Session 1.-30 January 1900 - 8 August 1900. Session 2.-3 December 1900 15 December 1900. VOL. XXV. 1900. FROM COMMISSIONERS, INSPECTORS, AND OTHERS: 1900. THIRTY-SEVEN VOLUMES:-CONTENTS OF THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME. N.B.-THE Figures at the beginning of the line, correspond with the N° at the foot of each Report ; and the Figures at the end of the line, refer to the M.S. Paging of the Volumes arranged for The House of Commons. [Cd. 180.] Reports for the Year 1899, by (1) T. A. Stewart, Esq., M.A., LL.D., Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools; (2) The Hon. Mrs. Colborne on Needlework; (3) Sir John Stainer on Music. List of Training Colleges under Inspection. Statistics for the Year 1899. Syllabus of Subjects for the Queen's Scholarship and Studentship Examination, and for the Examination for Certificates. 131 [Cd. 224.] Twenty-seventh Annual Report by the Accountant for Scotland to the Scotch Education Department. SECONDARY EDUCATION (SCOTLAND) : 249 [Cd. 343.] Report for the Year 1900, by Sir Henry Craik, K.C.B., on the Inspection of Higher Class Schools and the Examination for leaving Certificates. UNIVERSITIES (SCOTLAND) : 361 [Cd. 276.] General Report of the Commissioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889; with an Appendix containing Ordinances, Minutes, Correspondence, Evidence, and other Documents. 383 VOL. XXV.-1900. |