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Funeral of her late Majesty.

tagion rages with the same fury in the environs of the city, and had communicated itself to the population of Seila. The return of the Prince Royal of Portugal to Lisbon, with authority to administer to his father's European dominions, is speculated upon by the inhabitants of Lisbon, as an event at no great distance. The situation of Portugal since the departure of the royal family and nobles of the kingdom, is allowed on all sides to be the reverse of prosperous. It is positively asserted, that Count Abisbal, formerly General O'Donnel, has been appointed Captain-general of Peru and Chili, with the most extensive powers, and full liberty to act as he thinks necessary against the insurgents.


The legislature of New Jersey have passed an Act prohibiting the exportation of slaves or servants of colour out of that state.

The merchants and bankers of Quebec and Montreal have signed a memorial to be presented to the government of England, complaining of the present regulations of the commerce of the colony, and praying that some permanent measures may be adopted relative to the trade with the United States. The


scarcity of money in New York is greater than has been remembered: this is said to be occasioned by the exportation of specie to the East and West Indies.→→→ The exchange with London is 2 per cent. discount, which must tend to bring down the price of their exports.


Accounts from Chili state that Capt. Hickey, of his Majesty's ship Blossom, was proceeding to Columbia to deliver the settlement in due form to Judge Provost, who was authorised to act on the part of America.


The Mahratta war is now ended by the abdication of the Peishwa, who retires to Benares. The whole Mahratta empire is now in our hands, except a small territory given to the ancient dynasty, which is established in its own fortress of Saifarah, where for many years it has been shut up, the empire being governed by a faction, whose head assumed the title of Peishwa, or leader.

The cholera morbus has made dreadful ravages in the upper provinces of Hindostan. The district of Gorruckpore alone has lost 30,000 souls. It has reached Bengal, and is extending itself across the Peninsula.


Tuesday, Dec. 1, being the day appointed he caused about a third part of the largest for admitting spectators to the ceremony of room on the ground floor to be separated lying-in-state, all who were favoured with from the rest by deep black hangings of fine tickets were desired to be at Kew-palace be- cloth; and all external light being excluded, tween ten and four o'clock. That the num- several wax-lights were suspended round the ber of tickets was very limited was evident apartment, suflicient to show the objects to any person going down; for the carriages present, without dispersing the gloom. A on the road scarcely exceeded the ordinary portion of the space thus separated from the number, and on entering the funeral apart- rest was again railed off, and within this railments, the reason of the limitation was ap- way was exhibited to the spectators, as they parent. The house where the Queen died slowly passed before it, the coffin partially is not that which is known by the name of covered with a black pall of exceeding richKew Palace, but a detached building, which, ness; and at the head stood the royal crown. we believe, had never been intended for any Over the coffin was the coat of arms, richly purposes but those of a nursery, or of a re- embroidered on a silver ground: on each sidence for superior domestics. Such a ha- side, but at a small distance from the coffin, bitation, therefore must evidently have been were three immense wax tapers, in silver ill calculated for ceremonials of state: mag- candelabra; on each side, stood two gentlenificent decorations would merely have men dressed in deep mourning; and at the mocked the humble walls to which they foot were placed four mutes, two on each were attached, and a numerous suite of full- side, all in black, but dressed after the fadressed attendants would have occupied the shion of yeomen of the household, with dark whole space, to the exclusion of the only velvet caps snd black-handled halberds. object for which they could have been col- The spectators were received at the entrance lected the admission of persons to see hung with black, by several gentlemen, in them. The rank, however, of a Queen de- mourning habiliments. They next proceedmanded that some forms should be observed through a small passage very partially ed, and the manager, Mr. Mash, with great judgment turned his attention to produce a solemn effect, knowing probably that a grand one was impossible. With this view

illuminated, and also hung with black, to the room of funeral state. They then passed slowly, and at their leisure, before the mortal remains of the late Queen; and after tra


Funeral of her late Majesty.

versing another apartment hung deeply with black, and occupied by attendants in mourning, emerged from the melancholy gloom again into the open day-light.

