GENERAL REGULATIONS REGARDING ARTS BURSARIES. Bursaries in Arts heretofore tenable for four years shall continue to be so tenable, provided that, if the holders graduate after the three years' course, they shall only retain their Bursaries during the fourth year of tenure if they shall engage in a course of study approved by the Senatus Academicus in subjects included in the curriculum for Degrees in Arts or in Pure Science. (Section II.) Such students are meantime allowed by the Senatus to retain their bursaries during a fourth year, on condition of their attending any two full courses in Arts or Pure Science. All Bursars in Arts, subject to the provision as to the fourth year of tenure contained in the immediately preceding section, shall attend in each year* at least two classes qualifying for Graduation in Arts, and shall duly perform the work of these classes: Provided (1) that, for the purposes of this section, the classes known as Middle Classes, so long as the same exist, may be attended in place of classes qualifying for Graduation; and (2) that it shall be in the power of the Senatus Academicus, with the approval of the University Court, to permit such Bursars as they shall from time to time select to attend classes qualifying for Graduation in Pure Science in place of classes qualifying for Graduation in Arts. (Section III.) The Senatus has resolved to exercise the power of selection given to it in the above Section in the following cases only : (a) A limited number of Bursars at the very commencement of their curriculum, who have either distinguished themselves at the Competition in the papers on Mathematics and Dynamics, or who can produce evidence of strong leaning to, and ability in, Chemistry, Zoology or Botany. (6) Bursars who within two or three Academic years have attended all or all but one, of the courses qualifying for the Degree in Arts, and passed the corresponding Degree Examinations. The second half of the Bursary is not payable unless it appears that the student has either attained a place in the Merit List or is specially certified by each Professor to be an entirely satisfactory student. No candidate shall obtain a Bursary in Arts who shall not have passed the Preliminary Examination in Arts. (Section X. 3.) It is provided by Section XI. of the Ordinance that no Student, who has during a Winter or Summer Session attended any class qualifying for graduation in the Faculties of Arts and Science in any Scottish University, shall be eligible to compete for Bursaries of the first year in the said Faculties. * In the case of Bursars who do not attend two such classes during the Winter Session, the first half of the Bursary is payable in January. and the second half at the close of the Summer Session. BURSARIES OPEN TO WOΜΕΝ. By Ordinance No. 58 of the Universities Commissioners, the University Court was empowered, after consultation with the Senatus, to make regulations for the purpose of appropriating. for competition without restriction as to sex or for competition among women students only, who are proceeding to a degree in any Faculty, such number, if any, of open bursaries, which have taken effect prior to 30th August, 1864, as the University Court might think fit. The University Court, on the recommendation of the Senatus, agreed (9th July, 1895), that all such bursaries should be offered for competition without restriction as to sex. Except in the case of the bursaries before referred to, women are not allowed to compete for or hold any Bursary which is not expressly open to competition by women by the terms of the Deed of Foundation. PRESENTATION BURSARIES. Candidates for Bursaries in Arts, which are not awarded by open competition, shall present themselves for the Preliminary Examination in Arts, prescribed by Ordinance No. 11, General No. 6, Regulations for Degrees in Arts, Section III., and no Bursary shall, except as hereinafter provided, be awarded to any candidate who shall not have passed the Preliminary Examination in Arts: Provided that it shall be in the power of the Senatus Academicus, with the approval of the University Court, to admit to a Bursary in Arts not awarded by open competition, a candidate who shall have passed in at least one subject of the Preliminary Examination, on the condition that he shall not retain the Bursary unless he shall have passed in all the subjects not later than the Second Preliminary Examination after the date of his admission as Bursar. (Section XV.) Presentees to Bursaries should send in their Presentations to the Secretary before 16th October. RESTRICTED AND PREFERENTIAL BURSARIES. Candidates for such Bursaries must transmit to the Secretary of Senatus certificates that they fulfil the conditions of the Bursaries. ALLOCATION OF BURSARIES (1917). The Competition Bursaries will be assigned in the University Buildings, Old Aberdeen, on Tuesday, 16th October, 1917, at 2.30 P.M.; only competitors whose names are in the order of merit, or their representatives, being allowed to be present at the declaration. Any competitor not appearing personally, or by representative, to accept a Bursary when offered to him, shall be held as declining, and the Bursary so offered to him will fall to the next in order qualified for it. Under a regulation of the Senatus, a limited number of Bursaries, tenable for one year, are made available for students who desire to prosecute advanced studies in the University with a view to becoming candidates for the Indian Civil Service. Applications regarding these should be made to the Secretary of Senatus. EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER N.B.