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C. G. W.

Not even the enlargement of this number of the Literary World to thirty-six pages, nearly double its usual size, has made room for all the material it ought to have contained. For the displacement of the usual editorial matter by the Whittier Tribute no apology, of course, is needed; but other departments are alike abridged, valuable matter already in type is crowded out altogether, and notices of new novels, of many holiday books, and a variety of other publications have got no further than manuscript. Oh, for a fortnightly issue!

The extracts printed in another column by
no means exhaust the poetic riches of the De-
cember magazines. Mr. Longfellow's "Kera-
mos," in Harper's, is his most considerable recent
production, and a much more notable work of
verse than anything which has reached the pub-
lic through the periodicals this long time. Its
glorification of "old china" will greatly delight
a now rapidly growing taste, and the fine illus-
trations which accompany it adopt it at once to
everybody's liking. St. Nicholas turns out sev-
eral little bits of verse which are quite remark-
able as being the work of two little sisters,
Elaine and Dora Goodale, thirteen and ten years
old respectively, whose home is among the Berk-
shire hills in Western Massachusetts. It would
have been, perhaps, an appropriate conjunction
of precocities if we had invited upon these
poems the critical judgment of the young lady of
not yet seven years who dictated the notices of
"Books for Boys and Girls" for our last number!
Other articles in the December magazines of
special interest for our readers are as follows:
"The Metropolitan Newspaper." W. H.
"The Cosmogony of Paradise Lost.""
E. S. Nadal,

"Miss Alcott." F. B. Sanborn,
"A Study of Keats." R. H. Stoddard,
"Recallings from a Pub.ic Life."

Dale Owen,


"Ouida's' Novels." T. S. Perry,
"Folk-lore of the Southern Negroes."

William Owens,

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number has commanded wide attention as being The Two Lilies, only a short time since.
by far the fullest ever published in that form, so
far as known to our readers. It was defective,
however, by reason of many omissions and some
errors, and we have a supplementary list in
preparation. We shall be obliged to any of our
friends who will forward additions or corrections.

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The statue to John Stuart Mill, erected by
subscription on the part of his friends on the
Thames Embankment, near to the London
School Board offices, is about to be unveiled.
There will be no formal ceremonies.

- Mr. Murray, of Boston, in his Golden Rule, and Mr. Swing, of Chicago, in his Alliance, are spurring on their steeds to new endeavors, and we begin to watch with considerable interest to see which racer will come out ahead. Each paper announces an increased staff, an enlarged scope, new features, and, in general, a purpose of distancing all the other family religious papers in the country. The two cities, as centers of great thinking populations, can certainly support two such enterprises, and we expect to see each one going on succeeding in its own way.

-Such of our readers as are fond of noting literary coincidences may like to compare with the Mr. J. H. Ingram, now in London, claims to third of the three "wittiest Boston sayings” as rehave come recently into possession of a hither-ferred to by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Litto unknown romance by Edgar A. Poe. The erary World, vol. viii, pp. 68, 82) this remark from Journal of Julius Rodman is its name, and its Miss Phelps's new story:

subject an imaginary first passage across the
Rocky Mountains by civilized man.

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Mr. Richard H. Dana's participation in the Whittier Tribute is peculiarly gratifying. He reached his own ninetieth birthday on the 15th of November, "the second born of the first generation of American authors," as an article in the Tribune fittingly designates him.

Miss Blanche Howard, the author of those popular books, One Summer and One Year Abroad, was born and educated in Bangor, Maine, but we will not presume to divulge her age except by saying that she is young. If the reader were to look at her photograph he would see a woman of fine personal appearance, tall and queenly in her bearing.

"The consciousness of clean linen is in and of itself a source of moral strength only second to that of a clean conscience."

This is that same sentiment in a new form, and we shall begin to think that there must be a fundamental truth behind it.

-The war between Appletons' and Johnson's Cyclopedias has come to the point of an explicit challenge from the publishers of the latter to the publishers of the former to submit the two works to a tribunal of critics, impartially constituted, who shall take their own course of examination, and render a verdict upon their disputed comparative merits. The challengers offer to pay the entire cost of the examination and to publish the result, provided the result is against them, and further to make a gift of $500 to the Children's Aid Society; but provided the result is in their favor to require nothing of the Appletons.

