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Ireland had been treated by the English, for three centuries, like a conquered nation. A Parliament had indeed been granted her, but a well-known statute, called Poynings' Act, had so abridged the rights of that Parliament, as to render it almost entirely dependent on the English Crown. By the provisions of this act, which was passed in 1494, through the agency of Sir Edward Poynings, then Lord Deputy of Ireland, no session of the Irish Parliament could be held without a license previously obtained from the King of England in council, on the recommendation of the Deputy and his council in Ireland. Thus, the English government had power to prevent the Irish Parliament from ever assembling, except for pur poses which the King saw reason to approve. At a later period, there was indeed a relaxation of the severity of this act, but the restraints still imposed were borne reluctantly by the Irish, and gave rise at times to violent struggles. Under such an administration, the commercial and manufacturing interests of Ireland were wholly sacrificed to those of the English; the exportation of woolen goods, and of most other articles of English manufacture, and also the direct import of foreign articles, being denied the Irish. These restrictions had been removed in part, as already stated, on the ground of "expediency," by an act of the British Parliament, passed December 13, 1779, under the terror of the Irish Volunteers, and Mr. Grattan, with the same instrument of compulsion in his hands, now moved the Irish Parliament to a Declaration of Right, which should deny the authority of England to make laws for Ireland—an au thority asserted by an act of the British Parliament. passed in the sixth year of George I.


I have entreated an attendance on this day, that you might, in the most public manner, deny the claim of the British Parliament to make law for Ireland, and with one voice lift up your hands against it.

est moment

If I had lived when the ninth of William took Duty of resist away the woolen manufacture, or ing at the earli when the sixth of George the First possible. took away your Constitution, I should have made a covenant with my own conscience, to seize the first reasonable moment of rescuing my country from the ignominy of such acts of power; or, if I had a son, I should have administered to him an oath that he would consider himself as a person separate and set apart for the discharge of so important a duty.

Upon the same principle am I now come to move a Declaration of Right, the first moment occurring in my time, in which such a declaration could be made with any chance of success, and without an aggravation of oppression.

cial conces

Sir, it must appear to every person that, notThe commer- withstanding the import of sugar, and sions not sat. export of woolens,' the people of this isfactory. country are not satisfied; something remains the greater work is behind-the public heart is not well at ease. To promulgate our satisfaction, to stop the throats of millions with the votes of Parliament, to preach homilies to the Volunteers, to utter invectives against the people under the pretense of affectionate advice, is an attempt, weak, suspicious and inflammatory.

1 These were a part of the concession made by

Lord North.

You can not dictate to those whose sense you are instructed to represent.

Your ancestors, who sat within these walls, lost to Ireland trade and liberty. You, by the assistance of the people, have recovered trade. You owe the kingdom a CONSTITUTION; she calls upon you to restore it.

The ground of public discontent seems to be, "We have gotten commerce, but not freedom." The same power which took away the export of woolen and the export of glass, may take them away again. The repeal is partial, and the ground of repeal is a principle of expediency.



Sir, expedient is a word of appropriated and tyrannical import-expedient is a word case of Ireselected to express the reservation of land and of authority, while the exercise is mitigat- compared. ed-expedient is the ill-omened expression in the repeal of the American Stamp Act. gland thought it "expedient" to repeal that law. Happy had it been for mankind if, when she withdrew the exercise, she had not reserved the right. To that reservation she owes the loss of her American empire, at the expense of millions; and America the seeking of liberty through a scene of bloodshed. The repeal of the Woolen Act, similarly circumstanced, pointed against the principle of our liberty, may be a subject for illuminations to a populace, or a pretense for apostacy to a courtier, but can not be a subject of settled satisfaction to a free born, an intelligent and an injured community.

