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made in our baptism, we may overcome the chief enemies of our soule, that is, the desires of the world, the pleasures of the flesh, and the suggestions of the wicked spirit; and so after lead our minds in holiness and righteousness, that we may serve him in spirit and truth, and that by our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.


O Almighty and everlasting God, which not onely givest every good and perfect gift, but also increasest those gifts that thou hast given, we most humbly beseech thee, merciful God, to encrease in us the gift of faith, that we may truly believe in thee and in the promises made unto us, and that neither by our negligence nor infirmity of the flesh, nor by grievousness of temptation, neither by the subtill crafts and assaults of the devill, we may be driven from faith in the blood of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Grant unto us, O mercifull God, we most heartily beseech thee, knowledge and true understanding of thy word, that all ignorance expelled, we may know what thy will and pleasure is in all things, and how to doe our duties and truly to walk in our vocation, and that also we may expresse in our lives, of those things that we doe know, that we be not only knowers of thy word, good Lord, but also be workers of the same, by our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


O Almighty God, which hast prepared everlasting life to all those that he thy faithful servants, grant unto us, Lord, sure hopes of the life everlasting, that we being in this miserable world may have some taste and feeling of it in our hearts, and that not by our deserving, but by the merits and deserving of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

O mercifull God, our only aid, succour, and strength at all times, grant unto us, O Lord, that in the time of prosperity we be not proud and so forget thee, but that with our whole heart and strength we may cleave unto thee, and in the time of adversity, that we fall not into infidelity and desperation, but that alwaies with a constant faith, we may call for helpe unto thee. Grant this, O Lord, for our Advocate's sake and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


O almighty and mercifull Lord, which givest unto thy elect people thy Holy Ghost as a sure pledge of thy heavenly kingdom, grant unto us, O Lord, thy holy Spirit, that he may beare witness with our spirit that we be thy children and heires of thy kingdom, and that by the operation of this Spirit we may kill all carnall lusts, unlawfull pleasures, concupiscences, evil affections contrary to thy will, by our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.

The beginning of the
O most gracious and

A prayer for trust in God. The beginning of the fall of man was trust in himselfe. restoring of man was distrust in himselfe and trust in God. most wise guide, our Saviour Christ, which doest lead them the right way to immortall blessedness which truly and unfainedly trusting in thee, commit themselves to thee, grant us that like as we be blind and feeble indeed, so we may take and repute ourselves that we pressume not of ourselves to see to ourselves, but so far to see, that alway we may have thee before our eyes to follow thee, being our guide, to be ready at thy call most obediently, and to commit ourselves wholly unto thee, that thou, which only knowest the way, maiest lead us the same way unto our heavenly desires: to thee with the Father and the Holy Ghost be glory for ever. A prayer against worldly carefulnesse.

O most deare and tender Father, our defender and nourisher, endue us with thy

grace, that we may cast off the great blindnes of our minds and carefulnes of worldly things, and may put our whole study and care in keeping of thy holy law, and that we may labour and travell for our necessities in this life like the birds of the aire and the lilies of the field, without care, for thou hast promised to be carefull for us, and hast commanded that upon thee we should cast all our care, which livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

A prayer against temptation.

O Lord Jesus Christ, the onely stay and defence of our mortall state, our onely hope, our onely salvation, our glory and our triumph, who in the flesh which thou haddest for our only cause taken upon thee, didst suffer thyselfe to be tempted of Satan, and who only and alone of all men didst utterly overcome and vanquish sin, death, the devill, and all the kingdome of hell, and whatsoever thou hast so overcomed, for our behoofe it is that thou hast overcomed it, neither hath it bin thy will to have any of thy servants to keep battel or fight with any of the aforsaid evils, but of purpose to reward us with a crown of the more glory for it; and to the intent that thou mightést likewise overthrow Sathan in thy members, as thou hadst before done in thine own person, give thou, we beseech thee, unto us thy servants, O lion most victorious of the tribe of Judah, strength against the roaring lion which continually wandereth to and fro seeking whom he may devour, Thou being that same serpent, the true giver of health and life, that was nailed on hie upon a tree, give unto us thy silly ones wiliness against the deceitfull awaiting of the most subtil serpent; Thou being a Lamb as white as snow, the vanquisher of Sathan's tyranny, give unto us thy little sheep the strength and vertue of thy Spirit, that being in our own selves weak and feeble, and in thee strong and valiant, we may withstand and overcome all assaults of the devill, so that our ghostly enemy may not glory on us, but being conquered through thee, we may give thanks to thy mercy, which never leavest them destitute that trust in thee, who livest and reignest God for ever. Amen.

¶ A prayer for the obtaining of wisdome.—(Wisd. ix.)

