High Treason, Bacon's speeches against Owen and Talbot for, see note (b), &c., 178. History of Life and Death, Bacon's, see note Z, 17; Bacon's treatise upon, in the Advancement of Learning, second book, see analysis in note, 133. History, Natural, Bacon's efforts to form a collection of, as a solid foundation for philosophy, 261; Bacon's observations upon music in his, 44. History, Natural and Experimental, the foundation of a sound philosophy, 261. Hobbs, his opinion of the propriety of a judge's contempt of worldly advancement, note (h), 246. Hody and Hody, presents to Bacon in the cause between, 239; absurd charge of bribery against Bacon respecting, see note (a), 239; absurd charge against Bacon in the cause of, 338; Bacon's defence against the charge of bribery in the cause of, the gift being the reward, 360; Hollis, Sir J., Mr. Lumsden, and Sir J. Wentworth, Prosecution of, for certain reports respecting the suspicions against the Earl and Countess of Somerset, 184. Holman and Young, absurd charge against Bacon in the cause of, note (a), 337; Bacon's defence against the charge of bribery in, the money being received after the award, 361. Holt, C. J., his independent refusal in Rex v. Knollys, 247. House of Commons, Bacon's speeches in, upon the union, 140; Bacon's political exertions in, 155. House of Lords, Bacon's address to, 320; Bacon's letter of submission and supplication to, upon the charge against him (first submitted to the King and Buckingham, 349), 351. Howard, Lord, Bacon's letter to, defending his conduct to Essex upon his trial before the Privy Council, 72; letter to Bacon in reply, 74. Hume, the unfair view taken by, and other historians, of Bacon's conduct to Essex upon his trial before the Privy Council, 69. Hunt, Bacon's servant, whom Bacon made return money received from a suitor, 366. IDOLS, destruction of, first division of Bacon's Novum Organum, 269; warping the mind, 272; of the tribe, of the market, of the den, of the theatre warping the mind in the search after truth, 273, 274, 275, 276. Imagination, see disquisition upon the laws of, note (b), 4; extract from Bacon's sylva upon the laws of, note, 18. Imagined defence of Bacon, 336. Immortality of knowledge and learning, 129. Importuning the judges reprobated by Imprisonment of Bacon, 382. Innovations, Bacon's opinion thereon, 105. Instances crucial, 204; solitary, or consideration of such as are so in resemblance or difference in the search after a nature, 290; prerogative, by which natures sought may be most easily discovered, 290; travelling, or observation of a nature approaching or receding from existence, 291; journeying, or observations of the changes of a nature, 291; constituent, or separation of complex into simple in the search after a nature, 292; patent and latent, observation of extremes in the search after a nature, 292; frontier, or observation of such as are composed of two species in the search after a nature, 293; singular, or observation of such as are peculiar amidst their own natures in the search after a nature, 293; deviating, or observation of nature deviating from her accustomed course in search after a nature, 294; of divorce, or observation of such natures separated as are generally united in the search after a nature, 294. Inventions, the universal benefit of, and the high honours conferred upon the authors of, by the ancients, note, 193; Bacon's division of, into literate experience, and Interpretatio Naturæ, or Novum Organum, in the Advancement of Learning, 261; the principle of Bacon's art of, 284. Inversion, of the divisious of the art of experimenting, 263; Ireland, disturbances in, 44; Essex appointed Lord Lieutenant of, 48; Bacon's dissuasion of Essex's acceptance of the Lord Lieutenancy of, 47; Essex's administration in,-dissatisfaction of the queen with, 49; Essex's return from, 51; private proceedings against Essex respecting, see Star Chamber, 53; the creation of Knights in, by Essex, and the unwise conduct of his partizans, 75; letter of the Queen, respecting, to Essex, 76; Bacon's political labours to improve the condition of, 137; Bacon's tract upon the miseries of, and mode of prevention, 139. Irrelevants, exclusion of, in the search after a nature, 290. Isle of Man, singular oath by the judges in, note, 252. JENKINS, Judge, independent conduct of, 247. Journals of the Commons, Bacon's speeches in, upon the Union, 140. Journeying instances, or observations of the charges of a nature, 291. Judge, Bacon's qualifications as a, for the Chancellorship, from his frequent meditations and publications upon his duties, see note (b), 198; Bacon's sacrifice as, to the feelings of the politician, 223; the character of, irreconcileable