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Penalty 10l.
Duty not to be
lefs than what is
payable under
the Schedule of

recited A&t
55 G. 3. c. 19.

Grocers having Licences to pay fuch additional Sum as may be neceffary to

make up the

able under fuch Schedule, &c. and the further

Place whatever, occupied by fuch Grocer, contrary to this Act, fuch Grocer fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Pounds.

III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the paffing of this A&t it shall not be lawful for any Grocer to be licensed to fell Spirituous or other Liquors by Retail, upon Payment of any lefs Duty than is payable under the Schedule to the faid recited Act of the Fifty fifth Year aforefaid annexed, upon Licences to fell Spirituous and other Liquors by Retail in the Place for which fuch Licence fhall be granted: Provided always, that if any Grocer who fhall have any Licence to fell Spirituous Liquors by Retail in force at the time of the paffing of this Act, and who, under the Provifions of the said recited Acts hereby repealed, or any of them, fhall have paid, on the taking out of fuch Licence, any Sum of Money less than whole Duty pay the full Duty specified in the faid Schedule, fhall, at any time after the paffing of this A&t, pay fuch additional Sum as fhall make the whole Duty paid by fuch Perfon amount to the full Duty payable on fuch Licence under the faid recited A&t of the Fifty fifth Year aforefaid, and the Schedule thereto annexed, together with the further Sum of One Shilling in the Pound on the Amount of fuch additional Sum, every fuch Grocer who fhall make fuch Payment, but not otherwise, fhall be authorized, during the time fuch Licence fhall continue in force, to fell Spirituous Liquors in any Quantity lefs than Two reputed Quarts, any thing in any Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding; and if any Grocer fo having any Licence for the retailing of Spirituous Liquors in force at the time of the paffing of this Act, but who fhall not pay fuch further Duty or Sum aforefaid, fhall fell any Spirituous Liquors in any lefs Quantity than Two reputed Quarts, every fuch Grocer fhall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds.

Sum of Is. in the

Pound on the

Amount thereof.

Penalty Icl.

Officer may enter Premifes,

in the Day time, View of Licence, and report if no licence produced.

and demand a

IV. And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for any Officer of Excife to enter in the Day time into any House, Shop, Storehouse, Workhouse, Manufactory, or other Place, of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall deal in, retail, make, fell or keep, or expofe for Sale, any of the refpective Articles or things, or exercife or carry on any Trade, Occupation or Calling, for the exerciting or carrying on of which a Licence is by Law required, and to demand the View of the proper Licence to fuch Perfon; and if a proper Licence in force fhall not be produced, fuch Officer fhall report the fame to the Collector of Excife of the District or other Officer in Charge of the Collection of fuch District; and thereupon, and if such Perfon fhall not have applied for and obtained fuch Licence when fuch Demand fhall have been made, it fhall and may be lawful to and for fuch Collector or other Officer fo in Charge as aforefaid, to issue cence Duty, &c. his Warrant under his Hand and Seal to empower any Person or Perfons to take and diftrain all Goods and Chattels found in fuch Houfe, Shop, Storehoufe, Workhouse, Manufactory or other Place belonging to fuch Perfon, and to cause the same to be fold by Public Auction, giving Six Days' previous Notice thereof, (unless the same shall be redeemed before fuch Sale fhall have taken place,) by Payment as hereinafter mentioned, fave as to the Cofts of the Sale; and if after Payment of the full Amount of the Duty payable on fuch Licence, together with the Sum of One Shilling in the Pound thereon, and the Cofts and Expences of fuch taking, distraining and

Distress for

Amount of Li



Sale thereof, there fhall be any Surplus of the Produce arifing from the Sale thereof, fuch Surplus fhall be forthwith tendered and paid

to such Perfon or his Representatives, and thereupon the Collector And thereupon or other Officer aforefaid fhall, if the Party against whom fuch Licence may be Warrant shall have been issued, defire the fame, and fhall be duly granted. entitled thereto, grant him a Licence for carrying on fuch Trade without further Request.

V. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained fhall extend or be conftrued to extend in any manner to repeal or affect any of the Claufes, Authorities, Rules, Regulations, Provifions, Matters or things contained in any Act or Acts of Parliament in force at the time of the Commencement of this Act, relating to or in respect of any Licences granted under the Authority of the Commiffioners of Inland Excife and Taxes in Ireland, except where the same is or are expressly repealed by this A&t; and that, except as aforefail, all fuch Claufes, Authorities, Rules, Regulations, Provifions, Matters and things fhall be and remain in full Force and Effect, to all Intents and Purposes, as if this Act had not been made, and shall be applied in the Execution of this Act as fully and effectually as if the fame were repeated and re-enacted in this A&, and that the faid Acts and this A&t shall be conftrued together as one Act, so far as the fame are compatible and confiftent with each other.

