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more strictly scientific, and the informal nature of the book is due to the fact that much of its material has been presented before various groups of business and college men, and that the interest and preferences of these audiences have been taken rather definitely as a guide in the task of writing. Theoretical discussions, which in the past proved least interesting, have been reduced to a minimum; and concrete instances, definite methods and opinions of leading executives, for which the hearers evinced a keen appreciation, have been presented with relative fulness. The result is not a work for scholars, much less an attempt to display erudition, but a series of chapters distinctly practical in their aim.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the aid received from business executives, who in considerable number considered with the author their problems; students who have supplied various materials; and the following books and magazines, quotations from which appear in the present volume on the pages specified: George P. Baker and Henry C. Huntington, “Principles of Argumentation," 239, 240; Harrington Emerson, "Twelve Principles of Efficiency," 135; B. C. Forbes, "Men Who Are Making America," 10, 371, 417; F. B. Gilbreth, "Motion Study," 172; W. H. Herndon and J. W. Wiek, "Abraham Lincoln," 220; Hearst's Magazine, 347, Engineering Magazine, 284, 285, 286; William James, "Principles of Psychology," 84, 85, 87, 186, 325-326; Ibidem, “Talks to Teachers on Psychology," 344, 352; E. D. Jones, “Administration of Industrial Enterprises;" W. C. Mitchell, "Business Cycles," 261, 266; Angelo Mosso, "Fatigue," 339; F. W. McMurry, "How to Study," 16; Life Extension Institute, 296, 314, 358; J. D. Rockefeller, "Random Reminiscences of Men and Events;" C. E. Seashore, "Psychology in Everyday Life," 86; System, 11, 54, 115, 129, 149, 151, 208, 429; Ida M. Tarbell, "History of the Standard Oil Company," 64, 199, 390, 449; F. W. Taussig, "Inventors and Money

Makers," 216; World's Work, 226. These quotations were to have been cited in the footnotes, but owing to the author's entrance upon duties in the Ordnance Department before the manuscript was fully completed the plan contemplated was not carried out. For the same reason the author is indebted rather more than otherwise he would have been to members of The Ronald Press Company's editorial staff. Mr. Conyngton and Mr. Shidle very kindly prepared the legal portion of the chapter, "The Executive's Legal Problems," Mr. Shidle in connection with other chapters has also been very helpful, and Mr. Wade has done much of the work in expanding a single chapter on "Personal Finance" into the present Part VII.

The author thanks all these co-workers for their interest in cultivating with him the science of personal management.

Washington, D. C.,

Labor Day, 1918.

E. B. GowIN.

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