with the politician, 225; character of the good, 243, et seq.; gravity becoming in, see note, Fuller, 243; dabbling in politics reprehensible in, 243; Barrow's opinion as to the requisites to form a good, 244; the necessity of his emancipating himself from all passion, see note (g), Sir M. Hale, see note (h), 245, Paley, note (h) 246, Hobbs, note (i) 247; his proper indifference to censure, see note (i) Atterbury, 247; his private duties, see anecdotes of Hale and Hardwicke, note (1), 249; the proper motives of, in the acceptance of office, see Barrow and Tulley, note, 249; patience the property of a good, 250; deliberation and caution the properties of a good, 251, see anecdote of Eldon, note; the errors of too great dispatch in, 250; the impartiality of the good, see anecdote of Denys de Cortes and singular oath in the Isle of Man, 252; his duties to the witnesses, the jurors, the advocates, 253, 254, 255; his duty to himself, to his profession, to society, 255; his duty to resign, 256, see Hale's life, note (r); upon the bench compared to philosopher in his study, 269. Judges, Bacon's advice to Villiers upon the choice of good, note (b), 198; Bacon's high conduct as a patron in the appointment of, 200; the custom of giving presents to, by the suitors, common in the age of Bacon and his predecessors, 203; the custom of bestowing presents upon, by the suitors, common in all nations approaching civilization, 206; origin of the custom of presents to, in France, 207; the custom of influencing, see by universities and Buckingham, 233; the custom of openly soliciting, by the suitors, common in France, 209; Bacon's address to, upon their several duties, 243; appointment of, Bacon's speeches to, upon the, 243; see also Judge. Judgment, defects of Novum Organum, 272. Justice, courts of, the wise constitution of, 62; speedy, extract from Bacon's address to the bar upon the virtue of, 215. Jupiter, Bacon's illustration by, and Saturn, of the union of contemplation and action, 137; and Saturn, see Saturn. Judicial exertions, Bacon's, 229. Judicature, extract from Bacon's essay upon, 216. KENELM Digby's powder of sympathy, note (a), 283. Kennedy and Vanlore, Bacon's complete refutation of the charge of bribery in, 362. King James appoints Bacon his coun sel, with a small pension, 108; Ba con's letter to, respecting his appointment as attorney-general, see note (b), 154; Bacon's advice to, upon his unconstitutional expedient to raise supplies, see letter of Bacon to, note (c), 157; his inability to allay the rumours and to procure supplies and dissolution of parliament in consequence, 163; presents to, in his distresses, 163; letters by order of, to the sheriffs and justices, enjoining presents to, and impeachment of Mr. Oliver St. John upon his opposition to, as illegal, 163; letters of Bacon to, respecting Peacham's case, 169, 170; Bacon's letter to, respecting Owen's case, note (a), 178; his admiration of Villiers, and successive honours conferred upon by, 179; his growing distaste to Somerset, 179; his judgment in the question upon the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, and severe remarks upon Coke, 186; his journey to Scotland, see note (b), 211; his pleasure in light amusements, 211; his attachment to the society of Buckingham, 212; his pecuniary distresses, 221; his lavish bounty upon Buckingham, 222; his treaty of marriage with the wily Gondomar, and Bacon's wise counsel to, 218; his admiration of Bacon's wisdom, 218; Bacon's letter to, upon his attempted retrenchment of the royal expenses, note (p), 220; his distresses and partiality to his countrymen, see note (h), 225; Bacon's letter to, respecting Bertram's murder of Sir J. Tindal, note (b), 239; Williams's subtle advice to, not to dissolve the parliament to crush Bacon, 242; consults with Williams, 312; his speech upon the dismissal of parliament, March 26, 326; his speech praising Buckingham, note A, 327; Bacon's letter to, entrusted to Buckingham, 331; his disquiet upon the popular discontents, 341; Williams's subtle advice to, to brave the popular discontent, 342; his cowardly abandonment of Bacon, 344; his consultation with the lords upon the course to be pursued by Bacon upon the charge against him, 346; his assurance to save Bacon, upon his agreeing to submit to the House of Peers, 348; his speech to the parliament protests readiness to enquire into abuses, 350; letter to, from Bacon, desiring the cup might pass from him, note B, 370. King's Bench, Court of, and Court of Chancery, dispute between respecting the jurisdiction of the latter, 186. Knighthood, the title of, sold for the King's profit, 101. Knowledge, Bacon's test of the motives for the acquisition of, 