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greater and greater improvements: they will come better prepared to attend upon God's ministers, and to receive fuller instructions to complete and perfect them in all virtuous and godly living. Religion will hereby daily abound more and more, and gather new life and strength through the whole kingdom. These are some of the advantages proposed by our schools of charity, happily set on foot, and wonderfully blessed with success, through all parts of our island. The application and inference from all is, that we be every one of us willing and desirous to join our sincere endeavours for the promoting so good a work; contributing our quota of money at least, if not of our service, according to our several stations and abilities, toward thus making the world wiser, and the Church larger; towards the improving of mankind here, and the enlarging the number of the blessed hereafter. There is no need to multiply persuasives in so plain a case: the thing speaks itself, and carries all the force of the most moving eloquence or commanding rhetoric along with it. Who that hath any bowels of compassion for his Christian brethren, any love for his native country, any concern for our excellent Church, any regard for God and religion, or any tenderness for the souls of men, can ever turn away his face, or draw back his hand from promoting and encouraging, to the utmost of his power, so desirable and so blessed a work as we are now upon? a work, which, if it be as wisely and as carefully pursued, as it is piously intended and laid, will, I doubt not, go on prosperously while the Church stands, or the world lasts. If proper persons be employed for inspecting and educating the poor children, and a conscientious care be all along taken in collecting and disposing the charitable contributions in such a manner as may best answer the purposes intended: if the provision thus raised be ever prudently regulated and portioned out, so as neither to exceed nor come short of the first and main design; large enough to invite the poor parents to send their children to these schools; and not too large, so as either to puff the

children up, and set them above their proper rank and order, or to make them disdain any the lowest kind of work or service, such as they are born to, and wherein they may be most useful: I say, if these, and the like prudent regulations, (such as the worthy trustees, the best judges of them, shall find most expedient and practicable,) be from time to time carefully observed, and constantly conveyed down, in succession, to others; I will even venture to foretell, that there will never be wanting hands sufficient to promote and carry on this great design to distant generations. All that are well-disposed, and understand their true happiness, will be ambitious to bear part in this charitable work of ours; wisely considering, how much they shall thereby serve the interests of the public, and their own also, both here and hereafter.

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