Provifo for other

Acts, except where hereby altered.

VI. And be it further enacted, That all and every the Fines, Recovery and Penalties and Forfeitures inflicted by this A&t, fhall be paid and Application of recovered in British Currency, and fhall and may be fued for and Penalties. recovered, levied and applied, in fuch manner and Form, and by fuch Ways and Means, and with fuch Powers and Authorities, as are prescribed, directed and appointed in and by an Act of Parlia

ment made in Ireland, in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Years of the Irish Act, Reign of His late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled An 14 & 15 C. 2. Aa for the fettling of the Excife or new Impoft upon His Majefly, His 46 G. 3. c. 106. Heirs and Succeffors, according to the Book of Rates therein inferted, or in and by an Act made in the Forty fixth Year of His present Majefty's Reign, intituled An A8 to provide for the better Execution of the feveral Aas relating to the Revenues, Matters and things under the Management of the Commiffioners of Customs and Port Duties, and of the Commissioners of Inland Excife, and Taxes, in Ireland, or in and by any other Act or Acts in force in Ireland relating to His Majesty's Revenue of Excife, as fully and effectually, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the fame were particularly mentioned and expreffed and re-enacted in this Act, with like Remedy of Appeal to Appeal. and for the Party or Parties who shall think him, her or themselves aggrieved or injured, as in and by the faid Acts, or any Act or A&s in force in Ireland relating to His Majefty's Revenue of Excife, is provided.


Paymaster allowed difembodied Pay.


Refidence of certain Officers to be where Arms of the


An Act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing and Contingent Expences of the Difembodied Militia in Great Britain; and for granting Allowances in certain Cafes to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Quartermafters, Surgeons,. Surgeons' Mates, and Serjeant Majors of Militia, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred [1ft June 1818.]

and nineteen.

[This Act is the fame as 57 G. 3. c. 102, except as to Dates, as to the Sections that are here retained, and as to the Title.]

II. Provided always and be it further enacted, That any Paymaster of disembodied Militia, being on Naval or Military Half Pay, or being entitled to any Allowance as having served in any of His Majefty's Regular Forces, or Navy or Marines, fhall and may and he is hereby empowered to receive and take the aforefaid Rates of difembodied Pay, (videlicet) Six Shillings, Five Shillings or Four Shillings per Diem, as the cafe may be, and the receiving and taking fuch Rates of difembodied Pay as aforefaid fhall not prevent fuch Paymaster on Half Pay, or being entitled to any fuch Allowance, from receiving his Half Pay or fuch Allowance, and fuch Paymaster shall take the following Oath before fome Jultice of the Peace, who is hereby empowered to adminifter the fame.

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any Place or Employment

of Profit, Civil or Military, under His Majefty, befides my Allow

ance of Half Pay as a reduced

Navy (or in the Marines, or in

) or Allowance as late Troop of Horse Guards, or ( Horfe reduced), fave and except Shillings, Five Shillings, or Four as Paymaster of the

in His Majefty's late Regiment of

[blocks in formation]

And the taking the faid Oath fhall be fufficient to entitle fuch Paymaster to receive his Half Pay or the faid Allowance without taking any other Oath; any Law, Ufage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

III. And be it further enacted, That every Adjutant, Pay. master, Surgeon, Quartermafter, Non Commiffioned Officer and Drummer of Regular Militia, when difembodied, shall be constantly refident within the City, Town or Place where the Arms of the Corps are kept. Corps to which fuch Officers belong are kept, or within fuch reafonable Distance of the Depôt as fhall be fanctioned by the Secretary at War: Provided always, that every fuch Adjutant, Paymafter, Surgeon, Quartermafter, Non Commiffioned Officer or Drummer, fhall forfeit his Pay for any Period during which he fhall be absent, except when absent by Leave from the Colonel or Commandant of the Regiment, Battalion or Corps, which Leave shall not extend beyond Three Calendar Months in One Year, except in cafe of certified Sickness, nor to a greater Proportion than One third of the Non Commiffioned Officers and Drummers at the fame time, or beyond fuch Period of Three Months, except in cafe of Sickness.