It is, therefore, they [the people of Ireland] consider the free trade as a trade de facto, not de jure a license to trade under the Parliament

Free trade not

The situation

ables the Irish to demand their rights.

of England, not a free trade under the charter of | Henry, with the charter of John, and with all Ireland—a tribute to her strength, to the passions of the people! "Our lives are at granted to Ire- maintain which she must continue in your service; but our liberties-we received land as a right. a state of armed preparation, dread- them from God, we will not resign them to ing the approach of a general peace, and attrib- man!" Speaking to you thus, if you repulse uting all she holds dear to the calamitous condi- these petitioners, you abdicate the office of Partion of the British interest in every quarter of liament, you forfeit the rights of the kingdom, the globe. This dissatisfaction, founded upon a you repudiate the instructions of your constituconsideration of the liberty we have lost, is in- ent, you belie the sense of your country, you creased when they consider the opportunity they palsy the enthusiasm of the people, and you reare losing; for, if this nation, after the death- ject that good which not a minister-not a wound given to her freedom, had fallen on her Lord North—not a Lord Buckinghamshire-not knees in anguish, and besought the Almighty to a Lord Hillsborough, but a certain providential frame an occasion in which a weak and injured conjuncture, or, rather, the hand of God, seems people might recover their rights, prayer could to extend to you. not have asked, nor God have formed, a moment more opportune for the restoration of liberty, than this in which I have the honor to address you. England now smarts under the lesson of the American war. The doctrine of imof England en perial legislature she feels to be pernicious the revenues and monopolies annexed to it she found to be untenable. Her enemies are a host pouring upon her from all quarters of the earth-her armies are dispersed the sea is not her's-she has no minister, no ally, no admiral, none in whom she long confides, and no general whom she has not disgraced. The balance of her fate is in the hands of Ireland. You are not only her last connection-you are the only nation in Europe that is not her enemy. Besides, there does, of late, a certain damp and supineness overcast her arms and councils, miraculous as that vigor which has lately inspirited yours. With you every thing is the reverse. Never was there a Parliament in Ireland so possessed of the confidence of the people. You are now the greatest political assembly in the world. You are at the head of an immense army; nor do we only possess an unconquerable force, but a certain unquenchable fire, which has touched all ranks of men like a visitation. Turn to the growth and spring of your country, and behold and admire it!

Where do you find a nation who, upon whatSpirit of the ever concerns the rights of mankind, Irish nation. expresses herself with more truth or force, perspicuity or justice-not in the set phrases of the scholiast; not the tame unreality of the courtier; not the vulgar raving of the rabble; but the genuine speech of liberty, and the unsophisticated oratory of a free nation. See her military ardor, expressed not in forty thousand men conducted by instinct, as they were raised by inspiration, but manifested in the zeal and promptitude of every young member of the growing community. Let corruption tremble! Let the enemy, foreign or domestic, tremble! but let the friends of liberty rejoice at these means of safety and this hour of redemption-an enlightened sense of public right, a young appetite for freedom, a solid strength, and a rapid fire, which not only put a Declaration of Right within your power, but put it out of your power to decline one! Eighteen counties are at your bar. There they stand, with the compact of

I read Lord North's propositions, and I wish to be satisfied, but I am controlled by a paper (for I will not call it a law); it is the sixth of George First. [Here the clerk, at Mr. Grattan's request, read from the Act of the sixth of George I., "that the kingdom of Ireland hath been, is, and of right ought to be, subordinate to and dependent upon the Imperial Crown of Great Britain, as being inseparably united to and annexed thereunto; and that the King's Majesty, by and with the consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled, hath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the kingdom and the people of Ireland.]


