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aliisq. divendant. Non sunt adeo barbari quin optimo sensu et judicio naturali pr[a]editi sint, atque adeo fere omnes. Quod spectat ad nostræ fidei mysteria quanquam illis sint auditu plane nova tamen, ea [sc. eis] non contradicunt, non irrident, [ea] non spernunt, imo potius mirantur, laudant, approbant ut [sc. at] non longe sibi anteponant. Una tantummodo omnium responsio est. talem non habemus consuetudinem, vester orbis alius est a nostro, qui Deus vestrum produxit, non nostrum, inquiunt, produxit. Denique pravæ eorum consuetudines laqueis Satanæ irretitos adhuc eos detinent. Multi sane lubentes Deum colunt quem annuntiamus, verum cum antiquarum superstitionum occasio sese denuo offert, ægre abstinent. Inter cætera quibus moventur cruciatu inferni perterientur [sc. perterrentur] et deliciis illecti paradisi oculos veritatis luci aperiunt. Abhinc 2 annis quibus huc removimus 90 et amplius baptismo abluimus. Ex his aliqui tum adulti tum pueri cœlum jam, ut credimus vel speramus, adierunt. horum precibus et exemplis plures alios pertrahendos arbitramur; aiunt enim parentes adhuc superstites nolle se pueros deserere et quo inier inieruirt [sc. illi inierint] se etiam post mortem ituros. Tres omnino patres ex Societate nostra anno præcedente hic morati sumus. hoc vero anno quinque. Magna omnium pace uti [sc. usi] sumus, sanitate vero tam integra ut pene barbaris miraculo sit, persuadeatque Deum quem colimus esse optimum qui suorum

ment; and this is true of almost all of them. As for the mysteries of our faith, although these are entirely new to their ears, they yet do not gainsay them, or mock or scorn them; nay, rather they wonder, praise, and approve, though without keeping them long before their minds. They all have but one answer "Such is not our custom; your world is different from ours; the God who created yours," they say, "did not create ours." In short, caught in Satan's snares, their evil habits still hold them back. Many, it is true, gladly worship the God whom we preach; but when opportunity for their old superstitions again arises, they scarcely abstain therefrom. Among other things that move them, they are frightened by the torment of hell; and, enticed by the joys of paradise, they open their eyes to the light of truth. Since we came here, 2 years ago, we have baptized more than 90. Of this number, some, both adults and children, have already gone to heaven, as we believe, or at least hope. We believe that many others must be allured by the prayers and examples of these. For parents yet surviving say that they do not wish to be separated from their children, and that where these have gone, they too will go after death. Only three fathers of our Society were here last year, but this year there are five. We have enjoyed great peace with all men, and health so complete that it is almost a miracle to the savages, and convinces them that the God whom we worship, and who exercises so great care over his own, is the best-especially since hardly one of the savages escaped last year the infection of a certain plague, by which very many were destroyed. Two of the Fathers who are here, Father Antoine Daniel and

tantam curam gerat, maxime cum anno superiori nemo pene barbarorum nescio cujus contagionis afflatum effugerit, plurimique ab ea extincti sint. Duo ex Patribus qui hic sunt, Kebecum, ut puto, sunt repetituri, Pater scilicet Ant. Doneil [sc. Daniel] et P. Ambr. Davost. selectos aliquot adolescentes Hurones eo deducunt ad seminarii jacienda initia. 2 aut 3 alios in eorum locum expectamus petimusq. etiam alios in annum subsequentem. Operariis enim non paucis nunc opus est non quidem ad metendum, Sed ad serendum, vel potius ad linguam ediscendam ut verbum Dei [serere] possint; linguam enim si non collerent [sc. callent] non sererent tantum abest at mitere [sc. ut metere] posseri[n]t. Calleo ego istam linguam suffic[i]enter. cæteri vero qui hic sunt, valde in ea proficiunt. Inter cætera ornamenta quibus fulgere debet hujus missionis operarius, mansuetudo et patientia primas partes tenere debe[n]t. et nunquam hic ager feret fructus nisi in suavitate et patientia. Neque enim violenter aut imperio unquam cogi posse sperandum est. Omnes sane

quotquot hic sunt enixe ad perfectionem contendunt, ego unus ut mihi videor magno meo præjudicio languor [sc. langueo].

[ocr errors]

La [sc. Ex] residentia S. Josephi apud Hurones Canadiæ populos in vico Ihonatiria.

V. P. servus humill. filiusq.

obedientiss. in Xto.


Father Ambroise Davost, are to go back to Kebec, I believe, and take with them some picked young men of the Hurons, to make the beginning of a seminary. We expect 2 or 3 other Fathers in their place, and request still others for the following year. For now there is need of laborers not a few-not indeed to reap, but to sow, or rather to learn the language, that the word of God may be sown. For, if they are not versed in the language, they cannot sow, much less reap. I have tolerable skill in that language, but the others who are here are very proficient therein. Among the other jewels with which the laborer in this mission ought to shine, gentleness and patience must hold the first rank; and never will this field produce fruit except through mildness and patience; for one should never expect to force it by violent and arbitrary action. All, surely, who are here are zealously striving towards perfection; I alone, as it seems to me, am feeble, to my own great disadvantage.

From the residence of St. Joseph, among the Hurons, Canadian peoples, at the village of Ihonatiria. Your Paternity's most humble serv

ant, and obedient son in Christ,


Epistola P. Joannis de Brébeuf ad A. R. P. Mutium Vitelleschi, Præpositum Generalem



Societatis Jesu, Romæ.



Scripsi anno superiore ad P. V. de statu Huronum apud quos agimus, de eorum moribus et de spe inde aliquando colligendi alicujus fructus animaPræterea existimo ad eam missas fuisse binas relationes annorum superiorum ex quibus potuit plane cognoscere ea oia quæ ad nos spectant sicut etiam ex illa quam nunc mittimus. Dicam igitur P: Væ duo hoc anno accidisse quæ aliquando [sc. aliquantum] cursum evangelii retardarunt. Primum fuit lues et contagio nescio qua[e] quæ abhinc octo mensibus pervasit aliquot pagos et ex qua plurimi interierunt. Ita etiam egit nobiscum divina providentia ut hujus calamitatis non immunes essemus. Imo pene a nobis incœpit aut saltem eodem tempore nos afflixit quo barbaros afflixi[t]. Ex sex sacerdotibus qui hic agimus et quatuor domesticis qui tunc erant nobiscum, septem uno eodemq. tempore vidimus lectulo affixos et morti proximos. Eadem divina bonitas pristinam omnibus sanitatem viresque restituit in quibus etiam nunc perseverant. At nostri Hurones

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