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*Insanity-William Reid, M.D. Weekly in Summer. Fee, £2 2s.


Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat-J. Mackenzie Booth, M.D. Fee, £2 2s. Vaccination, with Government Certificate of Qualification-Thomas Fraser, M.A., Fee, £1 1s.


IV. ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN. Diseases of Children-Clinical Instruction by the Physicians and Surgeons. Daily at One o'clock. Fee, £2 2s.

Anaesthetics-David Watson Geddie, M.B. At 1 P.M.


Fevers-Prof. Matthew Hay and Assistant. Fee, £1 1s.

Fee, £1 1s.

*The following Synopsis of Class on Mental Diseases conducted by Dr. Reid has been approved by the University Court.

The Course of Instruction in Mental Diseases extends over a period of at least two and a half months.

The class is divided into separate groups-each group not exceeding a size convenient for management within the wards of the Royal Asylum.

The individual groups meet at least two hours a week and receive systematic, clinical and pathological instruction.

The main feature of the course is a clinical one.

Students are required to examine patients for themselves and to write clinical accounts of them.

Statutory certificates of lunacy and other medico-legal documents are written by each student during the course.

Arrangements are made for extra teaching in the higher departments of medical psychology and cerebral pathology for those students and graduates who desire such higher instruction; also for candidates desirous of obtaining the certificate of the Medico-Psychological Association of Great Britain and Ireland.

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Text-books.-Bevan Lewis' "Text-book of Mental Diseases," Clouston's "Clinical Lectures on Mental Diseases," Savage's" Manual on Insanity and Allied Neuroses," Bucknill and Tuke's "Manual of Psychological Medicine".

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Extra-Academical Teachers.

The following Lecturers have been specially recognised by the University Court as Extra-Academical Teachers". They possess the privilege of the University Library, and, as occasion arises, their services are utilised in examining for Medical and Surgical Degrees: Wm. Reid, M.D., Lecturer on Mental Diseases; Charles H. Usher, M.B., B.C., Lecturer on Ophthalmology; A. Rudolf Galloway, M.B., C.M., Lecturer on Ophthalmology; John F. Christie, M.A., M. B., C. M., Lecturer on Skin Diseases; Albert Henderson, M.A., M.D.; Lecturer on Anæsthetics; John R. Levack, M.B., C. M., Lecturer on Medical Electricity; James M. P. Crombie, M. B., C.M., Lecturer on Dental Surgery, Henry Peterkin, M.B., Ch. B., Lecturer on Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. Arthur W. Falconer, M.B., Ch. B., Lecturer on Anæsthetics. George Rose, M.B., C. M., Lecturer on the Medical Inspection of School Children. Alexander Ogston, M.B., C.M., Lecturer on Anæsthetics.

Suggested Order of Study.

There is no prescribed order of study, but the following scheme has been drawn up for the guidance of Students. It represents the minimum curriculum only:

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[blocks in formation]

Hosp. Hosp. Hosp. & Med. Med. Hosp. P.Ms. Pub. Health Physiol. Hosp. Hosp. Hosp. & Hosp. Hosp. (S. & P.) P.Ms.

Hosp. Hosp.

Hosp. Hosp. Hosp.

[blocks in formation]

Physiol. Hosp. Hosp. Hosp. & Hosp. Hosp.

Hosp. Hosp. Hosp.

(S. & P.)


Sick Chil.


[blocks in formation]

Hours and days to be arranged for Clinical Medicine, Clinical Clerkship, Clinical Surgery, Surgical Dressership, Clinical Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Dermatology, Anaesthetics, Midwifery Practice, Dispensary and Vaccination.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Chem. (S. & P.)
Pr. Physiol.
Chem. (S. & P.)

Pr. Chem. Physiol. Physiol. Hosp. & Hosp. Hosp. Hosp. Med. Med.
(S. & P.) (S. & P.) P.Ms.
Physiol. Physiol.
(S. & P.) (S. & P.)