I will ask the gentlemen of the long robe, is this the law? I ask them whether it is This act is not the practice? I appeal to the judges of the land, whether they are not in a course of declaring that the Parliament of England naming Ireland, binds her? I appeal to the magistrates of Ireland whether they do not, from time to time, execute certain acts of the British Parliament ? I appeal to the officers of the army, whether they do not confine and execute their fellow-subjects by virtue of the Mutiny Act of England? And I appeal to this House whether a country so circumstanced is free? Where is the freedom of trade? Where is the security of property? Where the liberty of the people? I here, in this Declaratory Act, see my country proclaimed a slave! I see every man in this House enrolled a bondsman ! I see the judges of the realm, the oracles of the law, borne down by an unauthorized power! I see the magistrates prostrate; and I see Parliament witness to these infringements, and silent! I therefore say, with the voice of three millions of people, that, notwithstanding the import of sugar, and export of woolen and kerseys, beetle-wood and prunellas, nothing is safe, satisfactory, or honorable; nothing, except a Declaration of Right! What! Are you, with three millions The Declaraof men at your back, with charters in tion therefore one hand and arms in the other, afraid to say, We are a free people? Are you—the greatest House of Commons that ever sat in Ireland, that want but this one act to equal that English House of Commons which passed the


There is no objection to this resolution except

Petition of Right, or that other, which passed | consternation at the Custom-house, and, despisthe Declaration are you, are you afraid to telling the example which great men afforded, tenthe British Parliament that you are a free peo- dered for entry prohibited manufactures, and ple? Are the cities and the instructing coun- sought, at his private risk, the liberty of his ties, who have breathed a spirit that would have country. With him, I am convinced, it is necdone honor to old Rome, when Rome did honor essary to agitate the question of right. In vain to mankind—are they to be free by connivance? will you endeavor to keep it back; the passion Are the military associations those bodies is too natural, the sentiment too irresistible; the whose origin, progress, and deportment have question comes on of its own vitality. You transcended, equaled, at least, any thing in mod- must reinstate the laws. ern or ancient story, in the vast line of Northern array-are they to be free by connivance? What man will settle among you? Who will leave a land of liberty and a settled government for a kingdom controlled by the Parliament of another country; whose liberty is a thing by stealth; whose trade a thing by permission; whose judges deny her charters; whose Parliament leaves every thing at random; where the hope of freedom depends on the chance that the jury shall despise the judge stating a British act, or a rabble stop the magistrate in the execution of it, rescue your abdicated privileges by anarchy and confusion, and save the Constitution by trampling on the government?

But I shall be told that these are groundless jealousies, and that the principal cities, Nothing less can satisfy and more than one half the counties of

the people. the kingdom, are misguided men, raising those groundless jealousies. Sir, they may say so, and they may hope to dazzle with illuminations, and they may sicken with addresses, but the public imagination will never rest, nor will her heart be well at ease; never, so long as the Parliament of England claims or exercises legislation over this country. So long as this shall be the case that very free trade (otherwise a perpetual attachment) will be the cause of new discontent. It will create a pride and wealth, to make you feel your indignities; it will furnish you with strength to bite your chain; the liberty withheld poisons the good communicated. The British minister mistakes the Irish charac


fears. I have examined your fears; No ground of
I pronounce them to be frivolous. If fear for conse
England is a tyrant, it is you have quences.
made her so. It is the slave that makes the ty-
rant, and then murmurs at the master whom he
himself has constituted. I do allow, on the sub-
ject of commerce, England was jealous in the
extreme; and I do say, it was commercial jeal-
ousy; it was the spirit of monopoly. The wool-
en trade and the Act of Navigation had made her
tenacious of a comprehensive legislative author-
ity, and, having now ceded that monopoly, there
is nothing in the way of our liberty except our
own corruption and pusillanimity. Nothing can
prevent your being free, except yourselves; it is
not in the disposition of England, it is not in the
interest of England, it is not in her force. What!
can eight millions of Englishmen, opposed to
twenty millions of French, seven millions of
Spanish, to three millions of Americans, reject
the alliance of three millions in Ireland? Can
eight millions of British men, thus outnumbered
by foes, take upon their shoulders the expense
of an expedition to enslave Ireland? Will
Great Britain, a wise and magnanimous country,
thus tutored by experience and wasted by war,
the French navy riding her channel, send an army
to Ireland to levy no tax, to enforce no law, to an-
swer no end whatever, except to spoliate the char-
ters of Ireland, and enforce a barren oppression?

