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1. Translation from Authors not prescribed. 2. Translations from the following: Cicero's "Speeches"; Tacitus, "Annals"; Virgil, "Aeneid". 3. Latin Prose Composition and Essay.


1. Unseen Translation. 2. Passages for translation with notes necessary to elucidate the sense from Homer, "The Odyssey"; Demosthenes, "Public Speeches"; Sophocles, "Oedipus Tyrannus," "Oedipus Coloneus," "Antigone," "Ajax"; Thucydides, Books I.-IV. 3. Composition-Prose and Verse.


1. Logic and Metaphysics. 2. Psychology. 3. Moral Philosophy. 4. History of Metaphysical and Moral Philosophy, with special reference to Hume and Kant.


Pure Mathematics. -The Examination will involve wider reading than that
for Mathematical Honours.
Natural Philosophy, including the Statics and Dynamics of Solids and
Fluids and the other branches of Mathematical Physics.

2. Murray Scholarship.

This Scholarship will be awarded in December, 1917. The Senatus has resolved that the principal subjects of examination shall be English Literature and Language. The examination will be on the lines of that for the degree with Honours in English, and shall include papers in :

(1) History and Criticism of English Literature from 1350. Two papers of three hours each.

(2) Shakespeare.

(3) Any author chosen by the candidate, with the Professor's approval.

(4) English Language. Two papers of three hours each.

Prescribed Books: Sweet's "Anglo-Saxon Reader," Battles of Maldon and Brunanburgh; Cynewulf's "Elene"; "Beowulf"; Emerson's "Middle English Reader"; Malory's "Mort D'Arthur" ; Gregory Smith's "Specimens of Middle Scots".

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The subject for next Essay will be announced later.

4. Gladstone Memorial Prize.


An annual Prize of the value of £5 in Books was instituted by the Committee of "The Liberal Memorial to Mr. Gladstone". The Prize is open both to Students under the standing of Master of Arts and to Graduates in Arts of not more than two years' standing, and it is awarded for the best Essay on a prescribed subject in Political Science. The subject of the Essay for 1918 is "The Political Philosophy of Burke". Essays to be lodged with the Secretary of Senatus on or before 1st May, 1918.

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5. Jenkyns Prize in Classical Philology.

This Prize (value £9 10s. or thereby) will be awarded as a University Prize to the Candidate who attains the highest marks by Examination in the department of Classical Philology.

Subjects of Examination.

I. GREEK.-Works recommended: Giles" "Manual of Comparative Philology"; Wright's "Comparative Grammar of the Greek Language"; D. B. Monro's "Homeric Grammar".

II. LATIN.-(1) History of Latin Inflexion and Word-formation with A. Ernout's "Recueil de Textes Latins Archaiques" (Paris, 1916); Giles' "Manual" and Lindsay's "Short Historical Latin Grammar" (2nd edition, 1915).

Candidates are requested to apply to the Professors for advice. 6. Liddel Prize.1

The subject for the above Prize (value £5), founded by Alex. Kilgour, M.A., Mar. Coll. 1821; M.D. 1833, and given in alternate years for Greek or for Latin Verse, will be, for Session 1917-1918, the translation into Latin Hexameters of Milton's "Paradise Lost," Book X., lines 1013-1078, "Eve thy contempt

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The Prize is open for competition to all Undergraduates matriculated in Arts during Session 1917-1918. Candidates are required to transmit their Compositions to the Professor of Latin on or before 1st March, 1918. Each Composition to bear a motto, and to be accompanied by a sealed letter, bearing the same motto, and enclosing the name of the Composer. Each Competitor is understood to pledge himself that he has used no assistance beyond what his own reading and judgment have supplied. The prize will not be awarded to the best Composition unless it be deemed satisfactory.

The subject for the Prize in Session 1918-1919 will be the translation into Greek Iambics of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," Act III., Scene 2, from "If you have tears" to "rise and mutiny".

7. Seafield Gold Medal in English.

This Medal being designed for "the best English Scholar in the Magistrand Class" (vide definition of magistrand in Calendar), will be awarded to the Magistrand who is most distinguished in the purely English portion of the Examination for Honours in English.

8. Summer Prize Work.


A Special Prize will be given for the best rendering into Attic Prose of Sargent and Dallin's "Materials and Models for Greek Prose Composition," Historical Exx. X.-XX. inclusive. Open to members of the Ordinary Graduation Greek Class-Session 19161917. Compositions to be sent in on or before 18th October, 1917.

A Special Prize will be given for the best rendering into Attic Prose of Sargent and Dallin's "Materials and Models for Greek Prose Composition," Philosophical Exx. I.-X. inclusive. Open

1 So named, at the request of the founder, to perpetuate the memory of Duncan Liddel, M.D., the generous benefactor to Marischal College in the beginning of the 17th century.

to members of the Advanced Graduation Greek Class-Session 1916-1917. Compositions to be sent in on or before 18th October, 1917.

Prizes will be given to those members of the Ordinary Gradu. ation Greek Class, 1916-1917, who, at the beginning of Session 19171918, pass the best Examination in the following work :—

Plato, "Apology" and "Crito".
Euripides, "Medea".

Homer, "Iliad," III.-VI.

Greek Composition, Prose and Verse.
Greek History, Oman, cc. I.-XXXV.

Graduates in Arts with Honours since 1861.

Cl. Classical Literature. Math. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.

Ment. = Mental Philosophy. Sc. = Natural Science (1862-94).

Eng. = English (Language, Literature and British History).
Mod. Lang. = Modern Languages and Literature.

Lat.-Fr. Latin-French.

Hist. History. Econ. Sc. Economic Science.
Gr.-Eng. Greek-English. Ger. Eng. = German-English.

In 1861 Honours were granted in accordance with what had been the usages in King's and Marischal Colleges. From 1862 to 1894 there were only two grades of Honours in each of the first three Departments and one in Natural Science.

Under the Ordinances of 1892 the Honours Department in Natural Science was abolished, and there are now three grades of Honours in each of the Departments. Since 1907, "Distinction" (*) and "High Distinction" (**) have been awarded in connection with the following Optional Subjects for Classical Honours :

(a) Roman History.

(b) Greek History.

(c) Comparative Philology.

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* Sir William Davidson Niven, as Simpson Mathematical Prizeman, was the first to be actually capped as Master of Arts, after the fusion of King's and Marischal Colleges, into the University of Aberdeen.

LL.D., Aberdeen. Member Univ. (5) B.A. (3rd Wrangler), Cantab, 1866.
Court, 1889-1915.

(1) Rector, Old Aberdeen Grammar School, (4) Late H.B.M. Consul, Yokohama.

(3) D.D. Abdn.

Late Director of Studies, Royal
Naval College, Greenwich. Examiner
in the University. K.C.B. LL.D. Abdn.

(2) D.D. Abdn.

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