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proposition made to pray to God. [Now for the present I do not know where this poor man is; this is the misfortune of this Nation, which I verily believe has descended from Cain, or from some other wanderer like him.]



Brébeuf's two letters to the general of the order, here given, were both sent from Ihonatiria,— one without date, but bearing internal evidence of having been written in 1636, and the other dated May 20, 1637. The original manuscripts are in Latin, and preserved in the MSS. Soc. Jes. In 1858, Father Martin made copies thereof, and his apographs are now in the Archives of St. Mary's College, at Montreal; we follow the text of the Latin apographs, in the present issue, and our English translation is made therefrom. This is, so far as we are aware, the first publication of the letters in the language in which they were written.

Martin's French translations of his apographs are given in Carayon's Première Mission, pp. 163-166, and 157-162 respectively. Through a clerical error, Carayon gives 1638 (instead of 1636) as the date of our Doc. XXVII., thus throwing them out of true chronological sequence; we restore them to their proper places.


The Relation of 1637 (Rouen, 1638) is, for convenience, styled Le Jeune's; but like many others of the series, it is a composite. The book contains three sections: the first (pp. 1-313) consisting of 309 pp., is Le Jeune's own Relation, as superior, dated on

board the ship Sainte Marie at Cap Rouge, August 31, 1637, and addressed to the provincial of the Jesuits, for the province of France; following this (pp. 314-336), is a letter of 23 pp., from Le Jeune to the provincial, dated Sept. 11, evidently sent in the same ship with the Relation, as a postscript; the third section, of 256 pp., separate pagination, is the annual Huron Relation, rendered to Le Jeune,- this time, signed by François Joseph le Mercier, and dated at Ihonattiria, June 21, 1637. Owing to the fact that Le Jeune's two contributions are continuously paged, they are classed by bibliographers as together constituting Part I. of the Relation of 1637; and the separately-paged Huron report as Part II. thereof.


For the text of this document, we have had recourse to the original printed Relation (first issue), in Lenox Library, which is usually designated as "H. 67," because described in Harrisse's Notes, no. 67. Collation (H. 67): Title, with verso blank, I leaf; Extraict du Priuilege du Roy" (dated Paris, Feb. 5, 1638), p. (1); "Approbation" by the provincial (dated Paris, Jan. 22, 1638), p. (1); "Table des Chapitres," pp. (2); introductory letter, Le Jeune to the provincial, pp. (4); text by Le Jeune (15 chaps.), pp. 1-313; "Dernière lettre dv P. Paul le Ieune," pp. 314-336; text by Le Mercier (Huron Relation, 7 chaps.), pp. 1–256 (separate pagination).— A folding wood-engraving, representing fireworks, appears between pp. 18 and 19 of Part I.

Peculiarities: The pagination is, in places, erratic: In Part I., p. 14 is mispaged 13; p. 182, mispaged 128; there are no pp. 193–196 in this part, signature "M" ending with p. 192, and signature "N" beginning with p. 197. The copy in Harvard College has p.

167 mispaged as 168, though in both issues in the Lenox Library the pagination, in this respect, is correct. In Part II. (the Huron Relation), p. 170 is mispaged 172. There are several errors in page references, in the Table des Chapitres, which will be found corrected within brackets, in the present issue. Signature "A" begins with p. 1 of the text - the preliminary matter is made up of the title, plus sig. “a” in four. Although Parts I. and II. are separately paged, the signatures of the volume form a continuous series, Part II. beginning with "Aa."

Harrisse's Notes (no. 68), and the Lenox Catalogue (p. 5) describe what is called a second issue. The title-page of the example in the Lenox Library is an entire reset; it reads line-for-line like H. 67, down to the ornament; in the place of the one reproduced in our facsimile, H. 68 presents " the monogram of Christ, surrounded by rays of light. The remainder of the title of the second issue is as follows:

A ROVEN, | Chez IEAN LE BOVLENGER. | Et fe vendent à Paris, | Chez PIERRE DE BRESCHE, ruë S. Eftienne des Grecs à l'Image Sainct Iofeph. | M. DC. XXXVIII. | AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. |

Harrisse declares that the differences in title-page, between H. 67 and H. 68, are the only ones discoverable. The errors in pagination, both in Table and text, are identical; but we have discovered two typographical differences, in Part I., which are slight, but interesting: On p. 300, line 21, the word tra cts, in H. 67, appears with the "i" dropped out, while in H. 68 the defect is remedied to read traicts; on p. 304, last line, the longt-emps of H. 67 becomes long-temps in H. 68. Possibly other changes might be found, upon a line-for-line comparison. Harrisse

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