Hosp. Hosp.

Hosp. & Hosp. Hosp.


Hosp. Hosp.


Hosp. Hosp.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


At the beginning both of the Winter and of the Summer Sessions every Student must fill up and return a Schedule to be obtained from the Sacrist, Marischal College, stating what Classes he intends to take out.

The Matriculation of Students and payment of Fees take place on stated days (posted on the Notice Boards of the University) at the commencement of each Session. No student is permitted to enter at a later date except on payment of a late entry fee of 5s. The Graduation Fees are payable prior to each Examination, on dates of which due notice is given. The Hospital and Dispensary Fees are payable to the Treasurers of the respective Institutions.

Fees may be remitted direct by Parents or Guardians, by Bank Order or crossed cheque, to the Secretary of the Medical Faculty. The cost of Matriculation, Class, and Hospital Fees for the whole curriculum, exclusive of the Fees for the Degrees, is usually about £130. The fees payable for the Degrees of M.B. and Ch. B. amount to twenty-two Guineas.

Registration of Medical Students by the General Medical Council.

By the Regulations of the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom, a body altogether distinct from the University, the name of every Medical Student must, immediately on his beginning his medical studies, have been entered on the Official Register of Medical Students kept by the Council. Registration is, therefore, imperative at the commencement of the Medical Curriculum. No person can be registered as a medical student, who has not attained the age of sixteen years.

Students should note that this Registration in the books of the Medical Council is quite distinct from Matriculation or other Registration of students in the books of the University.

The Council holds no Examination of its own, but accepts the ordinary Preliminary Examination of this University, and of a large number of other Examining Boards in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Registration must be effected within 15 days after commencing Medical study in the University.

The SECRETARY of the MEDICAL FACULTY will give all information and supply the necessary forms of application for Regis

tration on a stated day shortly after the commencement of each Session. Applicants must lodge certificates of their birth. But a Student can himself obtain his Registration by communicating with the REGistrar of thE BRANCH COUNCIL FOR SCOTLAND, 54 George Square, Edinburgh. No fee is payable for Registration.


[The new Ordinance for the Regulation of Degrees in Medicine and Surgery came into force on 1st October, 1911.]


SITY OF ABERDEEN No. 4 [Regulation, for Degrees in Medicine].

At Aberdeen, the thirteenth day of December, Nineteen hundred and ten years.

Whereas by Section 21 of the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, it is enacted that after the expiration of the powers of the Commissioners under the said Act the University Court of each University shall have power to make such Ordinances as they think fit with the approval of His Majesty in Council, inter alia altering or revoking any of the Ordinances affecting such University which had been or might be framed and passed under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1858, or the said recited Act itself, and making new Ordinances.

And whereas on the 3rd day of February, 1892, the said Commissioners issued an Ordinance No. 15 [Aberdeen, No. 1.-Regulations for Degrees in Medicine], which received the approval of Her late Majesty in Council on the 5th day of August, 1892; and on the 5th day of June, 1893, an Ordinance No. 31 [Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh, No. 1.-Composition of the Faculties and Institution of Faculties of Science], which received the approval of Her late Majesty in Council on the 23rd day of November, 1893; and on the 18th day of November, 1893, an Ordinance No 42 [General No. 14.-Institution of Boards of studies in the Faculties of Medicine and Science], which received the approval of Her late Majesty in Council on the 28th day of May, 1894; and on the 18th day of July, 1894, an Ordinance No. 55 [Aberdeen No. 9.-Regulations for Degrees in Medicine, Supplementary to Ordinance No. 15], which received the approval of Her late Majesty in Council on the 11th day of May, 1895; and on the 22nd day of January, 1897, an Ordinance No. 156 [Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh No. 3.-Regulations for Degrees in Medicine, Supplementary to Ordinances Nos. 14, 15, and 16]

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