to that date, the applicant shall also pass the Scottish Universities Preliminary Examination in English. (b) A pass in the Cambridge Higher Local Examinations will exempt from further examination in all the subjects included. (c) A pass in the Cambridge Senior Local Examinations will exempt from further examination in all the subjects included other than English. In English, when the applicant has only a pass on the "standard of recognition," exemption will be allowed only if Composition has been taken, with Literature or a Literary Subject. (3) Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board. The passes in Latin, Greek, and Mathematics specified under Arts Preliminary Regulations as exempting from the Lower Standard in these subjects in the Arts and Science Preliminary will exempt from the same subjects in the Medical Preliminary Examination. In addition to the passes in French and German specified as exempting from these subjects in the Arts and Science Preliminary, a pass in French or German for the Lower Certificate or a pass with credit for the School Certificate will exempt from these subjects in the Medical Preliminary Examination. In addition to the passes in English specified as exempting from the Arts and Science Preliminary, a pass for the Lower Certificate in English, History, and Geography or a pass with credit for the School Certificate with either History or Geography will exempt from English in the Medical Preliminary Examination. (4) University of London. A pass in the Matriculation Examination will exempt from further examination in all the subjects included. (5) Queen's University of Belfast. A pass in the Matriculation Examination will exempt from the Medical Preliminary Examination. (6) Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, and Birmingham. A pass in the Joint Matriculation will exempt from the Medical Preliminary Examination, provided that the whole examination has been passed, as required for admission to the Medical Faculties of these Universities. (7) Birmingham University. A pass in English, Latin, Greek, or Mathematics in the Matriculation Examination will exempt from English, Latin, Greek, or Mathematics. THE BRITISH EMPIRE OVERSEAS. Candidates from British Dominions, Colonies, Dependencies, and Protectorates, who present evidence that they have passed all the Preliminary Examinations prescribed for students proceeding to graduation in Medicine in a University or College empowered to confer degrees in the Dominion, Colony, Dependency, or Protectorate from which they come will be exempted from the Medical Preliminary Examination, provided : (1) That their Examination includes all the subjects prescribed by the Medical Ordinances of the Scottish Universities, and that they are recognised by the General Medical Council. (2) That there is evidence to show that their knowledge of English is sufficient to enable them to follow the Courses of Instruction with profit. NOTE. In and after the Academical year 1919-20, in the case of candidates whose native language is other than English, this exemption will not include English. The above candidates and all other candidates whose native language is other than English will be required to pass an examination in English designed to test their ability to understand and use the language sufficiently for the purpose of study at a Scottish University. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Subject to the same provisions as those laid down in the last Section for applicants from British Dominions, etc., the French Baccalauréat-ès-Lettres and Baccalauréatès-Sciences and Certificates of Maturity which would admit to the study of Medicine in the Universities of other European countries will exempt from the Medical Preliminary Examination. The First Class Certificates of the Anglo-Chinese College, Amoy, will exempt from the Medical Preliminary Examination. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FOR THE DEGREES OF BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY: VIII. Candidates shall be admitted to the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery only after they have fulfilled the following conditions with reference to Medical study: 1. The candidate must have pursued medical study for not less than five years or during not less than fifteen terms. 2. During each of twelve terms preceding the fifth or final year the candidate must have attended one or more of the prescribed courses of instruction in the subjects of the curriculum. 3. During the fifth or final year of his curriculum the candidate must have pursued clinical study for at least nine months or three terms at one or more of such Public Hospitals or Dispensaries, British or Foreign, as may be recognised for the purpose by the University Court, after consultation with the Senatus. 4. The candidate must, during his curriculum, have attended a course or courses of instruction in each of the following subjects of study, extending over not less than the number of terms specified in each case, and including such class examinations as may be prescribed in connexion with the several courses : 1. Chemistry (including Organic Chemistry), With Practical Chemistry, 2. Physics (with practical work), 3. { Or in place of Botany and Zoology Biology, 2 terms. 