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- It is pleasant to know of the success of some new editions of standard works. Hurd & Houghton's Bacon and British Poets are selling fast, the former having already reached a third edition; and the demand for T. Y. Crowell's cheap edition of the latter is greater than he can supply. Large orders for it have come in, es-ration of a general index to universal literature. pecially from the South and West, where it is Mr. Justin Winsor seems to have been the moving spirit at the Congress. certain to have a wide circulation.

Of a number of new ventures announced in journalism the most promising is Sunday Afternoon, a monthly religious magazine of a practical Harper's. rather than theological sort, to be published by Edward F. Merriam, of Springfield, under the

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Dr. J. G. Holland is reported to be at work - A valued subscriber, in remitting his sub- upon a new poem. Mrs. Mary B. Dodge has scription, sends two dollars instead of one, pleas- sailed for Europe, where she will spend the antly saying: "One can hardly send a silver winter, mostly in Paris.—Mr. Julian Hawthorne's half-dollar by mail, and $2.00 a year would be a new daughter has received the name of Gwendo

York has been the arrival from England of Mr. The event in the literary circles of New of Hebrew-English descent, and forty-three years Benjamin Leopold Farjeon. Mr. Farje on, who is old, has made a sudden reputation by his stories of Grif, Joshua Marvel, Blade o' Grass, Lon

don's Heart, and Bread and Cheese and Kisses. To the average American he comes strongly commended, by reason of having lately married a daughter of Joseph Jefferson, the actor. It is understood to be his purpose to make his home in America for some time to come. To him and his father-in-law, the latter better known as "Rip Van Winkle," the Lotos Club gave a cordial welcome the other evening.

- Mr. Bayard Taylor's recent "German Literature" tures on

course of lecwas one of the best and most successful of the many excellent courses Boston owes to the Lowell Institute. His evident mastery of the subject, his large and minute familiarity with the characteristic styles and representative authors of the different epochs in German letters, the admirable mingling of biography, history, and criticism in his treatment of the great writers, and the remarkable skill shown in his translations, gave to the lectures an authentic value and positive interest quite unusual. Mr. Taylor's manner was wholly in keeping with the thorough excellence of his lectures. No rhetorical or oratorical tricks were used to entrap the audience into applause. The whole was scholarly, manly and sincere; and the most respectful and admiring attention was paid by an intelligent audience, which was large from the first, and at last crowded the hall to its utmost capacity.


The Whittier Tribute.

I SHOULD love to pay a tribute to our dear and Mr. Bancroft is as vigorous as many men of good friend in the fashion you propose, if I half his age. His habits are regular, studious, could find the words worthy to stand beside in the Winter-kindles his own grate fire, takes methodical. He rises early-at about 5 o'clock those that will come to you. But this is just a cup of coffee, and works. He has taken upon where I must fail you; and, after thanking him many of the habits of the student men of you for the kindly thought, beg to be left out the old world, and performs much of his labor before the day of modern political men begins. not in the cold, but in the silence with the gentle The afternoon he spends in taking his "constiand tender thoughts a million like myself nour-tutional" exercise. In the evening he either reish for the man who has done so much to help ceives his friends, or attends the reception of and bless the world he lives in. some distinguished person.-Tribune.



-The first meeting of the Goethe club was made interesting by a reception to William Cullen Bryant. The occasion was a brilliant one in every respect. The Kurtz Gallery, in which it was held, was filled to overflowing by a select audience, composed very largely of authors, journalists, clergymen, literary people, artists and other well-known people. The venerable poet sat modestly behind a bank of flowers, his snowy beard and locks contrasting finely with these variegated colors. The address of welcome was pronounced by W. R. Alger, and was a peculiarly fitting and felicitous effort. Mr. Bryant responded very happily, representing himself as an antiquity, cherished and gazed at and adThe following contributions reach us too late for inser-mired a good deal as people value and look at tion in the proper place, the pages containing the Whittier the relics of Troy and the jewels found in the Tribute being already printed. They are not too late, how-tomb of Agamemnon. But after all it was not a great misfortune, and he wished his friends ever, we are sure, to blend with the general accord. might become antiquities of the same kind. Then the company formed a line and shook the hand of the venerable poet, who seemed to enjoy the occasion hugely, and whose face blossomed in a smile of benignant good nature. New York Letter to the Springfield Republican.

