Moves our free course by such fixed cause 80 85 V. "Thy secret keep, I urge thee not; - Bewildered in the mountain-game, 90 95 100 85. Lure. Enticement; that which invites by the prospect of advantage or pleasure. -93. Muster. Gathering. - 94. Pennons. Flags or streamers. 95. Doune. Note, Canto V., line 492. Whence the bold boast by which you show Who, in the Regent's court and sight, Yet this alone might from his part VI. 105 110 Wrathful at such arraignment foul, Dark lowered the clansman's sable scowl. A space he paused, then sternly said, "And heardst thou why he drew his blade? 115 Heardst thou that shameful word and blow Brought Roderick's vengeance on his foe? What recked the Chieftain if he stood On Highland heath or Holy-Rood? He rights such wrong where it is given, If it were in the court of heaven." "Still was it outrage; - yet, 'tis true, Not then claimed sovereignty his due; While Albany with feeble hand Held borrowed truncheon of command, The young King, mewed in Stirling tower, Was stranger to respect and power. 120 125 112. Arraignment. Accusation. -113. Lowered. Frowned. 119. Holy Rood. Note, Canto II., line 221. 124. Albany. John Stewart, Duke of Albany, was regent or ruler during the minority of the king.-125. Truncheon. Staff. - 126. Mewed. Imprisoned. 127. Stranger to respect and power. There is scarcely a more dis But then, thy Chieftain's robber life! - VII. The Gael beheld him grim the while, orderly period in Scottish history than that which succeeded the battle of Flodden, and occupied the minority of James V. Feuds of ancient standing broke out like old wounds, and every quarrel among the independent nobility, which occurred daily, and almost hourly, gave rise to fresh bloodshed. Scotт. I give you shelter in my breast, VIII. Answered Fitz-James: "And, if I sought, 155 160 165 170 156. Pent. Shut up. -161. Shock. A pile of sheaves or bundles of grain.-163. Maze. Winding course. 169. Seek other cause 'gainst Roderick Dhu. So far, indeed, was a Creagh, or foray, from being held disgraceful, that a young chief was always expected to show his talents for command, so soon as he assumed it, by leading his clan on a successful enterprise of this nature, either against a neighboring sept, for which constant feuds usually furnished an apology, or against the Saxons, or Lowlanders, for which no apology was necessary. The Gael, great traditional historians, never forgot that the Lowlands had, at some remote period, been the property of their Celtic forefathers, which furnished an ample vindication of all the ravages that they could make on the unfortunate districts which lay within their reach. Scott. 173. Ambuscade. A concealed place where troops lie hidden. "As of a meed to rashness due: 175 But secret path marks secret foe. 180 Save to fulfil an augury." "Well, let it pass; nor will I now Fresh cause of enmity avow, To chafe thy mood and cloud thy brow. 185 190 For love-lorn swain in lady's bower This rebel Chieftain and his band!" IX. "Have then thy wish!" - He whistled shrill, From crag to crag the signal flew. Bonnets and spears and bended bows; 195 200 198. Curlew. Wading-bird frequenting the sea-shore in winter and the mountains in summer. |