Wednesday being the day appointed for the mournful ceremony, the whole of the metropolis and its vicinity wore a most solemn appearance; All ordinary business was suspended, and the shops were closed, as well as many private houses. Mourning was nearly universal; the churches, which were nearly all open, were partly hung with black; sermons appropriate to the melancholy occasion were delivered; and the congregations were numerous, and in many places crowded.

It was curious, as the dawn approached, to mark the vast numbers of pedestrians, male and female, who had set out on their journey to Kew long before day-break, in spite of the weather. Many of them were highly respectable in their appearance and in general aware of the difficulty of procuring refreshment on their route, they carried small bundles, containing provisions. The morning was dark, cold, wet, and uncomfortable. It rained very heavily at five o'clock, and fears were entertained that the day would be most unfavourable. Towards seven, however, the heavens cleared up and the bright streaks which adorned the sky," gave token of a goodly day."

Almost every person was dressed in full mourning, and the whole extent from Piccadilly as far as Kew, had the appearance of one moving mass of shadow. There was nothing of a bustling eagerness or tumult among the groupes, but each seemed to be under the impression that he was called from his home at that unseasonable hour for no other purpose than to discharge an important duty. The coaches, as they followed in succession, appeared to be only one chain, for a length of six miles, guided and propelled by the same impulse. As soon as each coach had taken its station in the almost infinite line, there was no escaping from it, at one side or another. The greater part of these vehicles were drawn by four horses each, and many were filled with elegant females and children, dressed in deep mourning.

At eight o'clock, a detachment from the 19th Lancers made their appearance, slowly moving along the Windsor road, and advancing towards Kew. They were stationed in two bodies on Kew green. The road, immediately in the vicinage of the palace, was patroled, during the morning, by small parties of the same regiment.

The detachment from the brigade of Guards in attendance during the lying in state, having been joined by the detachment from the Lancers, shortly after the hearse arrived at the palace, accompanied by a numerous train of undertakers' assistants on horseback, attended also by a party of Lancers. The officers of the several detachments wore crape sashes and long wide

Jan. 1,

scarfs; the drums were enveloped in black cloth, and though the small portion of the band that accompanied the Lancers had their instruments, there was not a single sound from any of them heard during the day. The guard immediately on duty, which was detached from the guards, as is usual on state occasions, appeared with white gaiters. At nine o'clock the bridge of Kew, and the approaches to it were so thickly filled as to make it impossible for those who came after that hour, to procure a sight even of the palace. Each carriage, therefore, as soon as it rode up, to the crowded scene, was freed from its horses, and instantly covered all over with spectators.

The road which runs through the centre of Kew-green was lined on each side with carriages, while an immense assemblage of people almost filled the space behind. The path-ways leading to Kew-bridge, and on to the Star-and-garter were occupied by several rows of carriages comprising almost every species of vehicle that has been constructed since the first invention of carriages. These were loaded, both inside and out, with spectators. The multitude extended as far as the eye could reach, in every direction; and not a window, wall or tree, from which a glimpse of the procession could be obtained, was untenanted.

At Brentford, at Hounslow, from half a guinea to two guineas had been given for places at windows.

In the whole neighbourhood of Kew, there appeared to prevail a sense of particular privation, as if the loss of her Majesty had been confined only to themselves. There is no doubt but she was regarded by this little circle in the light of a patroness-the great lady of the village. They knew her private virtues---and many of them were indebted for their comforts to her benevolence They did not contemplate her in the diffuse relations in which she stood to the community; and if they did remember the exalted rank which she adorned by her domestic excellencies, it was only to endear her still more to them by a greater assurance of her condescension. It is surprising with what cagerness every little emblem appropriate to the occasion was bought. There were numbers of Elegies, and "Tributes to the memory of the late Queen," distributed amongst the multitude. A vast quantity of small medals were purchased during the morning, bearing on one side the head and name of her late Majesty, and on the other the dates of her birth, marriage, and death.

