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The Degrees in Medicine granted by the University after examination are-Bachelor of Medicine (M.B.), Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.), Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), and Master of Surgery (Ch.M.). These Degrees admit to the Medical Register, and qualify for practice throughout the British Empire, and for entrance to the Military, Naval, and other public medical services. A Diploma in Public Health is conferred, after examination, on Medical Graduates of any University in the United Kingdom. The Faculty of Medicine embraces twelve Chairs, from which instruction is given in all the main branches of Medical Science -viz., Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica, Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Surgery, Medicine and Midwifery. The Chair of Medicine in its original form represents the most ancient foundation for instruction in Medicine in Great Britain.

Instruction is also given in special departments of medical practice by Lecturers appointed by the University Court.

Clinical Instruction 18 obtained in the Royal Infirmary of Aberdeen, founded in 1739 (a general hospital, accommodating 270 patients, and recently reconstructed on the most modern principles), the Royal Lunatic Asylum, founded in 1799 (accommodating over 900 patients), the Sick Children's Hospital (accommodating 85 patients), the City (Fever) Hospital (accommodating 250 patients), the General Dispensary, Maternity Hospital, and Vaccine Institution (with 10,000 out-patients annually), and the Ophthalmic Institution (with 1600 patients annually).

Bursaries, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Prizes to the number of 50, and of the annual value of £1183, may be held by Students in this Faculty.

There are three terms in the academical year (Winter, Spring, Summer) each including not less than thirty teaching weeks, Two such terms are the equivalent of one Winter Session, and one term is the equivalent of one Summer Session.

The Winter Term, 1917-1918, commences on THURSDAY, 11th October, and closes on FRIDAY, 21st December, 1917.

The Spring Term commences on TUESDAY, 8th January, and closes on THURSDAY, 14th March, 1918.

The Summer Term, 1918, commences on TUESDAY, 16th April, and closes on FRIDAY, 28th June.

The following are the Systematic and Practical Classes * in this Faculty:

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For Laboratory Courses in connection with the above Departments, see under Synopsis of Classes.

The fee for a subsequent attendance on a £4 4s. Course is £3 3s. No reduction is allowed in the fee for subsequent attendance on any other Class.

Matriculation Fee for the Winter and Summer Sessions, £1 1s. For the Summer Session alone, 10s. 6d.

Dean-Professor Shennan.

Secretary-Donaldson R. Thom, M.A.

* For Synopsis of Classes see page 90 of Calendar.
**Subject to Alteration.

Inclusive Fee.

An Inclusive Fee for instruction within the University leading to the Medical Degrees is exigible from all students matriculating in Medicine for the first time from and after October, 1913. The amount of the Fee is ninety guineas, payable in five annual instalments, thus: In each of the first four years twenty guineas, and in the fifth year ten guineas. The Fee does not include Matriculation or Degree Fees or the Fees payable for clinical and other instruction outside the walls of the University. For further particulars see page 141 of Calendar.

The following Medical Institutions are open to Students :

* ROYAL INFIRMARY.-Consulting Physicians, David W. Finlay, M.D., F.R.C.P.; George M. Edmond, M.D.; Physicians, Ashley W. Mackintosh, M.D.; W. R. Pirie, M.B., C.M.; Assistant Physicians, Thomas Fraser, M. B., Ch.B.; A. W. Falconer, M.D., M.R.C.P.; Wm. F. Croll, M.D.; .: Consulting Cons Surgeons, Sir Alex. Ogston, K.C.V.O., LL.D., M.D.; J. C. O. Will, M.D.; J. Mackenzie Booth, M.D.; Surgeons, J. Scott Riddell, M.V.O., M.B., C.M.; John Marnoch, C.V.O., M.B., C.M.; H. M. W. Gray, M.B., C.M., F.R.C.S. (Edin.); Assistant Surgeons, Fred. K. Smith, M.B., Ch.B.; George H. Colt, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.; Ophthalmic Surgeon, Charles H. Usher, M.B., B.Ch. (Cantab.), F.R.C.S. (Edin.); Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeons, W. Clark Souter, M.D.; H. Edgar Smith, M.A., M.B., Ch.B.; Gynecologist, Robert Gordon McKerron, M.Α., M.D.; Consulting Gynecologist, Wm. Stephenson, M.D., F.R.C.S.(E.); Surgeon for Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat, Henry Peterkin, M.B., Ch. B.; Pathologist, Theodore Shennan, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Edin.); Assistant Pathologist, Geo. M. Duncan, M.B., C.M.; Anesthetist, Alex. Ogston, M.B., C.M.; Assistant Anæsthetists, James Robertson, M.D., Ch.M.; John Johnston, M.B., Ch. B. ; Wm. Anderson, M.B., Ch. B., F.R.C.S. (Edin.); Medical Electrician, John R. Levack, M.B., C.M.; Assistant Medical Electrician, Frederick Philip, M.В., Ch.B.; Physician for Diseases of the Skin, J. F. Christie, M.B., C.M.; Dental Surgeon, J. M. P. Crombie, M.B., C.M., L.D.S. (Eng.); Medical Superintendent and Clinical Registrar, William Sinclair, M.B., С.М.

