The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth: With a Memoir : Seven Volumes in Three, Volumen1Hurd and Houghton, 1878 |
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Términos y frases comunes
Alps arms babe beneath Betty Foy bird bower breast breath bright calm cheer child clouds coloring of night cottage dark dead dear deep delight door doth dream earth ELDRED Elea eyes face fair fancy father fear feel flowers gleam gone Grasmere green hand happy hath head hear heard heart heaven HERBERT hill hope hour Idon Idonea innocent Kilve Lacy light living look Lord Clifford Lyrical Ballads MARMADUKE Milton mas mind moon mountain nature never night o'er OSWALD pain peace Peter Bell pleasure poems poet poor rest rill rocks round Salisbury Plain seemed shade side sight silent Simplon Pass sleep song soul sound spirit spot stars stream Sugh sweet tears thee thine things thou art thought trees vale voice wandering wild WILLIAM WORDSWORTH wind woods words Wordsworth Youth