Master! Let stronger lips than these
Turn melody to harmony,
Poet! Mine tremble as they crave

A word alone with thee.

Thy songs melt on the vibrant air,

The wild birds know them, and the wind,
The common light hath claim on them,
The common heart and mind.

And air, and light, and wind, shall be
Thy fellow-singers, while they say
How seventy years of music stir
The common pulse to-day.

Hush, sweetest songs!

Mine ears are deaf

To all of ye save only one.
Blind are the eyes that turn the leaf
Against the Autumn sun.

Oh, blinder once were fading eyes,
Fast folded now from shine and rain,
And duller were the dying ears

That heard the chosen strain.

Stay, solemn chant! 'Tis mine to sing
Your notes alone below the breath.
'Tis mine to bless the poet who
Can bless the hour of death.

For once a spirit "sighed for home,"

A "longed-for light whereby to see,"
And, "wearied," found the way to them,
O Christian seer, through thee!
Passed with thy words on paling lips,
Passed- with thy courage to depart.
Passed with thy trust within the soul,
Thy music in the heart.

Oh, calm above our restlessness,

And rich beyond our dreaming, yet
In Heaven, I know, one owes to thee
A glad and grateful debt.

From it may learn some tenderer art,
May find and take some better way
Than all our tenderest and best,
To crown thy life to-day.


- Dr. Holmes writes only in the morning. He devotes about three hours a day to literary work. He is like Scott in the regularity of his literary vigils. He is at present engaged on a memento of Motley, the historian, not a great undertaking, but a brief presentation of facts and opinions. He does not go into society, and rarely dines out, except with the Saturday club. One week recently he surprised himself by accepting three invitations to dine out in the space of six days, but they were each of them extraordinary occasions. Boston Herald.

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The thickness of books may be inferred from the number of pages.]

ART PUBLICATIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. CHRISTMASTIDE. Containing Four Famous Poems by Favorite American Poets. With Illustrations. James R. $5.00. Osgood & Co. L. thin.

EXCELSIOR. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. With Illustrations. James R. Osgood & Co. L. thin. $1.50. BABY BELL. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich. With Illustra$1.50. tions. James R. Osgood & Co. L. thin. Illustrations. James R. Osgood & Co. L. thin. THE RIVER PATH. By John Greenleaf Whittier. With $1.50. THE ROSE. By James Russell Lowell. With Illustrations. James R. Osgood & Co. L. thin. $1.50. CONTEMPORARY ART IN EUROPE. By S. G. W. Benja

Longfellow's Salute to Tennyson is a literary incident of the first importance, and in England, especially, will cause a rallying stir and movement in opposed literary camps, a buckling on of armor among the critics, and a poising of quills in rest, especially by the champions of Browning and the still newer school. Longfel-min. With Illustrations. Harper & Brothers. L. pp. 165. $3.50. low, by right of his venerated position as the eldest living English-speaking poet of the peo-ks of Thomas Faed. ple, and still more popularly read in England Full Descriptions and a Sketch of the Life of the Artist. even than Tennyson, comes in courtliest state to James R. Osgood & Co. Ext. L., pp. 67. perform a duty of honor. . . . There is something of defiance and challenge in the deed, and the succeeding allusion to the "howling dervishes of song" does not leave its purpose doubtful. — Boston Transcript.

Reproduced in Heliotype with

THE FAED GALLERY. A Series of the most Renowned

$10.00. ABIDE WITH ME. By Henry Francis Lyte. With Designs by L. B. Humphrey. Engraved by John Andrew and Son. Lee & Shepard. Sq. M. $2.00.