same thing to

What! has England lost thirteen provinces? has she reconciled herself to this England offered Had he intended to make Ireland a slave, loss, and will she not be reconciled substantially the he should have kept her a beggar. There is no to the liberty of Ireland? Take no- America. middle policy. Win her heart by a restoration tice, that the very Constitution which I move of her right, or cut off the nation's right hand; you to declare, Great Britain herself offered to greatly emancipate, or fundamentally destroy! America: it is a very instructive proceeding in We may talk plausibly to England; but so long the British history. In 1778 a commission went as she exercises a power to bind this country, out with powers to cede to the thirteen prov so long are the nations in a state of war. The inces of America totally and radically the legisclaims of the one go against the liberty of the lative authority claimed over her by the British other, and the sentiments of the latter go to op- Parliament; and the commissioners, pursuant pose those claims to the last drop of her blood. to their powers, did offer to all, or any of the The English Opposition, therefore, are right; | American states, the total surrender of the legmere trade will not satisfy Ireland. They judge islative authority of the British Parliament. I of us by other great nations; by the English will read you their letter to the Congress. nation, whose whole political life has been a [Here the letter was read, surrendering the struggle for liberty. They judge of us with a power, as aforesaid]. What! has England oftrue knowledge and just deference for our character, that a country enlightened as Ireland, the Irish Custom-house, which had been prohibited armed as Ireland, and injured as Ireland, will by an English act of Parliament, for the purpose of be satisfied with nothing less than liberty. I ad- trying the validity of the Act of the sixth of George mire that public-spirited merchant who spread

the First.

This is the commission referred to in such severe terms by Mr. Burke in a speech delivered at

› Alderman Horan, who offered goods for entry at Bristol. See page 297.

fered this to the resistance of America, and will
she refuse this to the loyalty of Ireland? But,
though you do not hazard disturbance by agree-
ing to this resolution, you do most exceedingly
hazard tranquillity by rejecting it. Do not im-
agine that the question will be over when this
motion shall be negatived. No! it will recur in
a vast variety of shapes and diversity of places.
Your constituents have instructed you, in great
numbers, with a powerful uniformity of senti-
ment, and in a style not the less awful because
full of respect. They will find resources in their
own virtue, if they have found none in yours.
Public pride and conscious liberty, wounded by
repulse, will find ways and means of vindication.
You are in that situation in which every man,
every hour of the day, may shake the pillars of
the state. Every court may swarm with ques-
tions of right, every quay and wharf with pro-
hibited goods. What shall the judges, what the
commissioners, do upon such occasion? Shall
they comply with the laws of Ireland against the
claims of England, and stand firm where you have
trembled? Shall they, on the other hand, not
comply; and shall they persist to act against the
law? Will you punish them, will you proceed
against them, for not showing a spirit superior
to your own? On the other hand, will you not
punish them?
Will you leave your liberties to
be trampled on by those men? Will you bring
them and yourselves, all constituted orders, ex-
ecutive power, judicial power, parliamentary au-
thority, into a state of odium, impotence, and con-
tempt; transferring the task of defending public
right into the hands of the populace, and leaving
it to the judges to break the laws, and to the
people to assert them? Such would be the con-
sequence of false moderation, of irritating timid-
ity, of inflammatory palliations, of the weak and
corrupt hope of compromising with the court be-
fore you have emancipated the country.

Less import.

I have answered the only semblance of a solid reason against the motion. I will now ant objection try to remove some lesser pretenses, obviated. some minor impediments; for instance: first, that we have a resolution of the same kind already in our journals. But how often was the Great Charter confirmed? Not more frequently than your rights have been violated. Is one solitary resolution, declaratory of your rights, sufficient for a country, whose history, from the beginning unto the end, has been a course of violation?

