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occasions, on which it may be the duty of the Government to resist the production of papers, and when it would be inexpedient for the House to press for such production; but in those cases, the Government should stand upon its denial, and refuse information absolutely and entirely; but when the time has arrived, at which the Government think, that information may be communicated to Parliament, without detriment to the public service, surely it is incumbent upon them to give such papers as shall really elucidate the transactions to which they relate, and shall afford such complete explanations, as may enable Parliament to arrive at a sound and correct judgment upon the course which has been pursued but to give imperfect information, mutilated extracts, and fragments of correspondence, from which the most important parts have been cut off, is to make a mockery of Parliament, under pretence of submitting to its jurisdiction. That this has been done with respect to the affairs of Portugal, it will not be difficult to shew. For several years past, we have been engaged, actively and incessantly, in interference in the affairs, internal and external, of Portugal; we have carried on important correspondence on those affairs, with many of the great powers of Christendom; we have been parties to solemn transactions, deeply affecting the welfare and destiny of Portugal; we have lately, even undertaken the task of attempting to reconcile the conflicting rights and pretensions of the Princes of the House of Braganza, and of settling the order of succession to the throne of Portugal: but in all these negotiations and transactions, is it Portugal alone that has been concerned? Is it Portugal alone, whose interests have been involved, and whose honour has been staked upon the issue? England, also, is seriously affected by these transactions; in her interests far less indeed than Portugal, because with Portugal it was a question almost of life and death, with England only a balance of profit and loss; but in honour, we played by far the deepest game; for it was ours to arbitrate, hers only to suffer: she lay prostrate and powerless with the dagger at her throat, and it depended upon the turn of our hand, whether she should be sacrificed or saved; and when the mighty intermeddle with the destiny of the weak, and make themselves the arbiters of fate, it behoves them to render a clear account, and to shew

that they have neither done injustice. themselves, nor connived at, nor encouraged it in others. It is, then, a matter of deep interest and high importance, that we should know what have been the principles upon which our Government have acted; what has been the spirit in which the influence of England has been exerted; what objects have been aimed at; and by what means we have sought to attain them. A revolution has been effected, and an usurpation accomplished, almost in the presence of a British force; solemn engagements, to which we were parties, have been broken; gross indignity, by the admission of the Ministers themselves, has been offered to our King; Europe has been strewed with victims ruined by their confidence in us;-negotiations on all these matters have been undertaken, and have ended in acknowledged nothing; England, or at least its Government, is loaded with the reproaches of Europe: we hear


-On all sides, from innumerable tongues,
A dismal universal hiss, the sound
Of public scorn."-

But upon all these affairs, so deeply affecting our interests, so nearly touching our honour-we have been kept in pro found ignorance; and the Government have preserved a gloomy silence, broken only partially, by a few oracular and mysterious sentences in Speeches from the Throne, and by the imperfect and unsatisfactory papers, which were extracted last Session from the pigeon-holes of the Foreign Office, by the motion of my right hon. friend, the Member for Knaresborough. When I am criticising, let me however be just. The fault of this silence does not rest solely with the Government : this House must also come in for its share. It was not to be expected that the Government should volunteer the production of papers, on a subject which it was so much their interest to keep, as far as possible, out of sight, and out of mind. No man is bound to criminate himself; and no man can be expected of his own accord to stir up a discussion, which he has too much reason to fear, must end in his own condemnation. It is no wonder, then, that this silence should have been preserved, so long as Parliament acquiesced in it; but therefore it is, that I intreat the House to take this matter in hand, and to require the production of that information, which it is so fitting and necessary

school, their manoeuvres and intrigues, whenever they may attempt them, are sure to be nipped in the bud, and to be blasted as soon as born, by immediate and unmersay

ciful exposure. I then that every English gentleman, who brings to the debates of this House, an honest mind, and a manly and generous spirit, will find it just as easy to judge of these matters, if he will only insist upon having proper information, as he would of any thing else, to which he may direct his attention. I therefore implore this House to rouse themselves from that apathy as to our foreign affairs, which has prevailed so long; for they may be assured, that never upon a matter of high national concernment, was the salutary control of their interference more urgently required. The

