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you, for as a sinewe being cut though it be healed, there wil alwayes remaine a scarre, or as fine lynnen stayned with blacke ynke, though it bee washed never so often, will have an yron Mowle: so the mind once mangled or maymed with love, though it be never so well cured with reason, or cooled by wisedome, yet there wil appeare a scarre, by the which one may gesse the minde hath ben perced, and a blemmish whereby one may judge the heart hath ben stayned.

Refraine from dicing, which was the only cause that Pyreus was striken to the heart, and from dauncing which was the meanes that lost John Baptists heade; I am not he that will disallowe honest recreation, although I detest the abuses, I speake boldely unto you bicause I myself know you: what Athens hath ben, what Athens is, what Athens shal be, I can gesse. Let not every Inne and alehouse in Athens be as it were your chamber, frequent not those ordinary tables wher either for the desire of delicate cates, or the meetinge of youthfull companions, yee both spend your money vainely and your time idly, imitate him in life whom ye [you seeme to] honour for his learning. Aristotle who was never seen in the company of those that idly bestowed their time.

There is nothing more swifter than time, nothing more sweeter: wee have not as Seneca saith little time to live, but we leese muche, neither have we a short life by Nature, but we make it shorter by naughtynesse, our life is long if we know how to use it. Follow Appelles that cunning and wise Painter, which would let no day passe over his head, without a lyne, without some labour. It was pretely sayde of Hesiodas, lette us endeavour by reason to excell beastes, seeinge beasts by nature excell men. . . . Doth not the Lyon for strength, the Turtle for love, the Ante for labour excell man? Doth not the

Eagle see cleerer, the Vulter smel better, the Mowle heare lyghtlyer? Let us therefore endeavour to excell in vertue, seeing in qualyties of ye body we are inferiour to beastes. And heere I am most earnestly to exhort you to modesty in your behaviour, to duetye to your elders, to dylligence in your studyes. . . Frame therefore your lyves to such integritie, your studyes to atteininge of such perfection, that neither the might of the stronge, neyther the mallyce of the weake, neither the swifte reportes of the ignoraunt be able to spotte you wyth dishonestie, or note you of ungodlynesse. The greatest harme that you can doe unto the envious, is to doo well, the greatest corasive that you can give unto the ignoraunte, is to prosper in knowledge, the greatest comforte that you can bestowe on your parents is to lyve well and learne well, the greatest commoditie that you can yeelde unto your Countrey, is with wisedome to bestowe that talent, that by grace was given you.

And here I cannot choose but give you that counsel that an olde man in Naples gave mee most wisely, although I had then neither grace to followe it, neyther will to give eare to it, desiring you not to reject it bicause I did once dispise it. It was this [thus] as I can remember word for word.

Descende into your owne consciences, consider with your selves the great difference between staring and starke blynde, witte and wisedome, love and lust: Be merry but with modestie, be sober but not too sullen: be valiaunt, but not too venterous: let your attire be comely, but not too costly your dyet wholesome, but not excessive: use pastime as the word importeth, to passe ye time in honest recreation mistrust no man without cause, neither be ye credulous without proofe: be not lyght to follow every mans opinion, neither obstinate to stand in your owne con


ceipts serve God, feare God, love God, and God will blesse you, as either your hearts can wish, or your friends desire.

This was his grave and godly advise, whose counsel I would have you all to follow.


(A. D. 1561-1626.)

FRANCIS BACON, who received the title of Baron Verulam in 1618, and that of Viscount St. Albans in 1621, but who is commonly called Lord Bacon, was born in London in 1561. His father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, who held the great seal of England during the first twenty years of the reign of Elizabeth. He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, and at Gray's Inn; was attached for a time to the English embassy in France; was admitted to the bar in 1582; entered Parliament two years later; became solicitor-general in 1607, attorney-general in 1613, lord-keeper (his father's office) in 1617, and lord chancellor in 1618. He was removed from the latter office, on a charge of receiving bribes, in 1621. His great work, on method in scientific investigation, the "Novum Organum," was published in 1620. His "Essays," which are the most popular of his writings, had first appeared more than twenty years previously.

Macaulay's estimate of Bacon, in his famous essay reviewing Montagu's edition of Bacon's works, commends itself to most minds as just. Of his genius and his philosophy he says: "What we most admire is the vast capacity of that intellect which, without effort, takes in at once all the domains of science - all the past, the present, and the future, all the errors of two thousand years, all the encouraging signs of the passing times, all the bright hopes of the coming age. Cowley, who was among the most ardent, and not among the least discerning followers of the new philosophy, has, in one of his finest poems, compared Bacon to Moses standing on Mount Pisgah. It is to Bacon, we think, as he appears in the first book of the Novum Organum,' that the comparison applies with peculiar felicity. There we see the great law-giver looking round from his lonely elevation on an infinite expanse; behind him a wilderness of dreary sands and bitter

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waters in which successive generations have sojourned, always moving, yet never advancing, reaping no harvest and building no abiding city; before him a goodly land, promise, a land flowing with milk and honey. multitude below saw only the flat, sterile desert in which they had so long wandered, bounded on every side by a near horizon, or diversified only by some deceitful mirage, he was gazing, from a far higher stand, on a far lovelier country following with his eye the long course of fertilizing rivers, through ample pastures, and under the bridges of great capitals measuring the distances of marts and havens, and portioning out all those wealthy regions from Dan to Beersheba.' But on the character of Lord Bacon, the grave judgment pronounced by Macaulay is as follows: "The moral qualities of Bacon were not of a high order. We do not say that he was a bad man. He was not inhuman or tyrannical. He bore with meekness his high civil honors, and the far higher honors gained by his intellect. He was very seldom, if ever, provoked into treating any person with malignity and insolence. No man more readily held up the left cheek to those who had smitten the right. No man was more expert at the soft answer which turneth away wrath. He was never accused of intemperance in his pleasures. His even temper, his flowing courtesy, the general respectability of his demeanor, made a favorable impression on those who saw him in situations which do not severely try the principles. His faults were — we write it with pain — coldness of heart and meanness of spirit. He seems to have been incapable of feeling strong affection, of facing great dangers, of making great sacrifices. His desires were set on things below."


(From "The Advancement of Learning," book viii.)

The things necessary for the acquisition of fortune, are neither fewer nor less difficult nor lighter than those to obtain virtue; and it is as hard and severe a thing to be a true politician, as to be truly moral. But the handling

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