ESOP'S FABLES. Illustrated by Ernest Griset. With Text Based Chiefly upon Croxall, La Fontaine and L'Estrange. Revised and Rewritten by J. B. Rundell. Lee & $3.50. Shepard. Sq. L., pp. 246.

BALLADS OF BRAVERY. Edited by George M. Baker.


With Forty Full-page Illustrations. Lee & Shepard Sq.
LPP. 174.
THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL. Essays on Beds and Tables,
Stools and Candlesticks. By Clarence Cook. Scribner,
Armstrong & Co. L., pp. 336.

-The life of Richard Henry Dana has a special interest for all Americans, from the circumstance that it includes the entire literary history of the nation, not excepting Barlow's "Vision of Columbus," which appeared about the time of his birth. He has seen the whole achievement, of which he is an honored part. His own contribution to it is none the less important, because so unobtrusively made. He has never been one of those who attach themselves to the struct-With Tables of Factory and Artists' Marks for the Use of POTTERY AND PORCELAIN of All Times and Nations. ure as a flying buttress, or seek to shoot aloft as Collectors. By William C. Prime, LL. D. Harper & an ornate and conspicuous pinnacle; but when Brothers. L., pp. 531. we examine the foundations, we shall find his chisel-mark on many of the most enduring blocks.-Tribune.

-Stedman's new volume of poems gets nothing but praise, and golden praise, too. He is one of the few of our writers who have the capacity of admiration, and his noble poem on Hawthorne and the fine memorial tribute to Greeley show the soundness of his heart and the sweetness of his spirit, and the genuine nobility of a nature which has no room for jealousy or envy, or even sourness in it. It is a great pity that such a fine mind as Stedman's, in such a delicate body as it is held in, should be forced to grind in such a hard mill to meet the daily needs of life.-New York Letter to the Springfield Republican.

THE BOOK OF GOLD, and Other Poems. By John Townsend Trowbridge. With Illustrations. Harper & Brothers. $2.50. L., pp. 81.


THE GATHERING OF THE LILIES. Illustrated by the Author, L. Clarkson. Colored Plates and Lithographic Etching. J. L. Sibole & Co. [Philadelphia.] Ext. L. $4.00. THE FLOOD OF YEARS. By William Cullen Bryant. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Sq. M., pp. 32. Cloth. $3.00.

OUTLINES OF THE HISTORY OF ART. By Dr. Wm. Lübke. A New Translation from the Seventh German Edition. Edited by Clarence Cook. In Two Volumes. Fully Illustrated. Volume I. Dodd, Mead & Co. Ext. L., pp. 571. $7.00.

HOLIDAY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. MILTIADES PETERKIN PAUL. His Adventures. By John Brownjohn. With Illustrations by L. Hopkins. D. Loth

rop & Co. L. Sq., thin.

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ON A PINCUSHION. And Other Fairy Tales. By Mary De Morgan. With Illustrations by William De Morgan. E. P. Dutton & Co. L. Sq., pp. 228. $1.50. CAPTAIN FRITZ. His Friends and Adventures. By Emily Huntington Miller. E. P. Dutton & Co. L. Sq., pp. 128. $1.50. CORAL AND CHRISTIAN; or the Children's Pilgrim's Progress. By Lillie E. Barr. W. B. Mucklow. [New York.] M. Sq., pp. 109.

THE JIMMYJOHNS; and Other Stories. Diaz. Illustrated. James R. Osgood &



By Mrs. A. M.
Co. 16 mo. pp.

$1.50. for Boys Vol. IV. L., pp. $4.00. SLICES OF MOTHER GOOSE. By Alice Parkman. Served with Sauce by Champ, and Offered to the Public by Lockwood, Brooks & Co. Loose Sheets in an Envelope. L. 75C.

ST. NICHOLAS: Scribner's Illustrated Magazine and Girls. Conducted by Mary Mapes Dodge. Nov. 1876 to 1877. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. 832.

REAL BOYS AND GIRLS. By Mary C. Bartlett. Lockwood, Brooks & Co. S., pp. 189. $1.00.