For courses of instruction, vide infra.

The following are now the fees payable for Students' Hospital tickets, viz. :A. For medical students matriculated prior to 1st November, 1911, £6; or, first year, £3 10s.; second year, £3; afterwards free.

B. For medical students matriculated after 1st November, 1911, £10; or, first year, £5 10s.; second year, £5; afterwards free.

Students applying for Hospital tickets will be required to exhibit their Matriculation Cards (Faculty of Medicine).

Tickets to be obtained at the Treasurer's office, 343 Union Street. ROYAL ASYLUM. -Physician, William Reid, M.D.; Senior Medical Assistant, Alfred W. H. Cheyne, M.B., Ch. B. For course of instruction in Insanity, vide infra.

ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN. - Consulting Physician, Prof. W. Stephenson, M.D.; Senior Physician, Prof. Robert G. M'Kerron, M.D.; Junior

* During the whole period of hospital attendance each student must sign the Hospital Book at the beginning and middle of every month, when the Book lies open for two or three days.

Physician, George Gibb, M.B.; Surgeons, H. M. W. Gray, M.B., C.M., F.R.C.S. (Ed.); Assistant Surgeon, Alex. Mitchell, M.B., Ch.M.; Ophthalmic Surgeon, C. H. Usher, M.B.; Pathologist, George M. Duncan, M.B.; Dental Surgeon, J. M. P. Crombie, L.D.S. (Eng.); Chloroformist, David Watson Geddie, Μ.Β.; Assistant Chloroformist and Registrar, Wm. Brown, M.B., Ch.B.; Radiographer, John R. Levack, M. B. Daily at 1 P.M. Student's Ticket, £2 2s.

CITY (FEVER) HOSPITAL. - Medical Officer, Prof. Matthew Hay, M.D. Senior students are admitted twice a week under regulations of the Town Council. Fee, £1 1s.

GENERAL DISPENSARY AND VACCINE INSTITUTION. - Medical Officers, John Brown, M.B., Ch.B.; Middleton Connon, M.D.; J. M. McQueen, M.A., B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B.; John Innes, M.B., C.M.; A. R. Laing, M.D.; Public Vacer., Thomas Fraser, M.A., M.B.; Ophthal. Surgeon, C. H. Usher, M.B.; Surgeon Dentist, W. P. Robertson. Daily, 9 A.M. Perpetual fee, £3 3s. Vaccination Certificate, £l 1s.

Maternity Hospital. -Consulting Physician, Emeritus Prof. Stephenson, M. D.; Hon. Superintendent, Prof. R. G. McKerron, M.D.; Obstetric Physician and Vaccinator, Thomas Fraser, M.A., M.B. Fee, £3 3s.

OPHTHALMIC INSTITUTION. ---Surgeon, A. Rudolf Galloway, M.A., M.B., С.М. Daily at 10 A.Μ.

Besides the general instruction given in the above Institutions, the following Clinical Lectures and Special Courses of Practical Instruction are provided to meet the requirements of the Ordinances regulating Degrees in Medicine :


Clinical Medicine--Prof. Ashley W. Mackintosh, M.D.; W. R. Pirie, M.B., C. M. Fee, Winter Session, £4 4s. Summer Session, £33s., Clerkship, £1 1s.


Clinical Surgery-J. Scott Riddell, M.V.O., M.B., C.M.; Prof. J. Marnoch, C.V.O., M.B., C.M., and H. M. W. Gray, M.B., C.M., F.R.C.S. (Edin.). Winter, £4 4s.; Summer, £33s., Dressership, £1 1s.

Clinical Gynecology-Prof. R. G. McKerron, M.A., M.D. (Winter Session). Fee,

£2 2s.

Pathological Demonstrations-Daily at 12 noon.

Fee, £2 2s.

Fee, £2 2s.

and diseases of the eye and its Patients are frequently shown.

Ophthalmology-Charles H. Usher, M.B., B.Ch. A Course of Lectures on the principal disorders appendages is given during the Summer Session. Arrangements are made for learning the use of the Ophthalmoscope. Practical instruction is given both in Summer and in Winter.

Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat-Henry Peterkin, M.B., Ch. B. Fee, £2 2s. Diseases of the Skin-J. F. Christie, M. B., C.M. Fee, £2 2s.

Medical Electricity-John R. Levack, M.B., C.M.

In Summer.

Fee, £2 2s.

Fee, £22s.

Anæsthetics-A. W. Falconer, M.D., M.R.C.P. Fee, £2 2s.

Dental Surgery-James M. P. Crombie, M.B., C.M., L.D.S. (Eng.).

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