The deserted appearance of the palace was extremely affecting. The windows were all thrown open, and every thing around the palace gave to the beholder the impression of some sudden suspense of life and its con


At a quarter before nine an additional number of Lancers scoured the roads, and prevented the approach of carriages, except those belonging to persons who were to take


Funeral of her late Majesty.

a part in the solemn ceremony. Soon after the larger body of Lancers, who had been stationed on the green, moved towards the palace. A part of them formed on each side of the road, obliging the spectators to fall back pretty close to the Thames. The remainder of this body was subdivided into two parties-one to precede and one to follow the hearse.

It had been rumoured that the procession would move by way of Richmond; and the spectators stationed on Kew-green and its vicinity waited quietly until the fact should be ascertained: but the moment the advanced guard of Lancers wheeled to the left, as they emerged from Kew-green, a general


movement took place towards the bridge. An unusual eagerness prevailed to pass the bridge, and head the procession. In consequence a most tumultuous scene took place at the toll-house. The toll-keeper, after some coaches had passed, endeavoured to shut the centre gate, through which the people were rushing like a torrent; but he was immediately borne away by the stream, and had nearly fallen a victim to his indiscretion.

At fifteen minutes before ten, the coffin, which had been laid in the state room the preceding evening, was placed on the hearse, and the procession moved forward in the following order:

Two lancers mounted to clear the way.
Twenty ditto mounted, two and two.

A Palace Constable on foot, dressed in state uniform.

Eight Marshals (the late Queen's Servants) on horseback, in their state uniforms, with silk scarfs, hat-bands, and sashes, bearing ebony staves, tipped with silver.

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Seven private carriages of her Majesty, each drawn by six chesnut horses. The coachmen and footmen in deep mourning. The usual hammer-cloth of scarlet and gold was retained. The first six carriages had the Royal arms emblazoned on them, and the letters C. R. in a small cypher, inserted in a compartment above them. The last had only the crown, surmounting the letters C. R. in a very large cypher.

Assistants on horseback, in deep mourning.

A detachment, consisting of 89 Lancers, in triple files, closed the procession. This was the whole of the procession at its starting it occupied in length about 300 yards. It was just six minutes (at the rate it travelled, about two miles an hour) in passing any given object. The procession having crossed the bridge, slowly wound to the left, and followed by an incalculable number of persons on foot, and an immensity of carriages, proceeded towards Longford. Her Majesty's private carriages were filled with the Ladies, Noblemen, and Gentlemen, who held the principal situations in her household.

Kew consisted of a Field Officer's guard of 120 men, furnished by the 19th Lancers* The escort of Lancers that accompanied the hearse from Kew was relieved at Longford by a similar guard from the Blues, as far as Datchet-bridge, where the procession was met by a Field Officer's detachment of 100 men, from the household brigade of cavalry, who escorted it the remainder of the jour ney.

Even the water under the bridges over which the procession had to pass was covered with boats, containing persons anxious to gratify their curiosity, but who were completely excluded by the crowds which thronged the parapets, and presented an impenetrable barrier to their prospect. A variety of interruptions necessarily retarded the advance of the procession in the narrow parts of the road, and the Lancers and Horse Guards who traversed the different villages, and threw out pickets on the main road, found frequently the greatest difficulty in securing an opening among the immense and diversified throng of which the crowd was composed. The military escort from NEW MONTHLY MAG.-No. 60.

The moment the procession entered Brent ford, the crowds of people who came from London, accumulated so much, that the street was entirely blocked up, and the horses found some difficulty in moving forward. About eleven o'clock, the funeral passed through Brentford, and a little before twelve, it passed through Hounslow.

At this time, multitudes of people who had left London early in the morning, to witness the melancholy spectacle, satisfied with what they had seen, were returning to town, and entirely filled up the footway, for the space of two or three miles. An equal number, however, went along with the funeral over Hounslow Heath, and seemed determined to accompany it as far as the place of its destination. By far the greatest part were on foot; among them were many VOL. X.