8; respecting the body forming no part of public education, 112, respecting the mind, arranged by Bacon, 112; power of, to repress the inconveniencies which arise from man to man, 131; immortality of, 131; the effect of its progress in the last two centuries upon civil and religious liberty, 172; an evil attendant upon the rapid progress of, pointed out by Bacon, 173; the advancement of, the only effectual mode of decomposing error, 175; desire of wealth an interruption to the progress of, 192; worldly power contemptible as compared to the pursuits of philosophy, 193; the search after, more laudable than the projects of ambition, note, 194; obstacles to the acquisition of, 278; why progressive, 287. LAMBETH Library, extract from, MS. of Bacon's in Greek characters, 374. Latent and patent instances, or obser vation of extremes, in the search after a nature, 292. Law, the study of, repulsive to Bacon's imaginative mind, 19; and politics the only roads open to Bacon, 19; the high attainment of Bacon's family in, 19; Bacon's perseverance in, 21; an accessory not a principal study to Bacon, 22; Bacon's various works upon the, 21, Bacon's exertions in, with the ultimate hope of literary ease, 25, 26; Bacon's speech upon the improvement of the, 1592, 27; Bacon's plan for a digest and amendment of the, 27; Bacon's favorite opinion of the debt due from the members of the profession to the improvement of the, 27; Bacon's efforts towards the improvement of the, 138, 147, see CC at the end; Bacon's tract upon the amendment of the, 156; Bacon's attention to, a compensation for his comparative neglect of science, 196; an academical education not a passport to the intricacies and subtleties of, 196; the nice distinctions between, and equity attainable only by the highest powers of mind, 197; expenses, Bacon's address upon his determination to diminish, 216; Bacon's exertions in the profession of, see letter to Buckingham, 232; reporters, Bacon's proposal for the appointment of, 242. Laws, the gradual change of, the effect of the progress of knowledge, 172; the folly of hasty censures upon the obedience to existing, 173. Lawyer, Bacon's fitness as a, for the office of Chancellor, from his experience and publications upon the subject of law, 197. Lawyers, antipathy of, to innovation, 275; see Tenterden, 276; Bacon's opinion of the debt due to their profession, 27; their tendency to resist legal improvement, 27. Learning, Advancement of, see Advancement of Learning; of Bacon's mother, 2; Advancement of, Bacon's work on, 1605, 120; objections of divines and politicians to, 127; objections to, from the errors of learned men, 127; Advancement of, first book, observations in, upon the advantages and distempers of learning, 130; see analysis in note, 131; Advancement of, Bacon's second book, observations in, upon the defects of universities, 133, 278; Advancement of, second book, Bacon's investigation in, of philosophy, natural, human, divine, 133; see analysis of history and man, 133, 134; Advancement of, beautiful illustration and imagery of, 135; Advancement of, Bacon's second book, treatise upon history in, see analysis in note, 133; Advancement of, Bacon's different editions and particulars, see note A A A, at the end, translations of, 136; Advancement of, extract from, upon the opinion of the ancients as to the benefit of inventions to mankind, note, 193; Advancement of, Bacon's opinions upon the various duties of a patron in, 199; conducive to a proper estimate of our value in the scale of existence and to noble motives of action, 201; the death-blow to common ambition, 201; advancement of, the best charity, Bacon's favorite theory, 223; Bacon's preliminary view of the barren state of, in the Novum Organum, 266; Bacon's division of his intended work, 267; Advancement of, extract from, upon the imperfect means for experiment in the universities, 278; Advancement of, Bacon's opinions in, upon the progressiveness of knowledge, 281. Lectures, Bacon's endowment of two, at Cambridge, to be delivered by a stranger, 13. Leicester, and Cecil party, division of the Court into, 25; Bacon's union with the, party, 26. Lentall, Bacon's defence against the charge in, the gift being received after the decree, 363. Letter of Bacon to Lord Burleigh, praying a recommendation to the Queen, see note (d), 19; of Bacon to Lady Burleigh, praying her influence to hasten his suit, see note, 20; of Bacon to Burleigh, for an appointment, with an eye to his favorite pursuits, 26; of Bacon to the Queen, praying the solicitorship, accompanied by a jewel according to custom, 32; of Essex to the Lord Keeper Puckering, in behalf of Bacon, respecting the solicitorship, see note, 31; of Bacon to the