ONE HAPPY WINTER; or a Visit to Florida. By Mrs. S. S. Robbins. Lockwood, Brooks & Co. M., pp. 240. $1.25. THE CEDARS; More of Child Life. By Ellis Gray. Lockwood, Brooks & Co. M., pp. 297. $1.25. ALL AROUND A PALETTE. By Lizzie W. Champney. Illustrated by J. Wells Champney. M., pp. 314. $1.50. GOLD AND GILT; or Maybee's Puzzle. From the Golden Texts.

By Archie Fell. Henry Hoyt. M., pp. 424. PLUS AND MINUS; or the Briaridge Platform. By Archie Fell. Henry Hoyt. M., pp. 404.

EACH AND ALL; or How the Seven Little Sisters Prove their Sisterhood. A Companion to "The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball that Floats in the Air." By Jane Andrews. Lee & Shepard. M., pp. 159. $1.25. FOREST GLEN; or the Mohawk's Friendship. By Elijah Kellogg. Illustrated. [Forest Glen Series.] Lee & Shepard. M., pp. 335. $1.25.

CHILD MARIAN ABROAD. By Wm. M. F. Round. Illus. Lee & Shepard. M., pp. 158. $1.25. HIS OWN MASTER. By J. T. Trowbridge. Illus. Lee & Shepard. M., pp. 305. $1.00.


JUST HIS LUCK. Lee & Shepard. M., pp. 335. PHIL, ROB, AND LOUIS; or Haps and Mishaps of Three Average Boys. By Mary S. Deering. Dresser, McLellan & Co. [Portland.] M., pp. 182. $1.25. BEING A BOY. By Charles Dudley Warner. Illustrated by "Champ." James R. Osgood & Co. M., pp. 244. $1.50.

By H. R. Linderman. G. P. Putnam's Sons. M., pp. 173.

Same Species. By Charles Darwin, M. A., F. R. S. With
Illustrations. D. Appleton & Co. M., pp. 352. $2.00.
THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD, According to Revelation and
Science. By J. W. Dawson, LL. D., etc., etc. Harper &
Brothers. M., pp. 438.
Lockwood, Brooks & Co. M., pp. 335.
FUR-BEARING ANIMALS; a Monograph of North Ameri-
can Mustelidæ, etc. By Elliott Coues. Illustrated with
Sixty Figures on Twenty Plates. Government Printing Of-
fice. L., pp. 348.

of the U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories. F. V.
Hayden, U. S. Geologist in Charge. Volume XI. By El-
liott Coues and Joel Asaph Allen. Government Printing
Office. Ext. L., pp. 1091.

Schools. By M. E. Thalheimer. Van Antwerp, Bragg &
Co. [Cincinnati.] M., pp. 355.

ECCE REGNUM; or An Inquiry into the Nature and a Revelation of the Glory of the Kingdom of God, According to the Scriptures. W. B. Mucklow. Sq. M., pp. 234. $1.25.

EREMA; or My Father's Sin. A Novel.
Blackmore. Harper & Brothers. L., pp. 177.

By R. D.
Paper. 50c.
A SONG AND A SIGH. By Rose Porter. Anson D. F.
Randolph & Co. M., pp. 283.
LIL, "Fair, Fair, with Golden Hair;" or Kilcoran. By
the Hon. Mrs. Featherstonehaugh. [Star Series.] J. B.
Lippincott & Co. S., pp. 238.

THAT WIFE OF MINE. By the Author of " That Husband of MINE." Lee & Shepard. 16m0., pp. 228. $1.00. THE CROSS Above the CRESCENT. A Romance of Constantinople. By the Rt. Rev. Horatio Southgate, D. D. J. B. Lippincott & Co. M., pp. 359. $1.50.

WHAT A BOY! What Shall We Do With Him? What

Will He Do With Himself? Who is to Blame for the Con-
sequences? By Julia A. Willis. J. B. Lippincott & Co.
M., pp. 362. Paper.

Harper & Brothers. L., pp. 155. Paper.
WHAT HE COST HER. A Novel. By James Payn.

