watch-tower waterflood water gate watering troughs waterpot waterspouts watersprings wave breast wave loaves wave offering wayfaring waymarks wayside way side weak handed wedding garment well advised well beloved well favoured well nigh wellpleasing well set wellspring wheat harvest willing hearted winebibber wine cellars winefat wine offerings winepresses winter house winterhouse wise hearted Woe womenservants women singers wonderously wondrous wood offering workfellow water gate watering troughs wave breast wave loaves wave offering wayfaring weak handed wedding garment wellbeloved well favoured well pleasing wine offerings womenservants Ps. cviii. 9. Isa. xxi. 8. Ps. lxix. 15. Neh. iii. 26. watering-troughs Gen. xxx. 38. John iv. 28. water-spouts Ps. xlii. 7. Ps cvii. 35. Lev. vii. 34. wave-loaves wave-loaves Lev. xxiii. 17. wave-offering Exod. xxix. 24. way-faring Judg. xix. 17. way-marks Jer. xxxi. 21. way-side Luke viii 5. way-side 1 Sam. iv. 13. weak-handed 2 Sam. xvii. 2. "The Hebrew word, which is in our English Bible rendered 'The LORD,' is in the Hebrew the High and Holy name of God himself, the most solemn of all words - JEHOVAH. It is a general rule throughout the Old Testament, that, wheresoever the word LORD' is printed in capital letters, it will be found on looking into the Hebrew Bible, that the word there written was JEHOVAH. And for this difference, between the translation and the original work, the following reason is given. The later Jews have a fancy that this name of JEHOVAH is so sacred and aweful, that it could never be spoken, excepting by the High Priest once in a year, without the sin of taking God's name in vain. And accordingly when, at this day, they read the Scriptures in their Synagogues, whenever the word JEHOVAH is used, they say ADONAI, or LORD, in its place. But the learned men, by whom our English Bible was translated, had been instructed in Hebrew by the Jews; and were so far moved by their example, as to feel the same anxiety, with their teachers, to prevent this name from being commonly spoken. Instead, therefore, of writing 'JEHOVAH,' they have written for the most part 'The LORD:' but they have written it in capital letters that the Lord of Heaven and Earth might be distinguished from all His creatures." - Bishop Heber's Sermons, vol. ii. England is the only Protestant country in Europe where the printing of Bibles is a monopoly. For the allowance of the duty on paper used in the printing of Bibles, see PAPER. BILL, with letter founders, a specific proportionate number of types, the datum from which the proportion is estimated being 3,000 lower case ems. A bill of Pica weighs 800 pounds, including italic, which is in the proportion of one tenth of the roman. The term "bill" is not used among printers, although it is by the letter founders; this would be styled by printers, a fount of Pica of eight hundred weight. Smith is, as far as I am aware, the first writer who published the number of each sort that the founders cast to 3,000 ems; and he also made some alterations in the numbers previously cast by the letter founders, " by enlarging the numbers of some sorts, and by lessening the quantity of others," "to try whether a fount of letter would turn out more perfect than it sometimes does." Later writers have copied Smith's numerical list of sorts, as well as his altered numbers, and by copying his words without mentioning his name each of them appears to the public as having suggested an improvement, while, in fact, the founders pay no regard to these proportions, but cast from a scale of their own. The late Earl Stanhope gave another scale of numbers, produced by counting the letters and points to a certain extent in Enfield's Speaker; but as he discarded the ligatures, and added what he called "Logotypes," his numbers are not followed. I do not know on what datum the number of each letter was originally obtained, as cast by the founders; but it is well known in practice that a great number of imperfections are always wanted in a printing office; and from the construction of language it appears there always will be a great number of particular sorts deficient, whatever the proportions may be at first. In proof of this it may be stated, that a new fount of letter shall be cast for the purpose of printing a work; in composing this letter it shall be found that there is a great deficiency of some letters, and a superabundance of others: to bring the whole fount into use, for the purpose of composing as many pages as possible, the deficient sorts are cast, till the proportions answer to each other. When this work is finished, another author's work is to be printed