Queen, upon his disappointment with respect to the solicitorship, 34; of Essex, at Plymouth, to the Court, in behalf of Bacon, 37, see note 3 A at the end; of Essex to Lady Hatton's friends, in favour of Bacon's proposals of marriage, 42, see note 3 R at the end; of Bacon to the Queen, respecting her choice of him as counsel against Essex, 64; of Bacon to Lord Howard, respecting his conduct to Essex upon his trial, 72; of Lord Howard in reply to Bacon, 74; of Bacon to Sir R. Cecil, upon the same subject, see note (x), 73; of Bacon to the Earl of Devonshire, upon the same subject, see note (a), 72; of the Queen to Essex, demanding a former letter respecting Ireland, see note, 76; of Essex to the Queen, praying to be restored to favour, see note, 77, 78; of Essex, extract from, upon the same subject, 76; of Bacon, for Essex, to the Queen, see note (a), 77; of Bacon, as from Anthony Bacon, to Essex, and the reply to be shown to the Queen, 79, see note 4 E at the end; of Essex, to the Queen, for a renewal of the patent for sweet wines, 83; of Bacon to the King, upon his accession, 99; to the Earl of Northumberland, to second Bacon's application to the King, 99; to Sir H. Saville, upon education, 109; of Bacon to Sir Edward Coke, upon his unworthy conduct to him in the Exchequer, 143, 144; of Bacon, to Sir J. Constable, dedicating the essay to him, see note, 153; Bacon's, to King James, respecting his appointment as attorney general, see note (b), 154; of Bacon to the King, upon his unconstitutional expedient to raise supplies, see his letter, note (c), 157; of Bacon to the King, respecting Owen's case, 176, see note (a), 178; of Bacon, to Villiers, upon the regulation of his conduct at Court, being an essay on various subjects, 181; of Bacon to Villiers, upon his appointment to the chancellorship, 190; of Villiers to Bacon, upon the regulation of his conduct, note (a), 180; of Bacon to Villiers, upon the dispute between the Courts of King's Bench and Chancery, 186; of Bacon to Villiers, containing Chancellor Brackley's opinion of him, 187; of Bacon to Villiers, respecting a motion to swear him privy councillor, 188; of Bacon to an old clergyman, presenting him to a living, 199; of Bacon to Buckingham, upon his taking his seat as Lord Keeper, showing his contempt for the pomp of office, 217; of Bacon to the King and Buckingham, upon the subject of retrenching the royal expenses, &c., 220; of Buckingham to Bacon, upon his stay of the patents, note (b), 222; of Bacon to Buckingham, showing his sacrifice as a judge to his political feelings, 223; of Bacon to Buckingham, upon Suffolk's case, note, 224; of Bacon, respecting the Dutch merchants, 225; first and second, of Sir H. Mountagu to Buckingham, negotiating for the lord treasurership, 227, 229; of Sir H. Mountagu to Sir Edward Villiers, respecting the treasurership, 229; of Sir H.Villiers, to Buckingham, respecting Sir H. Mountagu's offer for the treasurership, 229; of Bacon, to Buckingham, upon the reform of the King's household, 231; of Bacon, to the King, respecting Bertram's murder of Sir J. Tindal, 239; from Digby to Fermat, describing Bacon's indifference to the charges against him, 314; to the King, from Bacon, desiring the cup may pass from him, 370, note B; to Buckingham, after his fall relying upon his friendship, 380; to Bishop of Winchester from Bacon, 380; first and second, of Bacon to Buckingham, interceding for Lord Clifton, see note, 241. Letters of Bacon, complaining of the virulence of his enemies, 330, 331; to the King, entrusted to Buckingham, 331; from Bacon, in great agony, from the Tower, to Buckingham, 373; of Bacon from the Tower, 382. Levity, reprehensible, in a judge, note Fuller, 144. Liberation of Bacon from the Tower,383. Libraries, Bacon's praise of, and of public institutions in general, 7. Lieutenancy, lord, Essex's solicitation of, 45; Bacon's dissuasion of Essex's acceptance of, 47; Essex appointment to, 48. Life, dangers of retirement from active, see Table of Gondomar, 122. Life and Death, extract from Bacon's History of, see note (z), 17. Literate experience, see Experience. Literature, the contempt of the Court for, in the time of Bacon, during Burleigh's ascendancy, 25; ancient, the beneficial effects of the study of, upon the mind and character, 129. Locke, extract from, upon the warps of the understanding, note (a), 272. Lodgings, Lord Bacon's, an elegant structure built by Bacon, 23. Lord Keeper, presents to Bacon from the suitors upon his appointment as, 209; Bacon's procession in state to take his seat as, and address to the Bar, 213, 214, 215, 216; Hacket's account of Archbishop William's humility when taking his seat as, 213. Lord Treasurer, of Gray's Inn, Ba |