for it to have. I know that there are many persons in this House, who look with great indifference, if not with actual repugnance, at discussions which turn upon our foreign relations; who think that they sufficiently perform their duties in this House, by devoting themselves sedulously to our domestic concerns; who are willing to leave our foreign affairs to the unquestioned discretion of his Majesty's Ministers; or who, at least, believe those affairs to be matters of peculiar mystery and craft, upon which none, but the fullyinitiated, are capable of arriving at sound and satisfactory opinions. Why, as well might a man think, that provided he looked carefully after his estate, and managed his household with economy and order, it was unimportant to him, what might be his behaviour towards his neigh-case between me and his Majesty's Minisbours a fair character, a good name, the esteem and respect of others, are not less valuable to a nation than they are to an individual reputation gives influence, and power, and security from molestation, to the one, as well as to the other. When we consider how much our purely domestic interests are concerned in our diplomatic relations with other countries; when we reflect what influence the foreign policy of so great a power as England must necessarily have upon the transactions of the world, and how much it must affect the welfare and peace of nations, it is plain, that both those who look only to our own selfish interests, and those whose views take a higher flight, ought equally to watch with jealous anxiety every step of the Government in these matters. But then as to the difficulty of understanding these things. It may suit the purposes of some, to endeavour, like the High Priests of Egypt, to keep knowledge to themselves, by locking it up in mystical and unintelligible language; but the days are gone by, when diplomacy was an occult science; the intercourse of nations must now be conducted upon the same principles as that of individuals. Plain dealing, sincerity, and a regard to justice, are the most successful policy in the one, as well as in the other; the communications of cabinets are now so frequent and unreserved, that nothing can long be kept secret in Europe, and if there are a few ultimi Romanorum, not indeed citizens of the republic, but rather subjects of the empire, who still linger on the stage as specimens of an obsolete and exploded

ters, as to the affairs of Portugal, is
shortly this; they condemn, (as who could
not) the conduct of Don Miguel, in vio-
lating his engagements to
us, and
usurping the throne of his niece; they
say, indeed, that his bad conduct, and bad
qualities have been somewhat exaggerated,
but they admit that as regards us, he has
broken his faith to England, and has
personally insulted our Sovereign, and that
as regards Portugal, he has been treacher-
ous, and perjured, and tyrannical, and
cowardly, and cruel. They assert, how-
ever, that we have not been so mixed up
with these transactions, as to give us any
right to interfere; that our practice and
principle have invariably been, non-inter-
ference and neutrality; and that any
other course on this occasion, would not
only have been unjust, but would inevita-
bly have involved us in war. I maintain
on the contrary, that their alleged princi-
ple of neutrality and non-interference, has
only been a cloak, under cover of which
they have given effectual assistance to
that party, whom they secretly favoured;
I maintain, that in all times, but more
especially in recent times, England has
been so mixed up with the affairs of Por-
tugal, that to say, that it has been our
practice and principle not to interfere in
those affairs, is to contradict the records
of history; that not only have all former
Governments so interfered, but that this
very Government itself has never ceased
so to interfere, from the first day of its
existence, down almost to the present
hour; but that its interference, whether
by negotiation, or by open force, has

have reached the Brazils, sent from England after the death of Don John was known in London. It will be seen, therefore, that in point of fact, it was absolutely impossible that the English Government could have had any thing to do with this grant, and that it must have been the spontaneous act of Don Pedro himself; an act, however, not arising from levity or caprice, but suggested by the use of his own experience, and by a prudent attention to the signs of the times. I am speaking now, not of the details of this Constitution, which might or might not have been better adapted to the existing state of parties and interests in Portugal, but of its character as a free institution, and as contrasted with pure and absolute monarchy. I look upon that Constitution as having arisen out of the events, which had happened in the world, during the preceding twelve years. When Bonaparte was to be dethroned, the Sovereigns of Europe called up their people to their aid; they invoked them in the sacred names of Freedom and National Independence; the cry went forth throughout Europe: and those, whom Subsidies had no power to buy, and Conscriptions no force to compel, roused by the magic sound of Constitutional Rights, started spontaneously into arms. The long-suffering Nations of Europe rose up as one man, and by an effort tremendous and wide spreading, like a great convulsion of nature, they hurled the conqueror from his throne. But promises made in days of distress, were forgotten in the hour of triumph; and the events of that period furnish an additional proof

