39 Entered, according to Act of Congress, by J. C. DERBY, in the Clerk's Office of the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, in the year of our. Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. Whose Beauty, unlike that of other Mothers, increases with Her Years, and Her Strength with the Number of Her Children. Prefatory. NEITHER Preface nor Apology is necessary to introduce to the American public a volume so thoroughly American in subject and in sentiment, and so purely a product of American talent and genius as this, which we proudly hand to the American reader. Having culled our bouquet from among the choicest flowers of native Eloquence and Poetry, we lay the Patriotic Offering upon the altar of American Liberty, believing that the incense thereof will prove a "sweet-smelling savor" in the nostrils of all who love the aroma of their NATIVE LAND. NEW YORK, October, 1854. THE EDITOR. |