The fact is, every new breach is a reason for a new repair; every new infringement should be a new declaration, lest charters should be overwhelmed by precedents, and a nation's rights lost in oblivion, and the people themselves lose the memory of their own freedom.

I shall hear of ingratitude, and name the argument to despise it. I know the men who use it are not grateful. They are insatiate; they are public extortioners, who would stop the tide of public prosperity, and turn it to the channel of their own wretched emolument. I know of no species of gratitude which should prevent

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my country from being free; no gratitude which should oblige Ireland to be the slave of England. In cases of robbery or usurpation, nothing is an object of gratitude, except the thing stolen, the charter spoliated. A nation's liberty can not, like her money, be rated and parceled out in gratitude. No man can be grateful or liberal of his conscience, nor woman of her honor, nor nation of her liberty. There are certain inimpartable, inherent, invaluable properties not to be alienated from the person, whether body pol itic or body natural. With the same contempt do I treat that charge which says that Ireland is insatiable; seeing that Ireland asks nothing but that which Great Britain has robbed her of

her rights and privileges. To say that Ireland is not to be satisfied with liberty, because she is not satisfied with slavery, is folly.

I laugh at that man who supposes that Ireland will not be content with a free trade and a free Constitution; and would any man advise her to be content with less?

I shall be told that we hazard the modification of the law of Poynings, and the Judges Bill, and the Habeas Corpus Bill, and the Nullum Tempus Bill; but I ask, have you been for years begging for these little things, and have you not yet been able to obtain them? And have you been contending against a little body of eighty men, in Privy Council assembled, convocating themselves into the image of a Parliament, and ministering your high office; and have you been contending against one man, an humble individual, to you a leviathan—the English Attorney General, exercising Irish legislation in his own person, and making your parliamentary deliberations a blank, by altering your bills or suppressing them; have you not been able to quell this little monster? Do you wish to know the reason? I will tell you; because you have not been a Parliament, nor your country a people. Do you wish to know the remedy? Be a Parliament, become a nation, and those things will follow in the train of your consequence.

I shall be told that tithes are shaken, being vested by force of English acts. But in answer to that, I observe, time may be a title, but an English Act of Parliament certainly can not. It is an authority which, if a judge would charge, no jury would find, and which all the electors of Ireland have already disclaimed-disclaimed unequivocally, cordially, and universally.

Sir, this is a good argument for an act of title, but no argument against a Declaration of Right. My friend, who sits above me, has a bill of confirmation.5 We do not come unprepared to Parliament. I am not come to shake property, but to confirm property, and to restore freedom. The nation begins to form-we are moldering into a people; freedom asserted, property secured, and the army, a mercenary band, likely to be dependent on your Parliament, restrained by law.

5 A bill to be immediately introduced on passing the Declaration, by which all laws of the English Parliament affecting property were to be confirmed by the Irish Parliament.

Never was such a revolution accomplished in so | this land, which has no foundation in necessity, short a time, and with such public tranquillity. In or utility, or empire, or the laws of England, or what situation would those men, who call them- the laws of Ireland, or the laws of nature, or the selves friends of constitution and of government, laws of God. Do not suffer that power, which have left you? They would have left you with- banished your manufacturers, dishonored your out a title (as they stole it) to your estates, with-peerage, and stopped the growth of your people. out an assertion of your Constitution, or a law Do not, I say, be bribed by an export of woolen, for your army; and this state of private and pub- or an import of sugar, and suffer that power, lic insecurity, this anarchy, raging in the king-which has thus withered the land, to have existdom for eighteen months, these mock-moderators ence in your pusillanimity. Do not send the would have had the presumption to call peace.

principle of the Revolu

people to their own resolves for liberty, passing by the tribunals of justice, and the high court of Parliament; neither imagine that, by any formation of apology, you can palliate such a commission to your hearts, still less to your children, who will sting you in your grave for interposing between them and their Maker, and robbing them of an immense occasion, and losing an op| portunity which you did not create and can nev

Hereafter, when these things shall be his

and miraculous armament, shall the historian stop at liberty, and observe, that here the principal men among us were found wanting, were awed by a weak ministry, bribed by an empty treasury; and when liberty was within their grasp, and her temple opened its folding doors, fell down, and were prostituted at the threshold ?