Invariably been directed to assist and confirm the usurpation of Don Miguel: I maintain, that the solemn engagements taken by Don Miguel, and to which he chose to make the King of England a party, gave us rights of interference with respect to him, which we should not otherwise have had; that a due regard to the dignity and good faith of the nation, and to the personal honour of its Sovereign, required us to enforce those rights; and I further maintain, that so far from incurring any danger of war by so doing, we might have accomplished our purpose, without any war at all; whereas the course which has been pursued has brought us to a situation, in which the Ministers themselves confess, they are not free from apprehensions as to the continuance of peace. It has been a disputed question, whether the Government of England were counsellors beforehand to the Portuguese Constitution; be this as it may, there can be no doubt, that by circumstances, over which that Government had no control, the name of England was so much mixed up with the introduction and establishment of that Constitution, that public opinion in Portugal, linked together that Constitution and English connexion, in such a manner, that no official disclaimers could effectually destroy the impression. As to the question itself, however, my firm conviction is, that the English Government had nothing whatever to do with the granting of the Portuguese Constitution. I say not this, as a vindication from an imputation, but as the statement of a truth. I confess, that if the English Government had advised the Emperor Don Pedro, to bestow free institutions on his Portuguese subjects, as a parting gift, upon abdicating the throne, I think they would have done a wise and praiseworthy act; and one, which, so far from denying, they might justly have been proud of; but if we will only solve this question by chronology, and pay the slightest attention to dates, we shall see that it was physically impossible they could. King John died at Lisbon on the 10th of March, 1826. The news of his death reached Rio de Janeiro about the 26th of April, and it appears, from the papers before Parliament, that within a few days afterwards, Don Pedro had determined upon giving a Constitution to Portugal; by which time it was impossible that any communication could

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Height will recall high thoughts, how soon unsay What feigned submission swore; how ease recant Vows made in pain, as violent as void." The rulers of mankind, like the Persian fisherman, had set free a gigantic spirit from its iron prison, but when that spirit had done their bidding, they shrunk back with alarm, from the vastness of that power, which they themselves had set into action, and modestly requested, it would go down again into its former dungeon. Hence, that gloomy discontent, that restless disquiet, that murmuring sullenness, which pervaded Europe after the overthrow of Bonaparte; and which were so unlike that joyful gladness, which might have been looked for, among men, who had just been released from the

galling yoke of a foreign and a military tyrant. In 1820 the long brooding fire burst out into open flame; in Germany it was still kept down and smothered, but in Italy, in Spain, and in Portugal, it overpowered every resistance. We all re member that succession of revolutions, which in Portugal marked the struggle for ascendancy between two parties, who fought, the one for the maintenance of abuses by which they lived, under the protection of arbitrary power; the other for the suppression of those abuses, and for security under a constitutional system. In 1820, a revolution established in Portugal the Spanish Constitution of 1812; a crude ill-digested system, unfit for any country, but especially for one just emerging from arbitrary government; but which the Portuguese probably laid hold of, as the first thing that came ready to their hand, and for want of time and capacity to frame any thing better. In 1821 King John returned to Portugal from the Brazils, where he had been since 1807, driven from thence by a revolution, which had broken out there in the beginning of that year; and on his landing at Lisbon he swore allegiance to the new constitution. In 1823 a military revolution, headed by Don Miguel, overthrew the constitution; the insurrection was repressed, and Don Miguel banished, and the popular party again began to shew themselves; and in 1824 Don John, for the purpose of appeasing parties, and gaining time, published an evasive decree, proclaiming that the ancient constitution of Portugal, consisting of three estates, was still in actual vigour. From that time till the death of Don John in 1826, the two parties remained in a state of balanced truce, each of them waiting for events. In the mean time the revolution which had broken out in the Brazils in 1821, had led, by a succession of events, to the separation of the two countries, to the erection of the Brazils into an Independent Empire under Don Pedro, and to the establishment of the representative system of Government, granted by him in 1823. Was it then surprising, that, when in 1826, Don Pedro heard of the death of his father Don John, and found that by this event, and by the separation of the Crowns of Brazil and Portugal, the latter would devolve upon his infant daughter, Donna Maria, he should have thought that the best chance of saving Portugal from fur

ther convulsions, and of securing an undisturbed succession to his daughter, lay in establishing in Portugal, not the wild and democratic and impracticable constitution of 1820, but that mixed and modified system of Representative Government, which had produced in the Brazils so much tranquillity and satisfaction. It was this consideration beyond a doubt, and not any advice from England, that led Don Pedro to send to Lisbon, what was nearly a transcript of the Constitution of the Brazils. But the papers now before us prove, that although we were no parties to the original determination, yet those who saw only the outside of things must have considered us, as mixed up with its execution. The Constitution, as is shewn by these papers, was brought over by an Englishman; accidentally and unforeseen, but still so it was. Its adoption in Portugal was brought about by the direct and active interference of an Englishman; acting in his capacity of Portuguese Plenipotentiary I allow, but still it was the interference, active and direct, of an Englishman. England was asked what Portugal should do; and the advice of the English Cabinet, in which, never let it be forgotten, the leading Members of the present Government had seats, the advice of the English Cabinet was, immediate acceptance of the Charter. This was not indeed given as peremptory advice, but submitted as an element of decision, but still such was the public and official advice of the English Cabinet. I know well that the distinction between an English Minister, and a Portuguese Plenipotentiary is not merely technical, but substantial; I know well that there is a real difference, between giving peremptory advice, and submitting advice as an element of decision; but these differences and distinctions were of a nature to escape general observation, and were capable of being easily explained away, by those who had an interest to do so; and we were, therefore, in this respect, clearly in the situation of persons, who are fettered by having excited in others expectations beyond what they themselves fully intended; and who will be judged, not by intentions known only to themselves, but by the interpretation which others may have put upon their conduct. On this first branch of the subject I ask for no other papers; those which we have, though scanty in quantity, are abundantly ample in substance; every