IX. And

Oath to be taken

to entitle to fuch Allowances,

IX. And be it further enacted, That the Subaltern Officers and The following Surgeons' Mates of the Militia who fhall claim under the Authority of this Act to receive any Part of the faid Allowances, fhall previous to receiving the fame, and in order to entitle themselves thereto, take and subscribe an Oath before some one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in the United Kingdom, in the Words or to the Effect following; (videlicet,)


I A. B. do fwear, That I belonged to the

of Militia when the fame was difembodied, and that I have continued to ferve therein from that time until the Day

• of

inclufive, as a Lieutenant, Enfign or Surgeon's Mate (as the cafe may be); and that I was not in my own Right or in Right of my Wife, during the faid Period, in the actual Poffeffion and Enjoyment or Receipt of the Rents and Profits of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of fuch an annual Value above Reprizes as would qualify me to hold a Commiffion of • Captain of a Company in the Militia; that I have not during the above Period held the Appointment of Adjutant, Surgeon, Paymaster or Quartermaster in any Regiment, Battalion or Corps of Militia; that I did not hold or enjoy, nor did any Perfon for me hold or enjoy, during the faid Period, any Office or Income whatfoever from the Public, or from any other Government, except my • Half Pay as a of the Army, Navy, Marines,

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or of a Provifional Battalion formed from the Militia (as the cafe • may be). So help me GOD.' Which Oath so taken and subscribed fhall be produced to the Paymafter of the Regiment of Militia by the Subaltern Officer or Surgeon's Mate claiming the Allowance.

Reduced Adjutants may take fuch Allowance with any Pay or

other Allowance to which they may be entitled.

XXIII. And be it further enacted, That every reduced Adjutant entitled to any Allowance under the faid Act of the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Year aforefaid, or any subsequent Acts continuing fuch Allowance, or this Act, may receive and take fuch Allowance together with any Full Pay, Half Pay or Allowance which was tenable together with fuch reduced Allowance under the Provisions of an Act paffed in the Twenty fixth Year of the Reign of His 26 G. 3. c. 107. prefent- Majefty, intituled An A&t for amending and reducing into one Act of Parliament the Laws relating to the Militia in that Part of Great Britain called England, or under the Provifions of the aforefaid Acts of the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Years of the Reign of His prefent Majetty: Provided always, that no fuch reduced Adjutant shall be entitled to receive any Allowance under this Act during the time he fhall hold any Place or Employment of Profit, Civil or Military, under His Majefty, other than such as aforefaid.


An Act for defraying, until the Twenty fifth Day of June One
thousand eight hundred and nineteen, the Charge of the Pay
and Clothing of the Militia of Ireland; and for making
Allowances in certain Cafes to Subaltern Officers of the said
Militia during Peace.
[1ft June 1818.]

[This Act is the fame as 57 G. 3. c. 103. except as to Dates.]


Irish Act, 37 G. 3.

43 G. 3. c. 44.

further continued.

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An Act to continue, until Three Months after the ceafing of
any Restriction imposed on the Bank of England from ifsuing
Cash in Payment, the feveral Acts for confirming and con-
tinuing the Restrictions on Payments in Cafh by the Bank
of Ireland.
[1st June 1818.]
HEREAS by an Act made in the Parliament of Ireland in
the Thirty seventh Year of the Reign of His prefent
Majefty, intituled An Ad for confirming and continuing for a limited
time the Restrictions contained in the Minute of Council of the Second
Day of March One thousand feven hundred and ninety seven, on
Payments in Cash by the Bank, it is amongst other things enacted,
• that it fhall not be lawful for the Governor and Company of the
• Bank of Ireland to iffue any Cafh in Payment of any Debt or De-
mand whatever, except according to the Provifion therein contained;
and that the faid Act fhall be in force and have Continuance until
• Three Months after the Restriction imposed by an Act of the Par-
liament of Great Britain on the Governor and Company of the
• Bank of England, from iffuing Cash in Payment, fhall ceafe, unless
the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ireland should by an
• Order of Council direct that the faid Reftriction on the Governor
• and Company of the Bank of Ireland should fooner cease: And
• Whereas by an Act paffed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom,
in the Forty third Year of His present Majesty's Reign, the faid
' recited Act of the Parliament of Ireland was amended and further
• continued; and by Four Acts, made in the Forty fourth, Fifty
fourth, Fifty fifth and Fifty fixth Years of His prefent Majefty's
Reign, both the faid recited Acts of the Thirty feventh and Forty
third Years aforefaid were further continued: And Whereas it is
• expedient to continue for a further time the said recited Acts of the
Thirty feventh and Forty third Years aforefaid :' May it therefore
please Your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by
The King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and
Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this
prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame,
That the said recited Acts of the Thirty feventh and Forty third
Years of His prefent Majefty's Reign fhall have Continuance until the
Expiration of Three Calendar Months next after any Restriction im-
pofed or to be impofed by any Act made or to be made in this prefent.
Seffion of Parliament on the Governor and Company of the Bank of
England, from iffuing Cafh in Payments, fhall ceafe, unless the Lord.
Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors and the Privy
Council of Ireland fhall by an Order in Council direct that the faid
Restriction on the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland
fhall fooner cease.

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