with the same letter: the disproportion is again felt; those which at the first were deficient are now superabundant, and those which were abundant will be deficient; so that the master printer, to keep the whole of his letter in use is obliged to be continually casting those deficiencies and thus enlarging his founts. The disuse of the long s, which took place some years ago, and also of ct, has varied the proportions considerably of the letters composing their combinations, b, h, i, k, l, and t. The following Table shows the old numbers, also Smith's and Earl Stanhope's; those at present cast by the letter founders, I give on the authority of Messrs. Caslon and Livermore. In Lists of Names, Indexes, and similar matter, the number of capitals specified in this Bill would be greatly deficient; as would also be the case with the accented letters for works in the Latin and French languages. The figures and the em and en quadrats would be found very inadequate for table work: in fact, in all these cases it would be imperative to cast additional numbers. Earl Stanhope introduced the following sorts, each in one piece, of which he gives the following numbers to be cast for a fount of the preceding weight: - an, 1,620 - in, 1,731 - of, 1,035 - on, 897 - re, 1,509-se, 1,152-th, 3,024 - to, 1,095. - See LOGOTYPE. His Lordship, in fact, attempted to introduce too many alterations in printing. I had the honour of knowing him for some years, and he frequently described to me his intended improvements: one was, to make the bottom of the boxes in the cases concave, so that the types should always be convenient for the compositor to pick up; another was, to lay four different sized types in the same pair of cases; another, to alter the curve at the top of the f, and discard its ligatures; another, to cast certain Logotypes. Some of these were not improvements in practice; and the others, except they had been generally adopted, would have destroyed uniformity in works that were printed in different houses, in addition to the great expense and inconvenience both to letter founders and printers. In attempting too much, none of his plans were adopted, so far as related to composing. Discarding the long f has also abolished fb, sh, si, sk, si, ss, ssi, st, and has consequently increased the number of the round s, and the connected letters. BILL OF EXCHANGE. See FORGERY. BINDING. In locking-up a form, if the head-stick be longer than the width of the page and the thickness of the back-stick; or the side or foot stick extend beyond the page and the other be a little too long; or any part of the furniture double over some other part, so as to prevent the quoins wedging the matter tight, it is termed Binding: the head-stick binds; the side-sticks bind, &c.-M. BITE. If the frisket is not sufficiently cut away, but covers some part of the form, so that it prints on the frisket, it is called a Bite.-M. It interposes between the form and the paper to be printed on, and prevents the latter receiving the inked impression intended to be transferred to it. A pressman looks carefully over his first sheet to see that all is right, and if there be a bite he cuts it out of the frisket with his scissors; if one should at first escape his eye, it is cut out as soon as it is perceived. BLACK LETTER is the name now applied to the Old English or Modern Gothic character, which was introduced into England about the middle of the fourteenth century, and became the character generally used in manuscript works before the art of printing was publicly practised in Europe. On the application of that art to the multiplying of books, about the middle of the fifteenth century, the Block Books, and, subsequently, those printed with moveable types, were in this letter, to imitate writing, and were disposed off as manuscripts. When the first William Caslon commenced the business of type founding he made great improvements in their shape, and his Gothic or black letter remains unequalled, viewing it as an imitation of ancient writing, the purest shape for the character originally intended for a counterfeit manuscript. I am sorry to see our present founders giving way to a barbarous caprice of fancy, by introducing arbitrary shapes, which were unknown to our ancestors when this character was in general use; for it appears inconsistent to call the following Letters Old English, or Gothic, E, G, I, N, V, Y. The Alphabet. ABCDEFGH I K L PP DPQRSTAWXYZ. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Astle, in his Origin and Progress of Writing, says, "The Modern Gothic, which spread itself all over Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth |