Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform: Chiefly from the Edinburgh Review; Cor., Vindicated, Enl., in Notes and AppendicesHarper & Brothers, 1861 - 764 páginas |
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absolute academical admitted afford ancient argument Aristotle Arthur Collier asserts atheism attempt body Brown Buschius Cambridge cause Colleges conceived condition consciousness consequently constitution Cullen cultivation Curators Descartes determined distinction doctrine Enthymeme Eobanus Epistolæ Erasmus error erudition established exclusively existence external world fact faculties favor Fichte finite former German gism Hegel Hutten hypothesis ical ideal ideas Induction infinite intellectual intelligence intuition Kant knowledge laws of thought learned lectures Leibnitz letters logic logicians Mallebranche mathematical mathematician matter ment metaphysical mind moral nature necessary notion object observation opinion Organon original Oxford pantheism patronage patrons perception philosophy Plato principles professors proposition prove quod reality reason regard Reid Reid's relation Reuchlin says scholars schools Scotland sense skepticism speculation statutes supposed syllogism term theory things thought tion translation treatises truth tutor unconditioned University University of Cambridge Whately Whewell whole words
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Página 22 - Thought cannot transcend consciousness ; consciousness is only possible under the antithesis of a subject and object of thought, known only in correlation, and mutually limiting each other ; while, independently of this, all that we know either of subject or object, either of mind or matter, is only a knowledge in each of the particular, of the plural, of the different, of the modified, of the phenomenal.
Página xxxiii - The intense view of these manifold contradictions and imperfections in human reason has so wrought upon me, and heated my brain, that I am ready to reject all belief and reasoning, and can look upon no opinion even as more probable or likely than another.
Página 528 - An instructed and intelligent people, besides, are always more decent and orderly than an ignorant and stupid one. They feel themselves, each individually, more respectable, and more likely to obtain the respect of their lawful superiors, and they are therefore more disposed to respect those superiors. They are more disposed to examine, and more capable of seeing through, the interested complaints of faction and sedition...
Página xxiv - The vanity of man, and his insatiable longing after existence, have led him also to dream of a life after death. A being full of contradictions, he is the most wretched of creatures ; since the other creatures have no wants transcending the bounds of their nature. Man is full of desires and wants that reach to infinity, and can never be satisfied. His nature is a lie, uniting the greatest poverty with the greatest pride. Among these so great evils, the best thing God has bestowed on man is the power...
Página 587 - ... that we are free, is given to us in the consciousness of an uncompromising law of duty, in the consciousness of our moral accountability ; and this fact of liberty cannot be redargued on the ground that it is incomprehensible, for the philosophy of the conditioned proves, against the necessitarian, that things there are, which may, nay must be true, of which the understanding is wholly unable to construe to itself the possibility.
Página 99 - But these lead you to believe that the very perception or sensible image is the external object. Do you disclaim this principle, in order to embrace a more rational opinion, that the perceptions are only representations of something external? You here depart from your natural propensities and more obvious sentiments ; and yet are not able to satisfy your reason, which can never find any convincing argument from experience to prove, that the perceptions are connected with any external objects.
Página 180 - Philocophus: or, the Deafe and Dumbe Man's Friend. Exhibiting the Philosophicall verity of that subtile Art, which may inable one with an observant Eie, to Heare what any man speaks by the moving of his lips.
Página 65 - We have here a remarkable conflict between two contradictory opinions, wherein all mankind are engaged. On the one side stand all the vulgar, who are unpractised in philosophical researches, and guided by the uncorrupted primary instincts of nature. On the other side, stand all the Philosophers ancient and modern; every man without exception who reflects. In this division, to my great humiliation, I find myself classed with the vulgar.
Página 64 - The vulgar are firmly persuaded, that the very identical objects which they perceive continue to exist when they do not perceive them ; and are no less firmly persuaded, that when ten men look at the sun or the moon they all see the same individual object.
Página 301 - The former view of a countless multitude of worlds annihilates as it were my importance as an animal creature...