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Funeral of her late Majesty.

females, who seemed to have strength and spirit sufficient to brave all the inconveniences of a disagreeable road. There were, besides, innumerable parties in coaches, barouches, landaus, curricles, gigs, buggies, and carts. They formed a train of such a length, that one could not see the end of it. Several times the vehicles were obliged to stop for many minutes.

About a quarter before three, the procession arrived at Longford, 15 miles from London. Here the Lancers were relieved by the 3rd regiment of the King's Dragoons, who had been drawn up for some hours to receive the remains of her Majesty. As soon as the funeral arrived at this little village, the whole procession stopped; the hearse was placed in front of the King's Head Inn, and the late Queen's carriages drew up and set down the parties who occupied them; none of the horses, which drew the hearse, however, were taken off. The company in the carriages and the military officers then went into the inn and partook of a repast, for which preparations had been making for three days before: an hour was allotted for this accommodation; and no individual, whatever his rank might be, who did not belong to the royal cortege, was allowed to approach this inn, numerous constables being placed about the doors for that purpose. When the principal persons attached to the royal procession finished their repast, they went on at the same pace as in the early part of the day; passed through Colnbrook, where great numbers of people were collected to see them, although the dusk of the evening had now come on. They then went on to Datchet-bridge, where a body of hussars was stationed to receive them; and about five o'clock the melancholy procession entered the demesne of Frogmore-that lovely rural seat to which her Majesty had been so long attached, and which had been the favourite object of all her recreations. The Prince Regent had previously arrived, attended by Sir Benjamin Bloomfield and other officers of his household.

The Duke of York dined with his royal orother at Frogmore, The Duke of Sussex arrived at Datchet at four o'clock, where he dined; and afterwards his royal highness went privately to Windsor Castle.

Parties of life guards, horse guards blue, and lancers, had been parading through the day upon all the roads in the environs of Windsor. In the town itself all was confusion; not an inn or even a common public house but was surrounded with carriages with jaded horses, unable to procure a resting place. Troops of ladies were seen at every house distinguished by a sign post, absolutely entreating to be taken in; but their entreaties, in numberless instances, were in vain. Not a stall for a single horse was to be obtained after three o'clock, even

[Jan. 12

though the temptation of a guinea was of fered for it; and vast numbers, both in carriages and on horseback, were compelled to parade the streets till the conclusion of the business. In the line of the procession, the windows of the tradesmen's houses had been all engaged at high prices ever since the death of the Queen; all the balconies and verandas were under-propped with strong pieces of timber, and every thing indicated the most intense anxiety.

The procession received at Frogmore an addition both in numbers and pomp. The people of Windsor, and the numerous visitors who had flocked from London, began about the same time to move from the town to meet the funeral; and the whole footpath, nearly a mile, was filled with spectators. From St. George's Chapel to the extremity of Windsor, the road was lined with foot guards; from thence to Frogmore lines of cavalry kept the ground, and instead of every sixth man bearing a torch, there was one in almost every hand. At length, soon after seven o'clock, the advance of a party of horse shewed that the funeral was coming, and the spectators who had been pacing backwards and forwards, now stood still to view it. First marched a squadron of life guards, then came seven carriages of the Queen, with the blinds up, drawn by six horses covered with black saddle-cloths; but the great object of attention was the hearse, which next followed drawn by eight black Hanoverian horses. A large body of life guards immediately preceded and followed it, This part of the procession was certainly very imposing, though the splendour of its covering, added to the glittering bustle of a military escort took away all that solemnity which a hearse is in general calculated to inspire. After the hearse came the carriage of the chief mourner, the Prince Regentand his Royal Highness was very visible, notwithstanding the cloud of cavalry that hovered round his coach: the Duke of York's carriage and six moved next in the procession; after which followed the carriages of the Dukes of Sussex and Glocester, and of Prince Leopold, all full; and the funeral pomp concluded with about a dozen carriages, belonging to the nobility and gentry connected with the household; and the rear consisted of a large body of life-guards intermixed with lancers. The grandest effect in the procession was the appearance of the military when the torches were lighted; the illumination extended nearly a mile; and the rich glow of their scarlet uniforms, together with their splendid helmets and caparisoned horses, gleaming along the lines, formed a picture that would have baf fled the skill of the finest artists. The fol lowing is the order in which the procession entered Windsor:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

with Six Greys.-Empty


Three carriages of the Prince Regent's, with six horses each, with his Royal Highness's Household: One hundred and fifty Servants of different branches of the Royal Family, in deep mourning, on toot; Sixty of the Prince Regent's Servants, in deep mourning, with swords.

