orders, he defigned to march with all the English troops, and the artillery to Dunkirk, where he thought they would be more fecure, and would have the sea open, in cafe the queen should think fit to recall them. But on the 27th of June he received a letter from Villars which imported, That the king (of France) might very well be astonished, that, in cafe of a cessation, the generals of the auxiliary troops fhould make any dif⚫ficulty to separate from prince Eugene; and that it was furprizing, the Dutch fhould have more power over men, whom they did not pay, to make them hazard their lives, than the queen, who had paid them these dozen years, fhould have to perfuade them not to expose themselves to any danger.'. The duke received alfo the copy of a letter from the marquis de Torcy to Mr. St. John, wherein the marquis urged, That in the articles agreed on it was expreffed, the ceffation fhould be between the armies which were at prefent in the Netherlands: that it was upon this view of a general ceffation, fo important a place as • Dunkirk was to be delivered up; that the chief motive, which made England and France agree to a ceffation, was, that nothing might happen between the armies to interrupt the measures, which were taken for a peace. That, to effect this, nothing but a general ceffation would be fufficient; and, if the enemies of peace had ftill the liberty, the means, and the power of acting left them, the condition, upon which the king was to furrender Dunkirk to the queen, would not be complied with on her part: that the king always thought, the queen was intire mistress of the troops, which compofed her army; and that they had all orders to follow the duke of Ormond's directions;


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and therefore upon a ceffation were to forbear action, as 1712. well as the English. That in cafe the English alone left the army, prince Eugene, finding himself the fole general at the head of great numbers of men, would hazard any thing to come to an action, and would not at all fcruple to facrifice troops, which his mafter did not pay, and which were to be under the prince's command only C during the remainder of the campaign. Therefore since ⚫ these proposals for a ceffation neither answer the measures, which the queen has hitherto taken for a peace, nor a< greed to the articles, which had been concerted to between her majefty and the king upon that fubject, the king was perfuaded, that the queen would give the duke of Ormond full inftructions to feparate the whole intire army, which was in her pay, and actually under the duke's com• mand, from that of prince Eugene: and, when this was done the king would be ready to deliver up Dunkirk, as it had been agreed upon in the articles for the cessation.' This letter gave the duke good reafon to hope, that the queen would approve of his deferring to feparate the troops, and to march towards Dunkirk, till he had fufficient affurance, that the place would be delivered up to him; whereas now the contrary appeared fo evidently, that he should have thought himself immediately at liberty to act in conjunction with the allies, would he have taken upon himself to make a step of that confequence, without the queen's particular orders; but thefe he had further room to expect, fince the allies were now engaged in the fiege of Quesnoy, and in no condition therefore at prefent of attacking the enemy. And the duke was the lefs uneafy under this delay, being fenfible, that England had not been able, on her part, to make good the condition of a general ceflation, upon which the immediate delivery of Dunkirk was promised. Villars, in his letter, had invited the duke to an interview, which the duke (being no way impowered to agree to it) declined, and excufed himself in a letter to the marshal. While he was dispatching an exprefs with an account of all thefe proceedings, a meffenger brought him a letter of the 14th of June from Mr fecretary St. John, which gave the duke an account, That the courier returned from France the night before, and that her majefty's demands were complied with to her fatisfaction. If therefore his grace ⚫ had any difficulties, as feveral were foreseen, which might ⚫arife in taking poffeffion of Dunkirk, he might keep his army intire, and the measures were ready in England for

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fending over troops fufficient for that fervice. That nothing could be more dreadful to the Dutch than this " town in English hands. That he was therefore to confider the temper they were in; and, if he were likely to have the leaft difturbance given him on this account, he < was to keep the fecret, fend his accounts to the queen, ⚫ and in the mean time, the troops fhould be ready to enter ⚫ the place from England; where means would be found of concerting things fo, that the declaration for a fufpenfion of arms fhould be exactly timed with the evacuation of Dunkirk. If he had taken poffeffion, well; if not, they could be able to do it from thence; and perhaps, in the prefent ferment, he had better lie ftill, and let Dunkirk be poffeffed firft, and the claimour happen afterwards.' On the 5th of July came another letter, of June 20, from the fecretary, informing the duke, That the queen had order

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ed lord Strafford to make all poffible hafte to the army, < with instructions, which were neceffary in this critical con< juncture: That the foreign minifters had been told, that the queen would look upon herself as acquitted from all obligations of arrears or fubfidies to that prince, whofe • troops fhould refufe to obey her general's orders without hefitation: that his grace fhould declare as much to those, who commanded them, and require a pofitive • answer from them: that, till Ford Strafford came, the best ufe, his grace could make of the intermediate time, would ⚫ be to continue vigilantly on his guard, and to speak in the plaineft and moft refolute manner to them.' In this letter was inclosed the copy of one from the secretary to the marquis de Torcy of the fame date, the fubject of which was, That the queen, having received an account of what had paffed, both from the duke of Ormond and from France, commanded him to acquaint the marquis, how great a diffatisfaction it was to her to fee, that the enemies of peace had again found out means to retard its conclufion, by expofing the methods, by which it was to be gained, to new difficulties and dangers. But as fhe had taken a firm and immoveable refolution, not to give the leaft way to thofe obftructions, and to con⚫tinue her utmost endeavours, in concert with the king; towards establishing a general peace; fo fhe did not doubt, but she should be able to defeat the last efforts of those, who either fought their own intereft, or gratified their pri⚫vate refentments, in prolonging the miferies of war. That he, in the queen's name, had declared to the minifters of • those

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