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sic agit fructus suos sed in labore, vigiliis, ærumnis et patientia. Evellendum diu, serendum diu et postea metetur: Licet nunc initio flentes et gementes mittamus semina tandem aliquando venientes veniemus cum exultatione portantes manipulos nostros.

Patres cum quibus versor sunt P. Fr. Mercier, P. Pet. Pijart, P. Pet. Chastellain, P. Car. Garnier et P. Isaac Jogues. hi sunt omnino insignes operarii qui cum zelo ardente animarum orationem, et unionem cum Deo egregie conjungunt. Unoque aut altero demum anno tantos progressus fecerunt in lingua licet adhuc inculta et nondum bene ad artem reducta ut sane mirum sit, adeo pertinax est oium eorum studium, quanquam in eo genere primus mihi fore videatur P. Car. Garnier. Quæ cum ita sint quid non bene de Domini bonitate sentientes speremus et expectemus amplam animarum messem

P. V. servus humill. et filius obedientiss. in Chr. JOA. DE BREBEUF. J. Ex residentia S. Josephi apud Hurones in pago Ihonatiria 20 mai 1637.

Ab eo tempore quo hæc scripta sunt nova illa residentia, quam dixi Conceptionis plane extructa est, nosque ibi cœpimus habitare eo die qui sanctis martyribus Primo et Feliciano sacer est nempe 9 Juni. [mirum?] est quanta cum pagi totius benevolentia et applausu excepti fuimus. Præterea die sacro sanctæ Trinitati sacro baptismo abluimus idque solemni ritu

afterwards comes the reaping. Although now, in the beginning, we sow the seed with tears and sighs, yet some day "venientes veniemus cum exultatione portantes manipulos nostros."

The Fathers with whom I am associated are Father François Mercier, Father Pierre Pijart, Father Pierre Chastellain, Father Charles Garnier, and Father Isaac Jogues. These are in every way extraordinary workers, who in an unusual manner combine eloquence and union with God with a burning zeal for souls. So persistent and studious are they all, that in only one or two years they have gained a truly wonderful proficiency in a language still rude and not reduced to grammatical rules; however, in this regard Father Charles Garnier ranks first, I think. Since matters stand thus, why should we not, assured of the goodness of God, look forward with hope to a bounteous harvest of souls?

Your Paternity's most humble servant and obedient son in Christ,


From the residence of St. Joseph, among the Hurons, in the village of Ihonatiria. May 20, 1637.

Since the time of writing the above, the new residence of the Conception, which I mentioned, has been finished; and we began to live there on the day sacred to the holy martyrs Primus and Felicianus — that is, June 9th. It is [wonderful] with what good will and applause of the whole village we were received. Later, on the day sacred to the holy Trinity, we purified by holy baptism, and that with solemn ceremony, a man aged fifty years, from whom we en

hominem quinquaginta jam annos natum ex quo venimus in spem ampliorem [sc. amplioris] in posterum frugem [sc. frugis]. nam et bene omnino instructus est et diu probatus. famam magnamque auctoritatem et existimationem [habet] et primus est qui sanus et adultus baptizatus fuerit. atque adeo ejus exemplo jam aliqui nos convenerunt instanter rogantes ut eos baptizaremus.

Ibidem ad R. S. Josephi 16 junii.

tertain hopes of great results in the future; for he is in all respects well instructed and long proved. He is of great repute, influence, and esteem the first adult man baptized in health; and, indeed, through his example some have already come and urgently entreated that we should baptize them.

Also at the Residence of St. Joseph, June 16.

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