Knight Marshal's Men on foot (with black staves.)

The Royal Undertakers.
Fifty Mutes.

Yeomen of the Guard.

The Hearse,



Drawn by Eight of her late Majesty's Horses, driven by her
late Majesty's body Coachman.

Yeomen of the Guard, in mourning, with partizans reversed.
A Troop of the Horse Guards.

Horse Guards:

His Royal Highness the PRINCE REGENT, in his Robes, with his two Supporters.


A Troop of the Horse Guards,

A carriage and six of the Prince Regent's,
with the Train Bearers of the Chief Mourner.

One of his Majesty's carriages, drawn by six horses, conveying the
Train Bearers of the Chief Mourner.




Carriages of his Majesty, drawn by six horses, conveying the Princes of the Blood Royal. 177 101 Carriages of his Majesty, conveying the Train Bearers of the Princes of the Blood Royal, Dragoons. Six carriages of her late Majesty, with the Queen's Household, Horse Guards. Lancers.

At eight o'clock the procession reached the south door of St. George's chapel, where the servants and grooms, the trumpets and drums, and the Knight Marshal's men filed without the door. The royal body was then removed by ten yeomen of the guard from the hearse, and placed upon a car con-structed by Sir Wm. Congreve. Ten es cutcheons adorned the pall, and the solemn effect produced on the spectators by the


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Pages of the Royal Family, J, Ince, T. Messenger, C. Kramer, J. Dobell, and T. Wedgborough, esqrs, Pages of the King-J. Bott, J. Clarke, A. Healey, W. Baker, and J. Bott, esqrs.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Gentlemen Ushers Quarterly Waiters to his Majesty.-H. Y. Wortham, G. H. Seymour, and it
T. Ramsden, esqrs,

[ocr errors]

Gentlemen Ushers Quarterly Waiters to her late Majesty.-Sir J. Gibbon, bart. II. Willoughby Rookez and J. L. Duckenfield, esqrs.

Pages of Honour to his Majesty.-C. Downes, esq. State Pages, C. J. Santhagen, C. du Pasquier G. Troop, and W. R. Holmes, esqrs,


Pages of Honour to her late Majesty.-J. Cooper and R. Party, esqrs,
Apothecaries to the Prince Regent.-Mr. Walker and Mr. Lockley.' "
Apothecaries to the King-E. A. Brande and R. Battiscombe, esqrs."
Apothecaries to her late Majesty.

[merged small][ocr errors]

- Ogle, S. Ioward, F. Thompson, T. Chevalier, T. Luxmore, A. Carlisle, J. P. Tupper, and W. Wadd, esqrs.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Surgeons to the King.-Sir David Dundas, bart. Sir E. Home, bart. J. Heavyside, J. Penrose, J. Gunk ning, and F. Albert, esqrs.mglory out of

Surgeons to her late Majesty.-R. Keàte, A. Mattbras, and W. Tudor, esqrs.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Grooms of the Privy Chamber to his Majesty --W. C. Fowle, F. Chapman, and R. Powell, esqrg.
Grooms of the Privy Chamber to her late Majesty.

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Physicians to the Prince Regent.Sir W. Farquhar, Sir G. Blaue, Sir W. Knighton, sed Si 37M.


Physicians to the King.-Sir L. Pepys and W. Heberden.

Physicians to her late Majesty.-Sir F. Millman and Sir H. Halford
Clerk of the Closet to the Prince Regent.-Rev. G. F. Blon berg.

Household Chaplain (at Windsor) to his Majesty.-Rev. Iss

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