-All candidates for the Degree of M.A. are required to give in their names, with the subjects for which they wish to enter, to the Secretary, Marischal College, not later than ten days before the commencement of the Examination term. The degree fee is payable at the same time. Entry cards may be had from the Secretary. Candidates who have passed the necessary Examinations and desire to graduate are required to meet the Dean of the Faculty at King's College on a prescribed date for the purpose of showing Certificates and enrolling for graduation. Besides the Pass Degree Certificates, Candidates must produce Receipts for the Degree Fee of £5 5s. and for the General Council Registration Fee of £1. A. DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. PASS EXAMINATIONS. LATIN. (1) Monday, 8th October, 1917 (9 to 12), and Wednesday, 10th October, 1917 (2 to 4 and 4.15 to 6.15). (Advanced Special Paper, Friday, 12th October, 1917 (9-12).) ORDINARY DEGREE. (1) Cicero, "Select Letters" (Watson), Part III. Livy, Book III. (ed. P. T. Jones). Seneca, "De Beneficiis," VI and VII. Tertullian, "Apologeticus" (Aberdeen Univ. Press edition). Chaps. 1-21. (2) Unseen Translation from and into Latin. (3) Roman History (political and literary) from 390 B.c. to 117 A.D., Geography, and Antiquities: a general knowledge of the more important facts, and a more careful acquaintance with literary history in the period of Horace and Virgil, and of Tacitus and Juvenal. ADVANCED DEGREE. (1), (2), and (3) as above; a higher percentage being required. (4) Apuleius, "Metamorphoses" IV. and V. (ed. Helm). A careful study of Roman History from 133 to 71 в.с. (2) Wednesday, 13th March, 1918 (2 to 5), and Friday, 15th March, 1918 (2.15 to 4.15 and 4.30 to 6.30). (Advanced, Special Paper, Tuesday, 19th March, 1918 (9 to 12).) ORDINARY DEGREE. (1) Cicero, "Select Letters" (Watson), Part IV. Livy, Book XXVII. (ed. S. G. Campbell). Seneca, "De Beneficiis," I. and VII. Tertullian, "Apologeticus" (Aberdeen Univ. Press edition). Chaps. 22-50. (2) and (3), as above. ADVANCED DEGREE. (1) The Papers for Latin Ordinary Degree as above; a higher percentage will be required. (2) Apuleius, "Metamorphoses " IV. and V. (ed. Helm). A careful study of Roman History from 133 to 71 в.с. GREEK. (1) Friday, 12th October, 1917 (9-12 and 3-6). ORDINARY DEGREE. Thucydides, Book I. Euripides, "Iphigenia in Tauris". Homer, “Iliad," VI. Herodotus, Book IX. Collateral: Greek History from 510 B. c. to 404 B.c. Jebb's "Primer of Greek Literature," pp. 1-136. Passage for Translation into Greek, and Greek unseen passage for Translation into English. ADVANCED DEGREE. Demosthenes, "De Corona". Sophocles, "Ed. Tyr.". Aristophanes, "Achar nians". Collateral: Greek Prose Composition and Unseen Translation. (2) Monday, 18th March, 1918 (9 to 12 and 3 to 6). ORDINARY DEGREE. Thucydides, Book II. Euripides, "Iphigenia in Aulide". Homer, "Odyssey," IX. Herodotus, IX. Collateral-as above. ADVANCED DEGREE. Plato, "Republic," VI. Sophocles, "Ajax". Aristophanes, "Nubes". HEBREW. (1) Tuesday, 9th October, 1917 (9 to 12 and 3 to 6); (2) Thursday, 20th June, 1918 (9 to 12); Friday, 21st June, 1918 (9 to 12). (3) Advanced Graduation only, Friday, 15th March, 1918 (9 to 12 and 3 to 6). 3. History of Israel. From the Accession of David to the Captivity of Judah. 4. Old Testament Introduction. Samuel, Isaiah, Psalms. 5. Translation (Unseen) from (1) Hebrew into English. (2) English into Hebrew. ADVANCED GRADUATION. 1. For translation. Deuteronomy (unpointed). Jeremiah 1-24, Zechariah, Job 1-20. 2. For Critical Study. Jeremiah 3-6, 13-16; Zechariah 9-14, Job 12-20. 3. Old Testament Introduction: The Minor Prophets. 4. History of Israel. The Captivity of Judah to close of Maccabean War. 5. The Hebrew Text of the Old Testament. 6. Translation (Unseen) from (1) English into Hebrew, and (2) Hebrew into English. ENGLISH. (1) Tuesday, 9th October, 1917 (9 to 11 and 11.30 to 1.30). Subjects as for June, 1917. (2) Monday, 17th June, 1918 (9 to 11 and 11.30 to 1.30). ORDINARY GRADUATION. History of English Literature from Chaucer with special reference to the Eliza bethan Drama as in Class Lectures supplemented by Stopford Brooke's "Primer of English Literature" and Mair's "English Literature" (Home University Library), with Chaucer's "Knighte's Tale" and "Nonne Preestes Tale" and Prologue; Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" and "Macbeth"; Bacon's "Essays," and " Advancement of Learning," Book I.; Milton's "Samson Agonistes"; Dixon and Grierson's " English Parnassus" (selected portions). Prescribed passages of Anglo-Saxon for translation and Bradley's "The Making of English". For further information see Synopsis of Classes in "Calendar". ADVANCED GRADUATION. History of English Literature in the Eighteenth Century, with books prescribed in Class Syllabus, namely: "The English Parnassus" (Dryden to Crabbe); Palgrave's "Golden Treasury," Book II.; Essays of John Dryden, Addison's Critical Essays, Burke Select Works Johnson on Shakespeare (Oxford Press); Hurd's "Letters on Chivalry" (Oxford Press); "Selections from Swift (Bell & Son); Smollet's “Humphrey Clinker" or Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield". Syntax-Text Books, Cook's "First Book in Old English," and Onion's "Advanced English Syntax". |