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patch from Prince Metternich, and the protocols, are enough for my purpose.This despatch and those protocols establish beyond the possibility of question, first, the fact of the continued and direct interference of England, in the most important concerns of Portugal; and secondly, the existence of a formal compact between Don Miguel and the King of England, every tittle of which compact Don Miguel has contemptuously violated. The despatch from Prince Metternich to Prince Esterhazy, proves that England and Austria took upon themselves the tutelary task of arranging the affairs of Portugal; Austria in consequence of the relationship

one of these eleven pages is full of traces of English interference in the affairs of Portugal. We find an Englishman entering into, what he calls, altercation with Don Pedro about the Constitution of Portugal; we find an Englishman actively engaged in persuading the Portuguese to adopt that Constitution; we find the British Cabinet consulted, and advising the immediate acceptance of the Charter; and we find the abdicating sovereign of Portugal, soliciting, for the arrangements which he had made for the internal affairs of his kingdom, the approbation and support of the King of England. And then we are gravely assured that it is contrary to our principles and practice, ever to in-between the two royal families, England terfere in the internal affairs of Portugal. The second portion of these papers gives an account of the transactions which took place at Vienna, in 1827, previous to Don Miguel's departure for England; and it explains the negotiations carried on there, to induce the Infant to bind himself to maintain the Constitution; to forget and forgive all offences against himself, or to speak more correctly, his offences against others; and to give up his Regency to Donna Maria, in conformity with the Charter; and it contains also copies of the conventions, for protocols have the force of conventions, by which Don Miguel bound himself to Austria and England, to perform these engagements. I am unwilling to ask for more papers than are absolutely necessary, and therefore, I rest contented with what we have on this branch of the subject; but I should have liked to know, whether any of the communications from the Cabinet of England to that of Austria, during this period, expressed a strong and earnest anxiety for the maintenance of the Portuguese Constitution; whether the Court of Vienna was plainly told, that the only condition upon which Don Miguel could expect any countenance, or aid, or friendship from England, was his undertaking to govern Portugal by means of the institutions of Don Pedro; and whether his visit to England in his way, or rather out of his way, to Lisbon, was the public sign and symbol of such an engagement on his part. But this is not necessary for my case; such documents, if they exist, would shew indeed the contrast between the feelings of the Cabinet of that day, and those of the Cabinet of this, as far as the latter can be gathered from events; but the des

by virtue of its ancient political connexion
with Portugal. This despatch sets out
with a reference to a communication made
to Prince Metternich, of the principles
and wishes of the English Government, as
to the then present and future position of
the Infant; that is, as explained by the
despatch, the wishes and principles of
England, as to the conditions on which
Don Miguel was to be allowed to leave
Vienna, and as to the line of conduct he
was to pursue in administering the affairs
of Portugal, as Regent, after his arrival at
Lisbon. It further recites specifically,
certain deliberations to which the English
ambassador was a party, and which were
held for the purpose of conquering the re-
sistance of Don Miguel to the arrange-
ments proposed to him; and also for the
purpose of concerting, without delay, such
measures as might be immediately neces-
sary, in order to put an end to a hazardous
state of uncertainty in Portugal.
still, I suppose, we shall be told, that
England has never interfered in the in-
ternal affairs of Portugal. Then come
the protocols, and the letters attached to
them, and what do these establish? Why
Miguel appoints plenipotentiaries to treat
in his name with the ambassadors of Aus-
tria and England; negotiations follow, in
the course of which, it appears that the
consent of England was held necessary,
even to decide the apparently unimportant
question, whether certain letters which
Don Miguel was to write, should be signed
by him with the title of Lieutenant simply,
or with that of Lieutenant and Regent
jointly. In consequence of these nego-
tiations, Don Miguel contracts a solemn
engagement, to maintain religiously the
institutions of Don Pedro, to bury the


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