O God of our fathers and Lord of mercy, thou that hast made all things with thy word, and ordained man through thy wisdom, that he should have dominion over the creatures which thou hast made, that he should order the world according to equity and righteousnes, and execute judgment with a true heart, give me wisdome which is ever about thy seate, and put me not out from among thy children, for I thy servant and sonne of thine handmaid, am a feeble person of short time, and too yong to the understanding of thy judgement and lawes: yea, though a man be never so perfect among the children of men, yet, if thy wisdome be not with him, he shall be nothing worth. Oh send thy wisdome out of thy holy heavens, and from the throne of thy Majesty, that she may be with me and labour with me, that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight, for she knoweth and understandeth at things, and she shal conduct me right soberly in thy works, and preserve me in her power, so shall my works be acceptable. Amen.

A Prayer necessary for all Men.

O mercifull God, I, wretched sinner, acknowledge myself bound to keep thy holy commandments, but yet unable to performe them, and to be accepted for just, without the righteousness of Jesus Christ, thy only son, who hath perfectly fulfilled thy law, to justifie all men that believe and trust in him. Therefore grant me grace, I beseech thee, to be occupied in doing of good workes, which thou commandedst in holy Scripture, all the daies of my life to thy glory, and yet to trust only in thy name and in Christ's merits to be purged from my sins, and not in my good works, be they never so many. Give me grace to love thy holy word ferVOL. VI.


vently, to search the Scriptures diligently, to read them humbly, to understand them truly, to live after them effectually. Order my life so, O Lord, that it may be always acceptable unto thee. Give me grace not to rejoice in any thing that displeaseth thee, be they never so contrary to my desires. Teach me so to pray, that my petitions may be graciously heard of thee. Keepe me upright among diversities of opinions and judgments in the world, that I never swerve from thy truth taught in holy Scripture. In prosperity, O Lord, save me, that I wax not proud. In adversity helpe me, that I neither despaire nor blaspheme thy holy name, but taking it patiently, to give thee thanks, and trust to be delivered after thy pleasure. When I happen to fall into sinne through frailty, I beseech thee to worke true repentance in my heart, that I may be sorry without desperation, trust in thy mercy without presumption, that I may amend my life, and become truly religious without hypocrisie, lowly in heart without faining, faithful and trusty without deceit, merry without lightnes, sad without mistrust, sober without slothfulnes, content with mine own, without covetousnes, to tell my neighbor his faults charitably, without dissimulation, to instruct my houshold in thy laws truly, to obey our king and all governours under him unfainedly, to receive all laws and common ordinances which disagree not from thy holy word obediently, to pay every man that which I owe unto him truly, to backebite no man nor slander my neighbor secretly, and to abhore all vice, loving all goodnesse earnestly. O Lord, grant me thus to doe for the glory of thy holy name.

A prayer for patience in trouble:

How hast thou, O Lord, humbled and plucked me down: I dare now unneaths make my prayers unto thee, for thou art angry with me; but not without my deserving. Certainely I have sinned; Lord I confesse it; I will not deny it. But, O my God, pardon my trespasses, release my debts, render now thy grace again unto me, stop my wounds, for I am al to plagued and beaten. Yet, Lord, this notwithstanding, I abide patiently, and give mine attendance on thee, continually waiting for relief at thy hand, and that not without skil, for I have received a token of thy favour and grace towards me, I mean thy word of promise concerning Christ, who for me was offered on the crosse, for a ransom, a sacrifice, and price for my sins; wherefore, according to that thy promise, defend me, Lord, by thy right hand, and give a gracious ear to my requests, for all man's staies are but vain. Beat down, therefore, mine enemies thine own self, with thy power, which art mine only aider and protector, O Lord God Almighty. Amen.

A prayer to be said at the hour of death.

O Lord Jesus, which art the only health of all men living, and the everlasting life of them which die in faith, I, wretched sinner, give and submit myselfe wholly unto thy most blessed will; and being sure that the thing cannot perish which is committed unto thy mercy, willingly now I leave this fraile and wicked flesh, in hope of the resurrection, which in better wise shall restore it me again. I beseech thee, most mercifull Lord Jesus Christ, that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my soule against all temptation, and that thou wilt cover and defend me with the buckler of thy mercy against all the assaults of the devill. I see and acknowledge that there is in myselfe no helpe of salvation, but all my confidence, hope, and trust is in thy most mercifull goodnesse. have no merits nor good works which I may alledge before thee. Of sinnes and evil workes (alas) I see a great heape, but through thy mercy I trust to be in the number of them to whom thou wilt not impute their sinnes, but take and accept me for righteous and just, and to be the inheritor of everlasting life. Thou mercifull Lord wast born for my sake, thou didst suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake, thou didst preach and teach, thou didst

pray and fast for my sake, thou didst all good workes and deeds for my sake, thou sufferedst most grievous paines and torments for my sake; and finally, thou didst give thy most precious body to die, and thy blood to be shed on the crosse, for my sake. Now, most merciful Saviour, let all these things profite me which thou hast freely given me-thou hast given thy selfe for me. Let thy blood cleanse and wash away the spots and fowlnesse of my sinnes. Let thy righteousnesse hide and cover mine unrighteousnesse. Let the merites of thy passion and blood be the satisfaction for my sinnes. Give me, Lord, thy grace that my faith of salvation in thy blood waver not in me, but be ever firme and constant; that the hope of thy mercy and life everlasting never decay in me; that charity wax not cold in me. Finally, that the weaknes of my flesh be not overcome with the feare of death. Grant me, mercifull Saviour, that when death hath shut up the eyes of my body, yet that the eyes of my soule may still beholde and looke upon thee; that when death hath taken away the use of my tongue and speech, yet that my heart may cry and say unto thee, In manus tuas Domine commendo spiritum meum; that is to say, O Lord, into thy hands I give and commit my soule. Domine Jesu accipe spiritum meum, Lord Jesus receive my soule unto thee.



