Imágenes de páginas


Cryptogams in General.

Cohn (Ferdinand, Editor). Kryptogamen - Flora von Schlesien. Erst

er Band.

Breslau: J. U. Kern's Verlag.

[Nature, XVI., 543, 544.]

[blocks in formation]


Ferns of North America. By Professor Daniel Part I. Published by S. E. Cassino, Natural(Price, $1 00.)

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XV., 72, 223.]

Smith (John). Historia Filicum: an Exposition of the Nature, Num

ber, and Organography of Ferns, etc. rator of the Royal Gardens, Kew, etc. Re-issued 1877. (12mo, 429 pp.)

By John Smith, A.L.S., ex-CuLondon: Macmillan & Co. 1875.

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XV., 222.]
[Am. Nat., XVII., 43.]

Brefeld (Oscar).


Botanische Untersuchungen über Schimmelpilze. Theil III. Basidiomycetes. Von Dr. Oscar Brefeld. Leipzig. 1877. (4to, over 200 pp.)

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XV., 153–155.]

Britten (James). Popular British Fungi: Containing Descriptions and Histories of the Principal Fungi, both Edible and Poisonous, of our Country. Illustrated. By James Britten, F.L.S. London: The Bazaar Office. 1877.

[blocks in formation]

Farlow (W. G. F.). Algae Exsiccatæ America Borealis. Curantibus W. G. F. Farlow, C. L. Anderson, D. C. Eaton, Editæ. Fasciculus I. Bostoniæ. 1877.


Burbidge (F. W.). Cultivated Plants; their Propagation and Improvement. By F. W. Burbidge. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. 1877.

[Nature, XVI., 160.]

Burbidge (F. W.). Horticulture. By F. W. Burbidge. With Illustrations. London: E. Stanford.

[Nature, XVII., 142.]


Mueller (Baron F. von). Select Plants Readily Eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalization in Victoria; with Indications of their Native Countries and some of their Uses. By Baron F. von Mueller, C.M.G., F.R.S., etc. Melbourne: McCarron, Bird, & Co. 1877.

[Nature, XVI., 100.]


Lavalée (Alph.). Arboretum Segrezianum. Énumeration des arbres et arbrisseaux cultivés à Segrez. Par Alph. Lavalée. Paris: J. B. Baillière et Fils. 1877.

[Am. Nat., XII., 121, 122.]


Grand' Eury (Cyrille). Flore Carbonifère du Département de la Loire et du Centre de la France. Par Cyrille Grand' Eury, Ingénieur à St.-Étienne. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

[Nature, XVI., 138.]

Heer (Oswald). Flora Fossilis Arctica. Die Fossile Flora der Polarländer. Von Dr. Oswald Heer. Vierter Band. Mit 65 Tafeln. Zurich: J. Wurster & Comp. 1877. (4to.)

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XIII., 320.]

Lesquereux (Leo). Contributions to the Fossil Flora of the Western Territories. Part II. The Tertiary Flora.

ington: Government Printing-office. 1877. graphic Plates.)

By Leo Lesquereux. Wash(4to, 336 pp. and 65 Litho

(Department of the Interior. Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Volume X.)

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XV., 219.]



Brehm (A. E.). Brehm's Thierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Thierreiches. Grosse Ausgabe. Zweite umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Erste Abtheilung. Säugethiere. Von Dr. A. E. Brehm. Erster [und Zweiter] Band. Leipzig: Verlag des bibliographischen Instituts. 1876. (8vo.) [Am. Nat., XI., 557, 619.]

[Nature, XVII., 41-43.]


Die Insekten Tausendfüssler und Spinnen. Von Dr. E. L. Mit 227 Abbildungen im Text und 21 Tafeln von Emil Schmidt. Leipzig: Verlag des bibliographischen Instituts. 1877. [Am. Nat., XII., 116–118.]

[Nature, XVII., 41-43.]

Bronn's (Dr. H. G.) Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreiches. Sechster Band. Amphibien. Fortgesetzt von C. K. Hoffmann. Leipzig: C. F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung. 1877. (8vo.)

Duncan (P. Martin). Cassell's New Natural History. Edited by P. Martin Duncan, M.B. (Lond.), F.R.S. Vol. I. London, Paris, and New York: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin. 1877. (8vo.)

[Nature, XVII., 365–367.]

Gervais (P.). Éléments de Zoologie. Vertèbres Ovipares et Animaux sans Vertèbres. Édition mise en rapport avec les programmes officiels pour l'enseignement sécondaire spécial, et contenant 330 figures intercalies dans le texte (2e année). 2e édition. Paris: Hachette et Cie. (12mo.)

Gervais (P.). Cours élémentaire d'Histoire Naturelle, contenant les matières indiquées par les programmes officiels du 23 Juillet, 1874, pour l'enseignement de l'histoire naturelle dans les classes de lettres. Illustrée de 240 gravures intercalies dans le texte. Paris: Hachette et Cie. (18mo.)

Leuckart (Rudolph) and H. Nitsche. Zoologische Wandtafeln. Von Dr. R. Leuckart und Dr. H. Nitsche. Erste Lieferung, Tafel I.-III. Cassel. 1877.

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XIV., 426, 500.]

Pagenstecher (H. Alex.). Allgemeine Zoologie oder Grundgesetze des thierischen Baus und Lebens. 2. Theil, mit 206 eingedr. Holzschn. Berlin: Wiegandt, Hempel, & Parey.

Schmarda (Ludw. K.). Zoologie. 2. umgearb. Aufl. 1. Band, mit 324 eingedr. Holzschn. Wien: Braumüller.


Lankester (Edwin). The Uses of Animals to Man. London. 1877. [H. S. G., No. 147, p. 67.]

