THE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. NOVEMBER, 1917. 1 TH Last day for Matriculation of Arts and Law Students. 2 Martinmas Term. Meeting of University Court. Meeting of Library Committee. xi 1 S 2 S 3 M Meeting of Senatus. Meeting of Edilis Committee. Last day for Registration of Members of General Council. DECEMBER, 1917. Names of Candidates for Fullerton, Moir, Gray and Murray Scholarships to be given to Secretary of Faculty of Arts. Meeting of University Court. Meeting of Senatus. Fullerton Scholarship Examinations (Mental Philosophy and Mathematics), and Murray Scholarship Examination commence. Meeting of Edilis Committee. Meeting of Library Committee. Last day of Lectures before Christmas Vacation. 18 TU 19 W 20 TH 21 F 22 S 23 S 24 M 25 TU Christmas Day. 26 W 27 ΤΗ 28 F 29 S 30 S 31 M 1F { 2S 3 S FEBRUARY, 1918. Last day for Candidates lodging M.D. Theses for the March Term of Candidates for B.D. Degree to lodge names with Secretary of Senatus. Meeting of Senatus. Meeting of Edilis Committee. MARCH, 1918. 1 F Candidates for Liddel Prize must lodge compositions. { Candidates for Arts, Science and Law Degree Examinations to intimate names and subjects. Names of Candidates for D.P.H. to be intimated to Secretary. { 6 W 7 TH 8 F 9S 10 S Meeting of Finance Committee. 14 TH 15 F MARCH, 1918—(Continued). M.A. Examination-Mathematics, 9 to 11 and 11.15 to 1.15. First half of University Scholarships payable. Preliminary Examinations in Arts, Science, and Medicine com- Written Examinations for Medical, Science, Divinity, and Law M.B. Examinations-Botany, Anatomy, Medicine, Med. Jurisprudence. Spring Term in Arts Faculty to end by this date. M.B. Examinations-Zoology, Physiology, Surgery. M.A. Examination-Zoology, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and 2 to 5 p.m. 16 S 17 S 18 M M.B. Examinations-Chemistry, Pathology, Midwifery. (M.B. Examinations-Physics, Materia Medica, Public Health. TH Meeting of Library Committee. F |