SIR-As you have heretofore shewn your readiness to bring forth out of your treasure things old as well as new, perhaps you will give insertion to the following scraps, picked out of the writings of the Divines of the early part of the 17th century. I confess that to me the flavour of their quaintness is highly agreeable, and the force, and at the same time, justness of their remarks, induce me to admire their talents and venerate their piety. If the following suit your purpose, you can be supplied with much more from the same sources.


A GREAT FOLLY NOT TO PROVIDE FOR HEAVEN. "It is a thing that the Emperor Caligula is laughed at for in all Stories: There was a mighty Navy provided, well Man'd and Victualled; and every one expected, that the whole Country of Greece should have been invaded, and so it might have been but the Emperour had another designe in hand, and employed his Souldiers to gather a company of Cockle-shells, and pebble stones, and so returned home again. Just such another Voyage doth almost every man make here in this world, were the particulars but truly cast up; God hath given us so much time, it may be twenty, thirty, or forty years; it may be but a day or two more: In this time, he hath furnished us with that, which may be a means to conquer Heaven it self: Now if we lay out this little only about wife, or children, or to purchase a little wealth, is not this to spend money for that which is not bread? to labour for that which satisfieth not? Is not this the greatest folly that may be ?" Xyphilinus, House of Mourning.


"The Roman Censors took such a distast at the son of Africanus, for his de

bauched life, that they took a Ring off his finger, in which the image of his father was engraven; because he so much degenerated from his father's excellent parts, they would not suffer him to wear his father's picture in a Ring, whose image he bare not in his minde. Neither will God suffer any to bear his Name, and be accounted His Sons, who bear not His Image, who resemble not His Attributes in their vertues, His Simplicity in their sincerity, His Immutability in their con stancy, His Purity in their chastity, His Goodnesse in their charity, His Justice in their integrity, &c."-D. Featly Sermons.


"There is mention made of two famous Philosophers, falling at variance, Aristippus and Æschines: Aristippus comes to Æschines, Shall we be friends? Yes, with all my heart, saies Eschines. Remember (saith Aristippus) that though I am your elder, yet I sought for peace. True, sajes Eschines; and for this, I will alwaies acknowledge you to be the more worthy man; for I began the strife, and you the peace. This was a Pagan glasse, but may very well serve a great many fiery spirited Christians, to see their blemishes in. How usuall is it now for a man to say, I will be revenged upon such or such a one, he hath done me wrong, I will be even with him and so he may too. But I'l shew him a way how he may be above him. How's that? Forgive him; for by yielding, pardoning, putting up the wrong, he shewes power over his passion, over himselfe, and that's a far greater thing, than to have power over another."-Jerem. Burrough's Heartdivisions.


"The Eagle, before he setteth upon the Hart, rolleth himself in the sand, and then flyeth at the Stagg's head, and by fluttering his wings, so dustyeth his eyes, that he can see nothing, and so striketh him with his talons where he listeth. You may read of an unclean Spirit in the Gospell, which led the possessed man into dry places. Now the sand and the dust, with which this Eagle the Devill filleth his wings, are earthly desires, and sensuall pleasures, wherewith after he hath put out the eyes of the carnall man, he dealeth with him at his pleasure. Mercury could not kill Argus, till he cast him into a sleep, and with an inchanted rod closed his eyes; and the devill cannot hurt any man, till he have lull'd him asleep in security.”—Th. Playfer's Serm.

THE GLORY OF GOD IS TO BE THE AIME OF ALL OUR ACTIONS. "A Friend gives me a Ring, I'le wear it for his sake; a Book, I'le use it for his sake; a Jewell, I'le keep it for his sake; that is, so, as may best expresse my love, and report his goodnesse. And were we truely thankfull to our God, we would then use all his tokens for his sake, do all things to his glory; we would eat our meat to Him, wear our cloaths to Him, spend our strength for Him, live to Him, sleep to Him, die for Him, &c. thus we should do: But alas, we use his blessings, as Jehu did Jehoram's messengers; David, Goliah's sword; we turn them against their Master, and fight against Heaven with that health, wit, wealth, friends, means, and mercies, that we have from thence received."-Rob, Harris's Hezekiah's recovery.

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GLORY IS TO BE GIVEN TO GOD ONELY; AND WHY SO "That workman should do ill, who having built a house with another man's

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