Noguès (A. F.). Traité de Zoologie appliquée à l'agriculture, à l'industrie, au commerce, et à tous les arts technologiques. Par A. F. Noguès. Paris: G. Masson. 1876. (8vo, 4 vols. Price, 15 fr.)

Simmonds (P. L.). Animal Products. cial Uses, and Value. By P. L. Simmonds.

Their Preparation, Commer-
Published for the Committee

of Council on Education by Chapman & Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1877. (8vo, xx, 416 pp. ; illustrated.)

(South Kensington Museum Science Hand-books. Bethnal Green.)


Branch Museum,

Aveling (Edward B.). Physiological Tables for the Use of Students. Compiled by Edward B. Aveling, D.Sc., F.L.S. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co.

[Nature, XVII., 5. Condemnatory.]

Foster (Michael). A Text-book of Physiology. By M. Foster, M. A., M.D., F.R.S., Prælector of Physiology, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. London: Macmillan & Co. 1877. (8vo, 559 pp.)

[Am. Nat., XII., 177, 178.]

[Nature, XVI., 79.]

[Popular (The) Science Monthly, X., 756.]


Wallace (Alfred Russel). The Geographical Distribution of Animals, with Study of the Relations of Living and Extinct Faunas as Elucidating the Past Changes of the Earth's Surface. By Alfred Russel Wallace. In Two Volumes. With Maps and Illustrations. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1876. (8vo, 503, 607 pp. Price, $10 00.)

[Am. Nat., XI., 232.]

[Nation (The), XXV., 27–29, 42, 43.]


Maynard (C. J.). The Naturalist's Guide in Collecting and Preserving Objects of Natural-History, with a Complete Catalogue of the Birds of Eastern Massachusetts. By C. J. Maynard. With Illustrations by E. L.Weeks. Salem: The Naturalist's Agency. 1877. (12mo, 170 pp. Price, $2 00.) [Am. Nat., XI., 238.]


Huxley (Thomas H.). A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. By Thomas H. Huxley, LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. Churchill. 1877. (16mo, viii., 698 pp.)

[Nature, XVI., 517, 518.]

Semper (C.). Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der gegliederten Thiere. III. Strobilation und Segmentation. Ein Versuch zur Feststellung specieller Homologien zwischen Vertebraten-Anneliden und Arthropoden. Von C. Semper. (Arbeiten aus dem Zoologisch - Zootomischen Institut in Wurzburg. Bd. III., Hefte 2, 3.) (8vo, 289 pp., 11 Plates.)

[Am. Nat., XI., 359.]


Hyatt (Alpheus). Revision of North American Porifera. With Remarks upon Foreign Species. Part II. Boston. May 28, 1877. (Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. II., Part IV., No. 5. 4to, 73 pp., 3 Carbon Photographs.)

[Am. Nat., XI., 560.]


Agassiz (Alexander). North American Star-fishes. Vol. V., No. 1, of the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. By Alexander Agassiz. Cambridge. June, 1877. (4to, 137 pp., with 20 Plates.) [Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XIV., 73.]


Economical Entomology.

Murray (Andrew). Economic Entomology. By Andrew Murray, F.L.S. Aptera. Prepared at the request of the Lords of the Committee

of Council on Education, and published for them by Chapman & Hall, 193 Piccadilly. London. 1877. (8vo, xxiii., 433 pp. ; illustrated.)

(South Kensington Museum Science Hand-books.)

[Am. Nat., XI., 482.]

Riley (Charles V.). Ninth Annual Report on the Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects of the State of Missouri. By Charles V. Riley, State Entomologist. Jefferson City. 1877. (8vo, 130 pp.)

Riley (Charles V.). Potato Pests. Being an Illustrated Account of the Colorado Potato Beetle and the other Insect Foes of the Potato in North America. With Suggestions for their Repression and Methods for their Destruction. By Charles V. Riley. New York. 1877. (8vo.)

[Popular (The) Science Monthly, XII., 373, 374.]

Thomas (Cyrus). Sixth Report of the State Entomologist on the

Noxious and Beneficial Insects of the State of Illinois. The first Biennial Report. By Cyrus Thomas, Ph.D. Springfield, Ill. 1877. (8vo, 180 pp.) [Am. Nat., XII., 120.]

United States. Bulletins of the United States Entomological Commission. Nos. 1 and 2. Washington: Government Printing-office. [Popular (The) Science Monthly, XII., 370.]

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XIV, 74.]



Riley (Charles V.). The Locust Plague in the United States. By C. V. Riley, M.A., Ph.D. With numerous Illustrations and Colored Maps. Chicago: Rand, McNally, & Co. 1877. (8vo, 236 pp. Price, $1 25.) [Popular (The) Science Monthly, XII., 113.]


Fairmaire (L.). Faune élémentaire des Coléoptères de France, contenant la Déscription des genres et des espèces que se recontrent le plus fréquemment en France. 4ième édition, revue et augmentée de Tableaux synoptiques et de la Déscription d'un grand nombre d'espèces. Paris Degrolle fils. (326 pp. et 10 pl. 18.)

Gemminger (Max) and B. von Herold. Catalogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Auctoribus Dr. Max Gemminger et B. von Harold. Tomus XII. München: Verlag von Theodor Ackermann. 1877. (8vo.)

Le Conte (John L.) and George H. Horn. The Rhynchophora of America north of Mexico. By John L. Le Conte, assisted by George H. Horn. (8vo, 456 pp., constituting Vol. XV. [December, 1876].)

[Am. Journ. S. and A. (3), XIII., 242.]


Hoffmann (Jul.). Der Schmetterlingssammler: Beschreibung und

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