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Students of Aberdeen University who have attended the classes of Scots Law and Conveyancing may compete for one of these Bursaries, each of the value of £50 per annum and tenable for two years at the University of Edinburgh. The subjects of the Examination are Scots Law and Conveyancing. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Dore, Lockhart & Smart, S.S.C., 29 York Place, Edinburgh.



Founded in 1889, by Francis Edmond, M.A., King's College, 1823; LL.D., Abdn., 1881, of Kingswells, Advocate in Aberdeen. The annual value is £10, to be applied for a Bursary or Medal, or for Prizes in money or books, to one or more Students of Law attending the Scots Law and Conveyancing Classes of the University, as the Law Faculty may from time to time determine. It has been arranged that in the meantime the revenue of the Fund shall be applied as a Money Prize to be awarded to the student who graduates in Law in each year with the highest number of marks, provided that he has attended the Classes of Scots Law and Conveyancing in this University.

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The Hunter Medal in Roman Law was founded by public subscription in 1903 as a Memorial to William A. Hunter, M.P., M.A., 1864; LL.D., 1882. The following are the regulations for its award :

1. The Hunter Gold Medal may be competed for by any one who has attended the class of Civil or Roman Law in this University within four years immediately preceding the date on which Essays are to be lodged with the Secretary of Senatus as after-mentioned.

2. The Medal shall be awarded annually by the Senatus for the best Essay on ome subject connected with the exposition or the History of Civil or Roman Law on the Report of an Examiner appointed by the Senatus.

3. The subject of the Essay for each year shall be announced at the beginning of the Winter Law Session and Essays must be lodged by Competitors with the Secretary of Senatus on or before the second day of the next ensuing Summer Session.

4. Each Essay must bear a motto, and be accompanied by a sealed envelope marked with the same motto, and containing the Competitor's name, address and date of attendance on the class of Civil or Roman Law in this University.

5. These Regulations may from time to time be altered by the University Court. The subject for the Essay of 1918 will be announced at the beginning of the Winter Session. Essays to be lodged on or before 31st May, 1918.

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This Prize will be awarded to the most distinguished Graduate in Law of the year 1919-20, and every fifth year thereafter. For Regulations, see under Faculty of Science.


1905. George A. Birse, M.Α.

1910. Robert P. Masson, M. A., LL.B.

1915. John Mackintosh, M.A., LL.B.

Examination for Law Bursaries.

The Examination for the Bursaries will take place on a selection of the papers set at the Autumn sitting of the Arts Preliminary Examination; and for this year and until otherwise directed, the Law Faculty, with the approval of the Senatus, have selected the following papers, viz.: (1) English and (2) Higher Latin.

Candidates are required to intimate to the Secretary their intention of competing not later than 1st September. For dates of competition and other particulars, see under Examinations, Faculty of Arts.

Faculty of Medicine.

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