THE Theory and Practice OF The English Government BY THOMAS FRANCIS MORAN, PH.D. Professor of History and Economics NEW EDITION LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK THE PREFACE HE purpose of this book is to place before American readers a concise account of the theory and practice of the English government. An effort has been made to present within reasonable compass a description of the actual working of the English government with some reference to its history and theory. In the preparation of the book the writer has had the benefit of the advice and criticisms of several scholars both in England and in the United States. There are a few, however, to whom special acknowledgments are due. Mr. Alfred Fellows and Mr. Henry Smyth, of Birmingham, England, and Professor Emma Mont. McRae, of Purdue University, read the entire manuscript, and made many valuable suggestions and corrections both as to form and content. Professor George H. Emmott, of University College, Liverpool, read the manuscript of the earlier chapters, and gave the writer the benefit of his comprehensive historical and legal knowledge of English institutions. Mr. E. W. Kemmerer, of Purdue University, has also rendered a very valuable service by reading the proof-sheets of the entire book. LAFAYETTE, IND., October, 1902. T. F. MORAN. |