The King has no other title to his Crown than Appeal to the that which you have to your liberty. Both are founded, the throne and your tion of 1688. freedom, upon the right vested in the subject to resist by arms, notwithstanding their oaths of allegiance, any authority attempting to impose acts of power as laws; whether that authority be one man or a host, the second James or the British Parliament, every argument for er restore. the house of Hanover is equally an argument for the liberties of Ireland. The Act of Settle-tory, your age of thraldom, your sud- Peroration. ment is an act of rebellion, or the sixth of George | den resurrection, commercial redress, the First an act of usurpation. I do not refer to doubtful history, but to living record, to common charters, to the interpretation England has put on those charters (an interpretation made, not by words only, but crowned by arms), to the revolution she has formed upon them, to the King she has established, and, above all, to the oath of allegiance solemnly plighted to the house of I might, as a constituent, come to your bar Stuart, and afterward set aside in the instance and demand my liberty. I do call upon you by of a grave and moral people, absolved by virtue the laws of the land, and their violation; by the of those very charters; and as any thing less instructions of eighteen counties; by the arms, than liberty is inadequate to Ireland, so is it dan-inspiration, and providence of the present mogerous to Great Britain. We are too near the ment-tell us the rule by which we shall go; British nation; we are too conversant with her assert the law of Ireland; declare the liberty of history; we are too much fired by her example the land! I will not be answered by a public to be any thing less than equals; any thing less, lie, in the shape of an amendment; nor, speakwe should be her bitterest enemies. An enemying for the subjects' freedom, am I to hear of to that power which smote us with her mace, and to that Constitution from whose blessings we were excluded, to be ground, as we have been, by the British nation, bound by her Parliament, plundered by her Crown, threatened by her enemies, and insulted with her protection, while we returned thanks for her condescension, is a system of meanness and misery which has expired in our determination and in her magnanimity. That there are precedents against us, I allow; acts of power I would call them, not not of bind precedents; and I answer the English pleading such precedents, as they answered their Kings when they urged precedents against the liberty of England. Such things are the tyranny of one side, the weakness of the other, and the law of neither. We will not be bound by them; or rather, in the words of the Decla- W Referring to the rapid formation of the volunration of Right, no doing, judgment, or proceed-teer corps. The reader will be interested to observe the ing to the contrary shall be brought into precedent or example. Do not, then, tolerate a pow-dignified in its movement; so weighty as it falls on rhythmus of the last three paragraphs; so slow and er, the power of the British government, over the ear; so perfectly adapted to the sentiments ex


ing force.

faction. I wish for nothing but to breathe in
this our island, in common with my fellow-sub-
jects, the air of liberty. I have no ambition, un-
less it be to break your chain and contemplate
your glory. I never will be satisfied so long as
the meanest cottager in Ireland has a link of the
British chain clanking to his rags. He may be
naked, he shall not be in irons.
And I do see
the time at hand; the spirit is gone forth; the
Declaration of Right is planted; and though
great men should fall off, yet the cause shall
live; and though he who utters this should die,
yet the immortal fire shall outlast the humble
organ who conveys it, and the breath of liberty,
like the word of the holy man, will not die with
the prophet, but survive him.8


This was an act of the British Parliament set-pressed in this magnificent passage. The effect tling the line of succession to the British Crown on the descendants of the Princess Sophia of Hanover, to the exclusion of the Stuarts.

will be heightened by comparing it with the rapid and iambic movement of the passage containing Mr. Erskine's description of the Indian chief, page 696.

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