40C. DOUBLEDAY'S CHILDREN. By Dutton Cook. G. P. Put$1.25.

NEW IRELAND. By A. M. Sullivan. J. B. Lippincottnam's Sons. M., pp. 430. & Co. L., pp. 532.


THE TWO CIRCUITS. A Story of Illinois Life. By J. L. AMONG THE TURKS. By Cyrus Hamlin. Robert Carter Crane. Jansen, McClurg & Co. M., pp. 502. & Brothers. M., pp. 378. REBECCA; or a Woman's Secret. By Mrs. Caroline Fairfield Corbin. Jansen, McClurg & Co. M., pp. 389. $1.50.

$1.50. A De

UPPER EGYypt. Its People and its Products.
scriptive Account of the Manners, Customs, Superstitions
and Occupations of the People of the Nile Valley, the Des-
ert, and the Red Sea Coast, with Sketches of the Natural
History and Geology. By C. B. Klunzinger, M. D. With
a Prefatory Note by Dr. Georg Schweinfurth. Scribner,
Armstrong & Co. L., pp. 408.


much Enlarged Edition. Including all the most Important
Discoveries up to the Time of Publication. With Twenty-
four Explanatory Plates, Giving Maps, Plans, Elevations
and Sections. By Piazzi Smyth, F. R. S. S., F. R. A.
S. Daldy, Isbister & Co. [London.] George Routledge
& Sons. M., pp. 626.

ESSAYS, SKETCHES, ETC. SUBSTANCE AND SHOW, and Other Lectures. By Thomas Starr King. Edited, with an Introduction, by Edwin P. Whipple. James R. Osgood & Co. M., pp. 434. $2.00. ATLAS ESSAYS. No. 3. Labor. The Republic. A. S. Barnes & Co. L., pp. 183. $1.00. A WOMAN'S THOUGHTS ABOUT WOMEN. By Miss Mulock. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. M., pp. 309. $1.00. ABOUT OLD STORY-TELLERS. Of How and When They ECHOES FROM MIST-LAND; or the Nibelungen Lay ReLived, and What Stories They Told. By Donald G. Mitch-vealed to Lovers of Romance and Chivalry. By Auber ell. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. Illus. Sq. M., pp. 237. Forestier. S. C. Griggs & Co. M., pp. 218. $1.50. $2.00. TALES OF ANCIENT GREECE. By the Rev. G. W. Cox, $2.00. THE CREED OF CHRISTENDOM. Its Foundations Contrasted with its Superstructure. By William Rathborn Grey. With a New Introduction. Fifth Edition. Two Volumes. [English and Foreign Philosophical Library, James R. Osgood & Co. M., Vol. I. pp. CXIV, 154; Vol. II, pp. 281. $5.00.


A GREAT EMERGENCY, and Other Tales. By Juliana M. A. Third Edition. Jansen, McClurg & Co. M., pp. Horatia Ewing. Roberts Brothers. M., pp. 284. $1.25. 372. JOLLY GOOD TIMES AT SCHOOL. Also Some Times not Quite so Jolly. By P. Thorne. Roberts Brothers. M., $1.25. pp. 281. TOM. A Home Story. By George L. Chaney. Roberts Brothers. M., pp. 279. $1.25. AUNT Jo's SCRAP BAG. My Girls, etc. By Louisa M. Alcott. Roberts Brothers. M., pp. 228. $1.00.

OUT DOORS AT LONG LOOK. A Book for Boys and Girls.
By Edward Abbott. [The Long Look Books.] Noyes,
Snow & Co. M., pp. 154.
WONDER-WORLD. Stories from the Chinese, French, Ger-
man, Hebrew, Hindoostanee, Hungarian, Irish, Italian,
Japanese, Russian, Swedish, and Turkish. Collected and
Arranged by Marie Pabke and Margery Deane. G. P. Put-
nam's Sons. M., pp. 292.


