APPENDIX Ε. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY UNION. Aberdeen University Union is a Society having for its objects the promotion and maintenance of means of recreation and social intercourse among Students and Alumni of the University, and the formation of a centre of affiliation for the various University Societies. There are three classes of Members : 1. Honorary Members. The following are eligible as Ordinary Annual Members, viz. :-- I. Matriculated Students of the University of Aberdeen who are not already Graduates. II. Members of the University Court. III. Members of the Senatus Academicus. IV. Members of the General Council. Persons coming under classes II., III., IV. and V. are eligible for Life Membership. The following are eligible as Extraordinary Members, Annual or for Life, viz. : I. Any person formerly a Matriculated Student of the University for not less than Which two classes are admitted to Membership on certain conditions. A Matriculated Student is admitted to annual Membership on payment of an Entrance Fee of 5s., and a Subscription of 36 (29) 5s. for each academic year; any other person eligible for Annual Membership is admitted on payment of an Entrance Fee of 10s., and a Subscription of 10s. for each academic year. The Entrance Fee is payable only once. Any person eligible is admitted to Life Membership on payment of £5. A Student, who afterwards becomes a Life Member is credited with the sums paid while a Matriculated Student. The splendid suite of rooms, the gift of the late Dr. Charles Mitchell, of Newcastle, comprising large debating hall, a concert hall, reading room, committee room, dining hall, billiard room, smoking room, etc., is open daily from 9 A.M. to 11 P.M. and on Sundays from 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. Luncheons, dinners, tea, coffee, and other refreshments are supplied at moderate prices. There is a large supply of newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals in the reading room, and tables, etc., are provided in the billiard room where Members may play cards, chess, etc. The rooms are lighted throughout with electric light, and are ventilated with heated air. The Union is controlled by a Committee of Management elected annually at the Business Meeting of the Union held in the month of October. COMMITTEE FOR 1915-1916. President-J. S. Cook, M.A.; Vice-President-F. W. Carter; Secretary-Ian G. Innes, M.A.; Treasurer-Mr. J. B. Rennett, M.A., Advocate and C.A., 231A Union Street. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION OF President-Mr. J. F. Tocher, D.Sc. Treasurer-Mr. Jas. Goodwillie, M. A., B.Sc. APPENDIX F. STUDENTS' SOCIETIE S.* Aberdeen University Students' Representative 1916-1917. (See p. 8 of Calendar.) Alma Mater. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE-ESTABLISHED 1883. Alma Mater, Aberdeen University Magazine, was established, and for five years conducted under the auspices of the A. U. Debating Society. The first number was issued 28th November, 1883. On 1st December, 1888, the management of Alma Mater was formally transferred into the hands of the S. R. C. As the recognised organ of the Students' Representative Council, it is published weekly (price twopence) during the Winter Session, with two or more numbers during the Summer. The Magazine is managed by a committee of twelve, elected by the S.R.C., six of the members being nominated by the retiring Editors, while the other six are nominated by the Council. Aberdeen University Anatomical and Anthropological Society. Aberdeen University Association Football Club. The Aberdeen University Athletic Association. * For particulars as to the various Societies, see the "Aberdeen University Students' Handbook" published annually in November. Most of the Societies are meantime in abeyance. Aberdeen University Celtic Society. Aberdeen University Choral and Orchestral Society. Aberdeen University Christian Union. Aberdeen University Classical Society. Aberdeen University Cricket Club. Aberdeen University Union Debates Committee. Aberdeen University Golf Club. Aberdeen University Harriers' Club. Aberdeen University Men's Hockey Club. Aberdeen University Liberal Association. Aberdeen University Literary Society. Aberdeen University Medical Society. Aberdeen University Missionary Association. Aberdeen University Modern Languages Society. Aberdeen University Rugby Football Club. Aberdeen University Scientific Association. Aberdeen University Shinty Club. Aberdeen University Shooting Club. Aberdeen University Sociological Society. Aberdeen University Men's Swimming Club. Aberdeen University Tennis Club. Aberdeen University Unionist Association. Aberdeen University Woman Suffrage Association. Aberdeen University Women's Debating Society. Aberdeen University Women's Hockey Club. Aberdeen University Women's Medical Society. Aberdeen University Women's Swimming Club. Agricultural Discussion Society. Theological Society. Territorial Corps. |