1 term. 1 term. 1 term. 1 term. 1 term. 1 term. (a) The Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, shall have power, after receiving through the Faculty of Medicine the opinion of the Board of Studies, to determine from time to time the number of meetings of which a course shall consist, the number of such meetings to be held in each term, the cases in which two half-courses shall be deemed equivalent to a full course, and the cases in which the subjects of any courses may be subdivided or combined for the purposes of study, and to require the inclusion of practical work in the course of instruction in any subject. Under similar conditions, the Senatus shall have power to withhold recognition from one or other of the alternative courses specified in Group 3 of the subjects above-mentioned. (b) It shall be the duty of each of the Professors and Lecturers to submit to the Board of Studies annually before the end of the second term in each academical year a scheme specifying what proportion of the courses shall be devoted to lectures, practical work, examinations, and tutorial instruction respectively. The Board of Studies shall transmit the schemes to the Faculty of Medicine, who shall submit them to the Senatus, with such observations as the Faculty may think fit to make thereon. The Senatus shall transmit such schemes, with such observations and recommendations as it may think fit to make thereon, to the University Court for its approval. (c) The Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, shall have power, by Regulations made from time to time to increase the number of terms over which a course of instruction in any subject of study shall extend, or to introduce into the curriculum additional subjects of study, or to extend the duration of the curriculum beyond the period of fifteen terms. The University Court shall communicate to the General Council all Regulations so made by the Senatus; and any representation made thereon by the General Council within two months from the date of such communication shall be taken into consideration by the University Court before any such Regulation is approved. 5. The candidate must have attended for at least three years or nine terms the Medical and Surgical Practice of a General Hospital in Aberdeen or elsewhere, which accommodates not fewer than eighty patients, and possesses distinct staffs of Physicians and Surgeons, and is recognised for the purpose by the University Court, after con sultation with the Senatus. 6. The candidate must have attended, in a General Hospital defined and recognised as hereinbefore provided, a course or courses of instruction in Clinical Surgery extending over nine months or three terms or such longer period as may from time to time be determined by the Senatus with the approval of the University Court. These courses may be conducted by a Professor of Surgery, or by other Professors or Lecturers appointed for the purpose by the University Court or by the Ordinary Surgeons of the Hospital, and shall consist of regular instruction at the bedside, together with Clinical Lectures or Demonstrations. 7. The candidate must have attended, in a General Hospital defined and recognised as hereinbefore provided, a course or courses of instruction in Clinical Medicine extending over nine months or three terms, or such longer period as may from time to time be determined by the Senatus with the approval of the University Court. These courses may be conducted by a Professor of Medicine, or by other Professors or Lecturers appointed for the purpose by the University Court, or by the Ordinary Physicians of the Hospital, and shall consist of regular instruction at the bedside, together with Clinical Lectures or Demonstrations. 8. The candidate must have attended a course of instruction in Mental Diseases of such duration, and so apportioned between lectures, demonstrations and clinical instruction, as the Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, may from time to time prescribe. The Course must consist of not fewer than ten meetings, embracing not less than twenty hours' instruction, which shall extend over one term and include lectures, demonstrations of pathological specimens, and clinical instruction in the wards of an Asylum. 9. The candidate must have attended a course of instruction in Practical Materia Medica, including Pharmacy, consisting of not less than twenty-five meetings, at a University or recognised Medical School, or have dispensed drugs for a period of three months in a Public Hospital or Dispensary, or in the establishment of any chemist and druggist or pharmacist or pharmaceutical chemist of Great Britain or any pharmaceutical chemist of Ireland who is registered in the books of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain or of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland respectively. 10. The candidate must, under such conditions as the Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, may from time to time prescribe, have attended during six months or two terms the out-patient practice of a Public Hospital or Dispensary, and have acted during six months or two terms as Clinical Clerk in the Medical Department and during six months or two terms as Clinical Clerk or Dresser in the Surgical department of a Public Hospital. Provided that the Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, may extend the period of attendance herein prescribed. 11. The candidate must have received at a Public Hospital, Dispensary, or other approved Institution, practical instruction in such of the following or other special ecial departments, and to such extent and under such conditions, as may be prescribed by the Senatus with the approval of the University Court, viz.: Post-mortem Examinations, Infectious Diseases, Gynecology, Diseases of Children, Ophthalmology, Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, Dermatology. The candidate, before admission to the Final Examination, must produce Certificates to the following effect : (1) That he has been present at not fewer than twenty-five Post-mortem Examinations, some of which he must have personally taken part in performing. (2) That he has attended a course of instruction in Infectious Diseases, consisting of not fewer than ten meetings, in a Hospital for the treatment of such diseases, containing at least a hundred beds. (3) That he has attended in a Hospital a course of instruction in Gynæcology, consisting of not fewer than twenty meetings. (4) That he has attended in a Special Hospital a course of instruction in the Diseases of Children, consisting of not fewer than twenty meetings. (5) That he has attended in the Ophthalmological Department of a Hospital or Dispensary a course of instruction in Ophthalmology, consisting of not fewer than thirty meetings, extending over one term. (6) That he has attended in a Public Hospital or Dispensary a course of instruction in Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, consisting of not fewer than twenty meetings. |