By Louise Creighton. With Maps and Plans.
Creighton. With Portrait and Maps. Pp. 270.- LIFE OF
SIMON DE MONTFORT, Earl of Leicester. By M. Creighton,
M. A. With Maps. Pp. 226. E. P. Dutton & Co. Each
MEMOIRS OF Carlo GoldoNI. Translated from the Orig-
inal French, by John Black. With an Essay by William D.
Howells. James R. Osgood & Co. S., pp. 428.


LIFE OF EDWARD NORRIS KIRK, D. D. By David O. Mears, A. M. Lockwood, Brooks & Co. L., pp. 432. $3.00. THE NEW ENGLAND MINISTRY SIXTY YEARS AGO. The Memoir of John Woodbridge, D. D. His method of Work: His Great Success in Powerful Revivals, in High Moral and Educational Influences; His Theological Views, and the Theological Controversies of his Time, Beginning with the "New Departure" of Stoddard. By Rev. Sereno D. Clark. Lee & Shepard. M., pp. 473


DURER. Artist Biographies. J. R. Osgood & Co. S., pp. 158. 50c.


THE FINAL PHILOSOPHY; or System of Perfectible Knowledge Issuing from the Harmony of Science and Religion. By Charles Woodruff Shields, D. D. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. L., pp. 609.

$3.00. POLITICAL SCIENCE; or, The State Theoretically and Practically Considered. By Theodore D. Woolsey, Lately President of Yale College. Two Volumes. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. Vol. I. pp. 585. Vol 11, pp. 626. L. $7.00.

THE AMOURS OF PHILLIPPE. A History of Phillippe's
Love Affairs. By Octave Feuillet. Translated by Mary
Neal Sherwood. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. M., pp. 252.
DOLLY. A Love Story. By Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Porter & Coates. M., pp. 319.
THE QUEEN OF SHEBA. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. James
R. Osgood & Co. M., pp. 270.
META HOLDENIS. By Victor Cherbuliez. [Collection of
Foreign Authors.] D. Appleton & Co. M., pp. 211.


Pa50c. SOUCI. A Novel. By Mrs. J. H. Twells. J. B Lippincott & Co. M., pp. 334. $1.50. DITA. By Lady Margaret Majendie. [Leisure Hour Series.] Henry Holt & Co. M., pp. 260.


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POETRY. THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BUrns. Three Volumes in One. M., pp. li, 300. 311, $1.75. PEGASUS RE-SADDLED. By H. Cholmondeley Pennell. With Ten Illustrations by Du Maurier. J. B. Lippincott & Co. L. Sq., pp. 120.

$2.00. AT THE COURT OF KING EDWIN. A Drama. By William Leighton, Jr. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 16m0, pp. 157. $1.25. and Edited by Bostwick Hawley, D. D. Wm. B. MuckBEAUTIES OF REV. GEORGE HERBERT, A. M. Compiled low. M., pp. 120. $1.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CARICATURE and Other COMIC ART. In All Times and Many Lands. By James Parton. With 203 Illustrations. L., pp. 340. $5.00. A TREATISE ON THE INSPIRATION OF THE HOLY SCRIP-ited by Mrs. Oliphant.] By Col. E. B. Hamly, C. B. J. VOLTAIRE. [Foreign Classics for English Readers. EdTURES. By Charles Elliott, D. D. T. & T. Clark. [Edin- B. Lippincott & Co. M., pp. 204. $1.00. burgh.] L., pp. 283. $3.00. MUSIC IN THE HOUSE. By John Hullah, LL. D. [Art at Home SERIES.] Porter & Coates. M., pp. 79.

FAITH AND PHILOSOPHY. Discourses and Essays by Henry B. Smith, D. D., LL. D. Edited wirh an Introductory Notice by Geo. L. Prentiss, D. D. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. L., pp. 496.


First Century to the Dawn of the Lutheran Era. By the
Rev. George Matheson. Two Volumes. T. & T. Clark. THE SAD FORTUNES OF THE REV. AMOS BARTON. By
[Edinburgh.] L., pp. 375, 400.
$10.50. George Eliot. Pp. 123. MR. GILFIL'S LOVE STORY. By
P. Fisher, D. D. Scribner, Armstrong & Co. L., PP. 591. MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. By Eugene Lawrence. Pp. 125.
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